Poems of the New Time Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 01 Written: 2007-2013 Book language: English - translated Origin language: German Contains: 51 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview (1) Number Title 01. The real dream 02. The butterfly in the wind 03. Like all flowers 04. Insight 05. In the heart of mother nature 06. Always again 07. Young Souls 08. The path to destination 09. Materialism of heaven 10. Here and now 11. Material wealth 12. My friend 13. The way 14. Carousel of madness 15. The leading 16. Ode to the loneliness 17. The loneliness in the communality 18. Alcohol you bitter evil spirit 19. Roulette of Life 20. I'll be waiting! 21. All-round teaching 22. The Phoenix rises up 23. Creative power of thoughts 24. Money is reigning! 25. Timeless tones 26. Now or never Overview (2) Number Title 27. Everywhere lies! 28. Fantastic Journey 29. Love 30. Confused ghost 31. Freedom of thought 32. My new best friend 33. The biggest whore of all 34. Love awakens! 35. The true power 36. Sometimes I wish... 37. In the spirit 38. Wordless love 39. A new star on heaven's tent 40. A wish for you 41. Confused... 42. Change of feelings 43. Dancing 44. Words in full depth 45. A world so beautiful 46. Paths of love 47. Changes 48. Path of Truth 49. A fork far from all understanding 50. At the end comes the strength 51. The last fight --------------------------------------------------------- The "real dream" I want to live all my dreams! I want to take and give. It's a wise and mature spirit, which shows me the way towards purpose. You just have to feel open. And dig deeper inside of you! Do not do anything while you have concerns, fate will give you luck. In the end, the brightest light appears. Some see it, but many don't. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- The butterfly in the wind I open my eyes but I do not see anything. Everything is so dark, not a hint of a light! I strive myself, with all courage. What am I doing here - is it doing well to me? Suddenly I fall down and glide off elegantly, Above me, I see now a magnificent cocoon. I only feel joyfulness and happiness. Glorious perfection, piece by piece. My beauty radiates like thousand suns, because my new journey has begun! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2007 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Like all flowers Like all blooming flowers in spring, I also like to flourish at this time. But this year I will bloom more. I will unfold my whole splendor. And send all the other flowers in the shadows. Because I am one of the most beautiful flowers of all. I am a white rose in a field of mixed flowers. Now, I have finally grow large enough to surpass all. So everyone can admire my thriving beauty... (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2008 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Insight Honesty and love bring you true happiness, Did you understand it, there is no way back! You create the true world inside of you, there is the real wealth and also all the money. The truth will follow you from now on, everytime It guides you, from high-ups from the clouds. All evil will face this force, and in the end, get shattered in full glory. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2008 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- In the heart of mother nature I walk to a beautiful blue lake. The ground below me is covered with green clover. And take a look over there in the small clearing, there grows a 4-leaved clover, such a rare sighting. Now I lie fully relaxed beside this calm lake, nothing hurts my excited spirit now any longer. I am lying still and I am thinking I ponder and directing. Around me, I watch at the beauty of nature, It affects my tender soul - just like a cure. Nothing can stress me at this moment any more. Everything that once was so important is now like forgotten. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2010 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Always again A new day, he is born. The last one, I have lost now. In the beginning he is full of hope and so wonderful. Until he's whispering to me; today, it will not be so great. And immediately I'm worried again. What shall I do now, what shall I do tomorrow? I thought it would become easier with time, and I would be ready some day too. But again and again I drive in this circle of misfortune. With every new circle my face is coloring chalky. No savior, no help from my point of view, does this mean a way out do not exist? Now rise your dull look upwards, and for all your misfortunes let yourself be praised. Not one repetition was in vain, because it is "the journey" of your life! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Young souls... Young in spirit, mature in body. The behavior, it is still stiff. Unreasonable and also stubborn, it's going through a tough cure. Grief and suffering, make it ready for luck. Learning more and more. Loads the head like a gun. In the end, stands a mature spirit, which shows you your purpose. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2010 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The path to destination To know no path does not mean to search no destination. Finding a path does not mean "having no destination". To have the path does not mean to know of "no destination". To know of the path does not mean "to know the destination". Knowing the path does not mean "reaching the destination"! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2008 or ~2009 | Published: 03.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Materialism of heaven After many years I am finally ready. I feel; my time is coming now. Nothing can hold me here any longer, nothing will split my mind again. I want to go up, and right far beyond. Break boundaries, get out of the house. My fears, they are gone a long time ago, They have gone to a distant place. Now all power can awake in me now I can finally laugh into the face of evil! Because God's love is what me leads now, and in the end also chooses me as the victor. (Written by KiBLS) Written: ~2008 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Here and now A day may affect the week. But the week also the day. An hour can create your day. But the day also the hour. Every minute can shorten the hour. But the hour also the minute. A small moment can change your life. But your life can also change the moment! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2008 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Material wealth I could… ... eat and drink as much as I want every day. ... carefree and enjoy my life in peace. ... buy me the most beautiful and expensive things. ... communicate with the most sublime and noble people in the world. But it is always good ... ... to be sated and not to know about hunger? ... just to feel happiness and not to know about pain? ... to have everything you want and not to know about wishes? ... only to see the success and not to know about poverty? Only he becomes good who knows both and calls all truth without lies! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: 13.09.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- My friend Only with one in a lifetime I would build shit. Only to this one I would entrust everything! This person means so much to me, because we're not just pursuing "one" shared target. No power in the world can ever divide us, now and for all times. Here and now, forever and for all time, I swear if you need me, I'm ready! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2007 | Published: 07.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The way The road is dark and uneven, but I feel a pleasant warmth. I feel the warmth of a light from afar. I follow this warmth, I follow her far beyond... And so I wandered on and on, continue on a path without a target seems to have no other target than the light. Where will lead me this light? It shows me a brightly lit corner and invites me to stay. It's nice here! I feel comfortable here. The light is warm and gives life. But curiosity is driving me on. Continue to the next bright corner. The road leads again through the darkness. I feel only the warmth of the light... The next corner is much nicer than the last. But the darkness was much deeper than before. My curiosity keeps me going. On and on. I am exploring beautiful corners. I stay at many for a while and rejoice in them. I will now continue slowly. But the illuminated corners become less. And the road is getting darker and longer. The warmth of the light is becoming weaker. Have I lost my way? It is so gloomy. Am I wrong here? Should I repent? Back there were so beautiful corners, I distinctly remember them all! And yet I walked on and on. Hoping to find the most beautiful corner shortly, I'm driven slowly. Hoping not be long to dwell in the dark, I let myself be guided. Forward to the light. Forward to my destination. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2007 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Carousel of Madness Everything familiar repeats itself. Old things are just new polarized. Just a few see the big lie. Even less understand it. Right acting is still difficult. Because many do not remember anymore. But the time of cognition is approaching. Everyone helps the other on his path. Until all ways intersect again, and together we avoid all dark paths. You do not need much to understand. It is one humanity and one destination! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2010 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- The leading The journey begins with the first step. Go, I will accompany you a bit. I'll show you the right way, it leads along a narrow footbridge. Do you trust me that I'll protect you? In problems and suffering be always a profit to you. Stride on! I'll go with you. In good and also in bad times. Nobody will ever dare to smash your narrow ways. Noble, strong, and full sublime it is paved with all gifts. I'll show you the true and real world. I'll show it to you in full splendor and without money. Unimaginable, you say. Close your eyes and take a look! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Ode to loneliness Oh my faithful friend where we stand today. I have see it coming for a long time! With you by my hand, I moved all over the country. I saw things that excited me, and I did things that moved others. But no matter where we were together and now stand. It's time for you to go, now! You have always been there and remain faithful to me forever. But now go, you loneliness .... I experience everything new. Not that I did not find in you what I was looking for, but it's not like I thought, the end. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2011 | Published: 13.09.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The loneliness in the communality Today we are leaving together, It goes in the direction of heaven, up and up. A retreat has long been out of the question, because we are no longer the "master of the situation"! Together we face the world, She wants to bring us down, back to the old life. None of our old rules will apply, because I know now the most beautiful of all worlds! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2010 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Alcohol you bitter evil spirit Alcohol, you bitter spirit, You show everyone his limits. At the beginning well under control and still tender, you show everyone a heavy path. Who follows the hard road, knows how to suffer really in life. Sorrow, suffering and a lot of pain, can burn inside the body like 1000 candles. How much more can a person endure? What the human being still has to risk? He should find true love, no more squirming in the pain. He must understand this desire, he wants to go not further toward the abyss. And only at the end when it is too late, you'll see how close he is to the abyss. Travel with Him and give Him power. May the good spirit succeed this time. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: 2019 Back to the overview --------------------------------------------------------- Roulette of life You are in me and I am in you! And just together we create the "here". Everything together results in the whole, It ripens and thrives, from seed to plant. Like a young bird just as born recently, and now hovering the first time in direction Earth. It's also like a big game if you risk something, you win a lot! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2011 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- I'll be waiting! Together we hike on many paths, towards true happiness and enlightenment. Without seeing the goal in front of our eyes, we'll try to comprehend it. Just surrender to this strong compulsion, and wander along the path with me. Together we will discover the way, Awakening true love in us together. You feel well in my arms, you forgive me for stealing your love. In our hearts the same fire is burning. Can you feel the flames? Are they at ease with you? Don't be afraid, because we are not alone. You are mine and I am yours eternally. Don't leave me and show me loyalty, that I will enjoy you my whole life. And if we have accomplished it then, the strongest power reveals itself to us. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: 03.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- All Around Teaching Last night I was in paradise. I felt so good, not bad at all. Then I saw a bright light, I walked towards it, but I didn't touch it. Suddenly everything was like in a beautiful dream, I flew like a bird, from tree to tree. Then I jumped leisurely from branch to branch, cause I didn't feel any haste. Dangers did not exist there, and I always got back on my feet. But I didn't think of a cat, and finally jumped right in her face. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2010 | Published: 03.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The Phoenix rises up He rises from the old ashes. His wings are strong and broad, His gaze is undimmed and sharp. Imposingly he is rising into the air. His beats blow away the old ash, and make room for new. His screams are blood curdling. His will is unyielding. He created new from the Old. He sacrificed himself to the fire, to once again to rise from his ashes. He cleaned himself. The knowledge and the truth are his vices. He sees where other people do not see. He feels, where other people do not feel. He helps where other people do not help. He reaches out for others again into the depths. The heat and the flames do not bother him, he burns again, suffers and dies... Until the Phoenix rises again from its ashes, in order to climb higher than ever before only to fall more deeply than anyone else... (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2008 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Creative power of thoughts Wherever I go, there is no darkness. Because I create the light! Wherever I go, there is no pain. Because I create happiness! Wherever I go, there is no hatred. Because I create love! Wherever I go, there's no nothingness. Because I create "everything"! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2008 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Money is reigning! All the false teachings of this world, teach you; the most important thing is money. Everybody has understood it not just who did not find it yet. They searched in the wrong places, and got a hard slap in their face. Behave yourself and be good, behave yourself and be a sheep. Thinking is not allowed to you because it rob the monies of their power. Power which can easily enchant us, and helps to suppress the reality. Because the real thing is not really expensive, but we do not care about it any longer! It is so close and seems so far away, it looks like something from another star. It is a treasure we have to salvage But not all people realize this! Because the most people in this world, just aspire for these mighty monies... (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Timeless tones Words without love, without sound, Stroked along my ear. Meaningless, playful sounds, preached to me of incredible beauty. Nothing is the same as it used to be or is still the way I once saw it. Everything is changing, at every new time, Do you understand it, you are finally ready! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2013 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Now or never... Just a whiff, and then it's time. Just a blink of an eye and it's there. The certain moment, this particular moment, The one you've seen coming for a long time. It strides faster and faster towards you. You scare back and still know; You cannot escape him. He will pass you by and touch you. You are excited and ask yourself; Will you just let him pass? Will you linger with him for a while? Or will you reject him? Whatever you decide, always stay calm and choose with sanity. Then your choice will be the right one. And guide you further on bright paths. Are you now ready for him? After all, you had a long time... (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2011 | Published: 01.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Everywhere lies! Detecting a lie is difficult for the most people. For they no longer know the truth of our world. What is it, you are asking yourself right now. Because without it, you are really bad. It is close and yet so far away. Unreachable like a bright star. Can you see it? Do you realize? It will never pass! Can you feel it? Are you aware? It will make you the winner! Close your eyes and fill your spirit, that way you will be closer to the truth! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2007 or ~2008 | Published: 13.09.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Fantastic voyage Maturing spirit. Flowering landscape. Sun rays on my skin. New but old. Old yet new. Infinity in transience. Ephemeral infinity? Enlighten me and give me love. Illuminate me and grant me wisdom. A new day is getting born. The old died before its birth. The transition is clear. The transition is true! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2013 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Love My true love is out out there somewhere, I'd love to rush to her today! I want to tell her everything, describing how I feel, that her smile may flush all the bad out of me. I want to give her everything, up to the last shirt, because "true love" is no longer foreign to me. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2008 | Published: 01.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Confused Ghost Words which open doors. Thoughts which move mountains. Emotions which move worlds. Is the impossible possible? Is written with the beginning also a written end? Is the end determined if there is a beginning? Do I have the choice of a way in the beginning? Do I have the choice of a path at the end? Do I have the choice of a path? Who is not aware of the beginning, can not be aware of an end. Where the path begins which ends Nowhere? Lit a bright light , up there! You can not even see, but it lights up. Do you believe that this light is lit, if you do not find it after a long search? Perhaps you looked in the wrong places. But every wrong place you discover, brings you the bright light a little bit closer! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2011 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Freedom of thoughts All my thoughts and my will are free now. The compulsion and urge for success is now over. There the last veil is also falling, and reveals the true vultures. Revenge, however, must not prevail. It will divide the good hearts eternally. They are still far too weak to unite. The good is flowing down like a stream. But who understands the true message, is not walking anymore down the precipice. He then wanders in a new light, who knows the whole story. Enlightened one would call it, but only those who don't know it yet. Everyone will see the truth very soon. Because the evil will go away forever. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2010 | Published: 01.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- My new best friend The warm rays of the sun wake me up. My mother made me a delicious breakfast But I'm in a hurry. I have to go! I go straight out, determined along the road. The birds chirp happily through the morning dew. Many people are greeting me and they are smiling. Everything glitters and shines. It is pleasantly warmed. And yet I feel cool. Curious! Now I have finally arrived. At my best friend's. Now I feel well after all. and I enjoy the day too. My friend has calmed me down and made me extremely happy! The world is fine the way it is, everything is fine... Now! I walk slowly homewards. I have to rest. Rest for tomorrow. Rest for the next time, because I am exhausted. Exhausted from the change. The quick change between happiness and pain. The constant attendance of heaven and hell. What if tomorrow the hell comes again? I am afraid, but my friend says it is all right... I just need some bucks to ensure I'm doing well and he takes away my overwhelming pain. and immediately transforms it into endless bliss for me. But what if I can't raise any more money? I am afraid of tomorrow because I have no more money.... What will my best friend do to me then? Will I be strong enough again? to get through the day? To endure the pain? I hope so, but I hope also that soon there will be no more tomorrow... Only then will I be released. Released from the heroin... My best friend on earth! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2010 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The biggest whore of all I love to play with her. It's pure fun to abuse her. Everyone wants to own and covet her, but only a few will really feel her. Easily she will pull you back. And even easier you lose her for a lifetime. She will take your dignity and your pride And lets you then mourn and beg for it. She wants to be abused. This whore ... ... I silenced her request because I desire her. I love her and want to lose myself inside her. I do not want to live without her anymore. I can not strive without her. This deep longing after her... ... the longing for my greatest treasure; >>> "The power" - The truly biggest whore of all time! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Love awakens! Can you feel her? She is invincible and powerful. Evolved she is flourishing magnificently. Everyone can see her radiate. Everyone will understand it soon. No one has greater power. No man keeps laughing at her. Invincible, pure and true, she presents everything that was once. Everything what will happen, Everyone can understand soon. Only those who carry her inside their heart, know how the true love is beating. And when the end is imminent, her power opens a new gate. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2011 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- The true power My mind is now pure and clear. As beautiful as it has not been for a long time. It is powerful and strongly matured. Almost unbending and stiff. Only love fulfills him And revealed to me the true meaning of life. Love is the origin of everything, with this knowledge, all power will be concentrated. No one can destroy it, and yet many will dare. They will fail and be burned. From the fire that's burning in my heart. The power is so strong and pure. It can only be God's love. It is truly the greatest power, which I have now unleashed. People now remember the endless power, which truly creates everything through God's love. My message will spread widely, and thus separate the good from the evil. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2008 | Published: 03.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes I wish... ... I would be a leaf in the wind. And haste from branch to branch. ... I would be a bird in the air, and scatter my scent everywhere. ... I would be a rich man, and go wherever I can. ... I would be a mature spirit, who travels the world. However, sometimes I wish ... ... I would be an idiot, and I would need just my bread for living. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2013 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- In the spirit Words that enchant. Ideas that delight. Feelings that seduce. It is so clear and close. Thoughts must travel. Love must be free. The eyes are closed. I see many beautiful things. A new world? An old world? My body is a load. The spirit is the truly I! Separation is not godless. Separate and connect. Connect to separate you. The only thing is the truth. Everything is united, Everything is separated Only love knows the truth! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Wordless Love She's more than a simple word. She is more than a beautiful feeling. She is more than an exciting experience. The love is in all words. The love feels in all hearts. The love loves every life. Do you live the love or do you love the life? (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2007 | Published: 03.