New Speak (R)evolution Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 02 Written: 2010-2016 Book language: English - translated Origin language: German Contains: 43 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview (1) Number Title 01. From the beginning to the end 02. At the beginning there was... 03. The "small" life 04. The chemistry of the sky 05. Change of the eras 06. Life "under control" 07. Everything foolish? 08. The easy life 09. The divine gift 10. Confused frequencies 11. Thought lesson 12. The real criminal 13. The new way 14. Money, money and money 15. Fight for freedom 16. Sometimes up, sometimes down 17. Glorified self praise 18. With open eyes 19. The decisive force 20. Hypnotic dreams 21. Dear Heart 22. One Unit 23. A ray in the darkness 24. Minutes, hours, days 25. On the road of cocnition 26. Out of the flames Overview (2) Number Title 27. Crazy life 28. The heart of the Odenwald 29. The phoenix herd 30. The real house 31. The 7 chapters 32. The dark enlightment 33. The own transformation 34. The first prophecy 35. The middle of the moment 36. Prison of thoughts 37. High flames 38. Inner fear 39. Now comes the future 40. Just the beginning 41. Above and below 42. Similar love 43. Time announcement --------------------------------------------------------- From the beginning to the end At the beginning was the love. At the end in there was life. At the beginning was the day. At the end in there was time. At the beginning was the word. At the end in there was language. At the beginning was nothing. At the end in there was much. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2012 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- At the beginning there was... I feel it in my stomach, others feel it too! A state of happiness. Time - an endless piece. My chakras fully harmonized, my body balances through them. It flows in my veins. It's in my mind! My infinite power of divine create a new world now! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2010 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- The "small" life Ants I have admired abound, when I was young. Clouds I have admired abound, when I was young. Birds I have admired abound, when I was young. But nothing I have admired more as the daily lives of people... ... when I was young. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2011 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- The chemistry of the sky The sky was dark blue any times! I still remember exactly! Such a deep and fulfilling blue! I still remember exactly! White cloud pictures - a show! I still remember exactly! Birds everywhere and the air so mild! I still remember exactly! The time went by so fast so far. Meanwhile, the whole sky is gray! But I remember exactly! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2015 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Change of the eras Why do I do this and that? Why am I acting this way and not otherwise? Do I always have the free choice? Or do I really have the agony each time? To have an option or not, grope in the dark or with light! The way remains the same whether dark or bright! A veil in front of the eye and still often garish! I can be blind in the light, and I can see in the dark! A path without destination ... All life just a game! The story is now taking its course. Humanity is finally waking up! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2016 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Life "under control" The calm and the strength, holds "that" which creates everything. The big and the little, it comes of its own! From thought to request, there are only a few steps. First cold and poor, then rich and warm. In the rain change from up to down, first full then scarce. Once evil, once good, Once king, once thief! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2014 | Published: ~2017 --------------------------------------------------------- Everything foolish? Who feels the words and listen to the meaning, is justly outraged by this world! Selfish, deaf and also dumb, the whole humanity is running around! Finding the "perfect route", truly can only "the blind"! Like a tight rope dance on burning candles - The path leads right into our hearts! "One" will soon be clear to all! Nothing stays as it was once! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2012 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The easy life I do not need much for life! Because basically it's just a game! Who know the rules and how to bend them a little, knows how to win in this game! The absolute victory - it is predictable! But only for a "handful" this is clear! The few who understand this, Know how to go through their life! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2012 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The divine gift I always give you only plain view. I always show you only truth! Good and evil - all without judgment, The truth knocks - she hurries. Once up and down, once colorless and then more colorful. All contradiction in the long run, Everything does not contradict for a long time! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2009 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Confused frequencies My being - so beset and glum. A frequent wave is shifting my mind! The control from the outside, so strong. The own will - buried in the coffin. It demands a fanatical majority; total control - no freedoms! All paths will intersect soon, a large part will suffer because of this. The "free compulsion", it becomes the norm. "Forcing freedom" in a new form. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2011 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Thought lesson Open the eyes to see. Stretch the legs to stand. Red, yellow, green - totally the same, poor thoughts - rich thoughts! Awakening after endless teachings. Awakening to finally fight back! The daily life too colorful! Therefore, many rested in the underground. From a beginning to an end - All thoughts - just a game! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2012 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The real criminal A gangster - Deep in the heart, Deep inside of him is only pain. The system - so full of contradictions. Only a moment before the collapse. The sinking - a clear view, there is finally no return. Money and power - a bad joke. It only hurts the people. A look inside of you will reveal it to you, What is so wonderful about this delusion! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2011 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The new way The direction seems determined. Nothing takes my courage anymore. Sometimes I get stuck and wait, on a mild fateful gift. When I wait, everything stops. Nothing works the way I want it. Often I am still very sluggish. Thus, fate shows me often new ways. