Let me say; thank you! Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 04 Written: 2018-2019 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 7 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview Number Title 01. Ode to Minds 02. Poetic support 03. The poetic side-trip 04. Hidden attendance 05. A wonderful good morning! 06. Virtual gift 07. It's me again! --------------------------------------------------------- Ode to minds Thanks very much for all reminds! To my subscribers here on minds! Never thought I would get many votes, for my personal poetry notes. But you make it possible for me, to spread my words to the world fairly. I hope for many more great days, not just for now, for always! A new consciousness will awake, the old one was just a fake. Thanks again for your great support, now let's go on with my words export. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2018 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Poetic support Sorry, I'm just passing through! And I am sorry that I wont stay too! But I will leave you a vote! I hope it helps your channel to promote! And I will leave you this comment! I hope you enjoy a great reading moment. Free thoughts and free speech, this is what we decided to teach! Wisdom will march on our side as escort. Thanks so much for your support! Oh, and before I leave - by the way; I wish you a great day! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2018 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The poetic side-trip I just want to say hello. To my faithful fellow. I wish you a beautiful day! And success on your special way! What could I write more? What would you may asking for? I hope this little gift, will raise you like a lift. These words are just for a few. But the meaning is personal for you. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2018 | Published: ~2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Hidden attendance And again I stop by for a moment. And again I leave a little comment. To protect the meaning - for a time. I have masked the purpose - in a rhyme. Cryptic poems appear nowadays as Hit. Because only a few can decipher it. I do not provide a large voting quantity, but I hope I can provide a great quality. The whole life becomes a pleasure. When you find the hidden treasure. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2019 | Published: ~2019 --------------------------------------------------------- A wonderful good morning! My visit will be again only short. Just want say thank you for support. Of course I will leave you again a vote. And I have created this little quote. And now that I have your attention. I am going to tell you my real intension; I wish you an endless wonderful time! May all your experiences be full sublime. Every ancient witnesses know, how bright your light is able to glow. Just turn on your enormous light! To illuminate any futured night! (written by KiBLS) Written: 28.02.2019 | Published: 01.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Virtual gift A beautiful good morning to you! This day will make everythig new! I thought you love to be woken. By sending you a token. Today will become a great time! I support it with this rhyme. And now just open your eyes. To perceive a big surprise. Because then the hidden is revealed. So every wound can be healed! Colors should cover now the entire gray. And on the canvas appears this new day. (written by KiBLS) Written: 10.03.2019 | Published: 11.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- It's me again! I just wanted to say Hi! But I am just flying by. There would be so much to tell. But above all I hope you're well. I love to watch your channel grow. Even my last visit was a while ago. Just feel deep inside you this stream! And reality will create your dream! This is a particularly grateful poem version. Which shall accompany you on your excursion. (written by KiBLS) Written: 22.06.2019 | Published: 25.06.2019