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- A new star on heaven's tent You left us very early. Many still can not believe it. You went to another place. Without saying goodbye ... just gone. Your laughther and your charm, made many hearts warm. Blue eyes, blond hair ... That was all a beautiful part of you. Now you're gone ... and we can not forget that death has qualified you for maturity. It's a tough job for everyone, to understand why you left so early! (written by KiBLS) - in memory of a good friend - Written: unknown | Published: unknown --------------------------------------------------------- A wish for you I wish you from the heart; No suffering and no pain. No sorrow and no misery, and not pleading for happiness. Everything beautiful in the world, I ordered you from God. That it will last forever with you and turns like a round disc. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2012 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Confused... What comes when something else goes? What's going on if something else is coming? What passed when something new happens? What happens when something new passed? What ends when a target changes? Will it change the end when the target ends? Is a destination that has changed the end? Is the end of a path to the target? Is the target a reason for the way? Is the way a reason for living? Is life a reason for an end? (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2010 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Change of feelings I'm gonna open up to the big whole, I don't wanna keep hiding. I opened up and freed myself, and had suffered a lot of misery. The agonies were infinitely great, but they drove me into God's bosom. And fullfilled me with love, so that everyone can see it. Now I pledge an eternal awe, and I remain faithful to my joyful heart. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2008 | Published: 07.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Dancing... I feel the rhythm, I feel every bass vibrate. My head is completely free, All concerns are far away. My body is in motion. He dances rhythmically to the music. A separation from the body begins, a voyage of the mind through nothingness. A moment filled with happiness. A moment full of insight... Then my spirit returns, and the separation was accomplished. Its reveals itself more and more; The soul and the spirit, They're not empty! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: 07.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Words in full depth... A few words... They work miracles, They're like tinder for my mind. A few sentences... with beautiful words, And my heart wants to hoard all love. A poem... with such sentences, Let me etch all evil. Now I feel unlimited power, the certain power that can handle anything. She is permanently growing, to soon break all axes. Nothing can stop her then. Because she will rule and reign forever. And is my soul then purified, so shall the true birth be soon! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: 11.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- A world so beautiful The green meadow blossoms to new life. The empty sky forms his artworks. My spirit, it lives. My heart, it trembles. Fresh buds are sprouting. New life is awakening. White treasures adorn the view upwards. I see a true splendour. I feel a great power. The true mother and the father remain there. They are so far away from here and yet not gone. They lead us to a magical place. Trust the guidance and follow the path. Then you can look forward to true grace! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2008 | Published: 11.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Paths of love See over there. She wakes up. She have slept and rested for a long time. Now she is truly strong and pure, so the evil end will be very soon. Your power is shrinking more and more. Your end is approaching, it helps us a lot. We got all oppressed and driven, have forgotten to love honestly and upright. But humanity now understands that the wind soon blows from somewhere else. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2010 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Changes My will will be served very soon. It will happen to all of you. It is strong and pure, turned like water into wine. He who knows the truth, no longer runs to his doom. Who marches with love, It's tared from the inside. Bend down or declare war. May the better one triumph. This will be the last battle. It will be fought in the night. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2010 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Path of Truth No one can follow the true path. Everyone will avoid this tough path. But if one is very old and wise. Then one understands the meaning of the long journey. However, many can follow the tracks. Then they know about the rules of the game. But only an enlightened one will choose the tough path. Simple people only unnecessarily torture themselves. He strides forward with his full heart. So that everyone will be able to see it. The love of God has awakened in him, and laughs mischievously at all evil. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2010 | Published: 11.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- A fork far from all understanding Like a blossom-white cloud on the horizon that nobody notices... ... That's how many people live their time. Like a firm branch at the tree nobody notices... ... That's how many people live their dreams. Like a grain of sand in the desert that nobody perceives... ... So many people live their end. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2007 | Published: 13.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- At the end comes the strength The end is slowly approaching, That's what a faithful scout told me. Now it suddenly becomes obvious to me; It is coming suspiciously close to me. It is difficult for me to evade him, Because it always requires more. Thoughts have to grasp everything, they can' leave time to rest. The heart becomes warm and heavy, until it gasps; I can't anymore. And yet you feel this strength, which gives you a new courage. You have to do with all your will; breast-feed your innermost from the inside. Then you will see it; Your spirit will never pass! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: 13.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The last fight I'll fight to the bitter end, I will bring you to the great change. Behind me an army of 1000 men, an army of angels, will attack the enemy. Nothing will protect your system anymore, it won't serve anybody anymore! The last of all great battles, will be fought in completely new costumes! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: 2019