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2013 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Money, money and money Where to go with all my money? How much does the whole world cost me? I am in a material delusion. My mind is beautifully tame. All troubles and all frustrations, everything gives in to this material pleasure. I want to have everything I can! And now - not sometime later! But all the wealth and abundance - usually only feels like another "shot"! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2011 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Fight for freedom I only see virtual pictures ... And on all corners only signs! Sitting in a noble cage. Digitally scratching the days. Will you recognize the grids soon? and then the guards burn. The whole humanity is subjugated. But resistance is beating in all hearts. The last revolution - so close, The call of freedom - you hear it clearly! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2011 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes up, sometimes down I ask myself; Who I really am. I ask myself; after the true sense. I feel power; and much more! And yet I feel so often empty. In a heavy stir change; cold and warm. The pure harmony; wild and tame! Yin and Yang; a minus and a plus. Duality extreme; a real delectation! (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.10.2011 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Glorified self praise I like to read my own words, they are of a "special sort"! Everything else comes only from the outside! From there comes the biggest nonsense! Just pay attention to your inner voice! So she can swim in the flow above! All the chaos is going to end anytime! Do not forget, you are in the middle of "the change"! (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.05.2015 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- With open eyes Just a little thought in another place. It changes the entire structure immediately! Just a little word in another spot. It changes the whole purpose of content! A lie instead of the truth just brings heartache no clarity! When you once see the pure truth, you will no longer flee in the face of lies! (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.05.2015 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The decisive force You never had to confess yourself this way in the past. To name all his friends and enemies too. Make so final, quick conclusions, because you do not want to lose. But is it really "a battle"? When the flame of the heart is kindled? Nobody can stop this force then. Restraining, tame or block it. United power at the moment of the downfall! The power of the heart - it creates everything now! (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.05.2015 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Hypnotic dreams Walking in a trance through the whole life, Just acting completely selfish. Did man not see it for a long time? There are beings who have been craving for a long time. A rough blow - in the middle of the face. The last day is now standing in the judgement court. The crowd has already met their judgment. It grants us all a new world. The old go, the new come, the big change - has now begun. (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.08.2011 | Published: 29.09.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Dear heart Words right from the deep of the heart! Instantly melt away all pain! Sentences directly from the deep of the heart! Burns brighter than "all" candles! Rhymes coming from the heart! Include luck in every verse! Poems - many words, phrases, rhymes! Make love from the deep of the heart - appear! (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.06.2015 | Published: 27.09.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- One unit Do I act free or with compulsion? Am I for Yin or for Yang? Am I here or am I there? Am I coming now or am I leaving? Am I right or left? Am I even up or down? Good and bad, warm and cold - only opposites in a guise. The light shines into the darkness. Everything shines as a single view! (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.08.2016 | Published: 28.01.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- A ray in the darkness Deep inside of his heart, there' s been a great pain for a long time. Every evil and slanderous word, continues this cycle. Injured and smashed to the ground, he will do what many do not dare; He looks fearlessly into the"eyes of evil", and thus he will rob him of all his power. Full of new energy and confidence, he stands up and speaks "of the light." (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.05.2015 | Published: 14.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Minutes, hours, days In the process of evolution - many have risen to "a throne." They ruled the masses for a long time, Divided them into classes and races. This change has already begun! We have nothing lost - only won! The day of the last emblem - The near end of this system! The downfall in transition, takes many years this time! (written by KiBLS) Written: 19.06.2012 | Published: 14.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- On the road of cognition At the expense of many little ones who are crying over there on the ground. Every single drop of bitter tears, I will enjoy while I drink my cool beer. I am so endlessly full of pure fortune, Getting richer all the time - piece by piece! At the expense of the many poor fools, I always drive the newest cars! This life is like a hypocritical paradise! For me so beautiful - and only for other lousy? (written by KiBLS) Written: 20.06.2012 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Out of the flames Beaten by the society. At the nose and deep into the stomach. Loser on the ground and groaning, The winners are standing and scoffing. Flames are fanned as high as meters... The Phoenix is touched inside. From the depths he is now rising, "Up to the sky" everything in a single run! (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.05.2015 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Crazy Life You're often wondering about your life? Wish to know more - just walking on a knife? Open your eyes and see the true life, It's you, it's me, it's man and it's wife. Open your heart and feel all the life. Wondering still about your own life? Differents are becoming close, Lyers will become a dirty nose. Everybody will see it soon, Bad people earn a wooden spoon! (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.08.2016 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The Heart of the Odenwald In the morning I hear the birds chirping! At noon the blue little brook is rippling! In the evening I simply enjoy the peace! During the night I watch my dreams! Am I really in a hell? Or is the source resting in the heart? (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.06.2015 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The phoenix herd I hereby call upon every poet; come up with me towards heaven! Let us literally travel with all people! It is just a very small step! The great burden - it will pass away, it will soon turn into the opposite! Then there is thrust from below! Fire flows out of 1000 wounds! One Phoenix alone, that's fine! But only in the pride we really strike! (written by KiBLS) Written: 31.05.2015 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The real house The heart isn't that easy to wake! You have to put more work in it! It is the core that you have found! Briefly before you restart your rounds! But to truly enliven it! It will need a lot of trembling! Do you also see divisions? And smoke also everywhere? A new house will be built! Each human being will look after it! (written by KiBLS) Written: 13.06.2015 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The 7 chapters The noble messenger and the old race, living in the middle of the blind crowd. Stunned by poisons and dumb, everyone's wandering around without a plan. The opposites are now ablaze, Flames are blazing - the phoenix is glad. A fairy tale will be written! The number of chapters - they are seven! The first describes a "dark light"! A signpost - only a new perspective! (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.05.2015 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The Dark Enlightenment Did you see it too? The deepest of all depths, the darkest darkness, the blackest black? It seems like a dark light, but it's brighter than a thousand suns! A deeper, darker, pitch-blacker and yet sparkling circle I saw, that was absolutely EVERYTHING "what has been there"! And "what has been there", that will last forever! But " this moment " enters your heart! In "this moment" all veils fall completely! You can see the love, and you feel more free! (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.05.2015 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The own transformation Fear and doubts are leaving, this will change the structure immediately! A lie instead of the truth, just brings sorrow no clarity! Is it really true? All the lies that I saw? Is that right too? Am "I" honestly important? Knowledge comes out of insight, Motivation comes out of love! (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.05.2012 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The First Prophecy This is one of three! After this it will prophecy itself! Many short words together, are going to confuse you! Listen to these quiet, tender words! They open a long forgotten gate! In the light you can recognize them soon. Dualities - they start to burn! A battle with many dead! An old race sends the messenger. Selfless in the heat of the battle! Good and evil - left and right! (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.08.2015 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The middle of the moment Is the moment already mature? Thinking still seems too stiff! Has the time already come? I guess it started recently! Can one ever be ready? Very often I still feel alone! But the itinerary is predetermined, bright light glows at the end of it. Only a few steps are left, it leads me to my own center! (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.05.2015 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Prison of Thoughts What should I do? Where should I go? What is out there, what is in there? I have no joy in what I do, What just happened, what's next? I am completely empty and unimaginative, Was I once small and am I now big? Depressed and gloomy, is this what makes me happy? Can I still turn "my leaf"? Or should it really end like this? (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.10.2011 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- High flames I'm so fucking stoned every day, but do I really feel free? Can I do what I want? Or only live after "the drill"? All rules are now questionable, Resistance is still growing timidly! But when the flames once blaze, the evil will rot inside of it! (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.05.2015 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Inner Fear The only thing you should not do is despair. when doubts are gnawing inside of you! Because if you would only complain all the time, bad things happen to you again! This I have not only from many legends! Who promote this thesis and carry it! Against this no one should dare to disobey! Because nobody can fight this battle! (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.05.2015 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Now comes the future! For a beautiful face, I'll write this poem! A marvellous inner core, untouchable, glowing like a star. A being of pure love, A loving, pure being. Indomitable and endlessly free, first one, then two, then three! (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.05.2012 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Just the Beginning The little moment - he is back. It's playing still its famous track. I listen to the beautiful sounds. Which I've never heard before. My heart is becoming warm. This music spread a spezial charme. Now and everywhere for ever, all humans will come together! (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.05.2015 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Above and below What if my thoughts became words? Would this change my speech? What if my words became actions? Would this affect my thoughts again? What if my actions became "real"? Would then my world change? The "above" as well as the "below" it is both truth! The lie and the truth - both clear as the sun! (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.11.2011 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Similar Love I'm looking into your brown eyes, I know you're happy about - That's nice! I'm looking deeper in your eyes, I see a flame around with ice. I am looking now at your lovley mouth, I can see a smile - direct under your nose. Now I close my eyes - and in my mind; Only you and me... and thoughts are kind! (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.05.2015 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Time announcement What else do you want to achieve? Your army is composed of 1000 corpses! We simply let this chaos end now! The system is finished and we are seizing! The great mass is now rising, the whole earth trembles beneath her! The revolution in the middle the evolution, Experiencing this live - it is a real fascination! A new age - it begins! From now on everyone wins! (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.05.2015 | Published: 2019