Experimental poems Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 06 Written: 2018-2019 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 21 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview Number Title 01. Lovely explosions 02. Battle of the truth 03. The stroke on the canvas 04. The bleeding lake 05. History becomes my-story 06. Whole secrets 07. The inner development 08. The iron will 09. The color of light 10. The rebirth of the phoenix 11. The rise of the ego 12. Changing seasons 13. Answers from the depths 14. Teachings from the deep 15. The predetermined itinerary 16. The big picture 17. Moving words 18. The chess battle 19. A new mind 20. Ironic sarcasm? 21. Dear television --------------------------------------------------------- Lovely explosions I scream "boom" and I begin! this battle I will surely win! Ready to fight with words, ready to pull the mental swords. The real power is now awaken! The evil gets ready to be shaken! The awareness is now limitless. An old battle resume in a new dress. The pure love flows with every word. Lovely wisdom is now preferred! (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.09.2018 | Published: 28.09.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Battle of the truth Who could ever beat the truth? Carried to the old by the youth. The lie will defend itself, hiding behind a shelf. But is it really a glorious fight? A little lie girl defeated by knight? For a real battle there is no need! Because the truth will never bleed! The truth stands like a mountain. But truth can also be used as fountain. (written by KiBLS) Written: 28.09.2018 | Published: 30.09.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The stroke on the canvas The strokes are so close! Combined soon under your nose! Just free your caged mind! And you won't stay blind! Open your thoughts for more! And you'll find the inner core! This kind of art is really clever! Every stroke flows together! (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.10.2018 | Published: 02.10.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The bleeding lake Wounds which never healed? Wounds in the heart which are sealed? Every seal is able to break! Love just acts like a lake! Throw stones in it as much as you like! You will never find the final strike! Should a heart be strong, like a fundament build from concrete? Or should it be like the lake? Which does not bother what ever you will make. Every impact fade in the waters. Although everything stay inside its borders. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.10.2018 | Published: 07.10.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- History becomes my-story My heart shall open the gate! I want to feel just great! My consciousness shall rise! I want to become finally wise! My whole being shall connect! I want to skill a great effect! The biggest secret is still hidden! But it is not longer guilt-ridden! The downfall of the last veil, opens just the view for a new tale. (written by KiBLS) Written: 13.10.2018 | Published: 13.10.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Whole secrets I describe it as parable. A mysterious miracle. I experience it as one. And yet I am lost and gone. But I was never really here. Will never come or disappear. The reality finally dissolves. And something new evolves. Did this really take place? This single moment full of grace? It'll not remain as seeming! Never started or stopped dreaming! Everybody has ever won! Everything was ever one! (written by KiBLS) Written: 13.10.2018 | Published: 14.10.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The inner development Every thought is united. Every thought is delighted. My mind is balanced. My inner voice will be silenced. Is it just bittersweet ironie? Did I really find my harmony? Now I am able to enjoy the show, while my aura starts strong to glow. The transformation undeniable. The change comes as reliable! (written by KiBLS) Written: 19.10.2018 | Published: 20.10.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The iron will I will follow just my dreams. I will carry them to extremes. Ideas in my mind get whirled! Ideas have changed the world! My thoughts become written words. They learn to fly like the birds. There is no limit in sight. I will keep the direction tight. No way back, no further stop! I will reach the highest top! Just up and towards the light. I am finally ready to flight! (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.10.2018 | Published: 25.10.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The color of light Something was written from old. Including secrets never told. Something became upheaved. Energy bubbles now out of deep. Out of the shadows into the light. Changing colors from black to white. Dark secrets are finally illuminated. For this the whole humanity has awaited. Love and wisdom entering the atmosphere. And slowly the new vision becomes clear. (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.11.2018 | Published: 09.11.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The rebirth of the phoenix Do you hear the flames crackle in the deep? Seemed as anything rested there to sleep. It has been quiet for such a long time. In the deep something is reborn from sublime. Phoenix - he has been often named. For the day he rises, it is wisdom he has claimed. There is nothing that could hold him longer. Every failure makes him so much stronger! Now the flames begin very high to blaze! At this point in time - everything seems craze! The phoenix now rises from the deepest ground, to receive the melody of life when she starts to resound. (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.11.2018 | Published: 09.12.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- The rise of the ego I want to arise higher than a king. I want to unhinge everything! All words will be choosen wisely. Wisdom is suddenly appealing nicely. Energies from the deepest universe. They pervades every created verse. Words full of vitality and endless power. They will increase now with every coming hour. A journey upwards without a stop. It leads me now right up to the top. (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.11.2018 | Published: 12.12.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Changing seasons The white splendour blooms again. The autumn elapsed without complain. The summer has a long time passed. The spring will soon create a recast. Every season has its own meaning. Every season works on a cleaning. Just observe the amazing cycle of nature. And discover the greatest portraiture. (written by KiBLS) Written: 17.11.2018 | Published: 14.12.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Answers from the depths Or; "creative power of thoughts" part two? Well, just let me continue! I don't see any problems. Because I am the solution! I don't realize any chaos. Because I am order! I don't feel separation. Because I am connected! I don't accept any restriction. Because I am boundless! I don't ask any questions. Because I am the answer! (written by KiBLS) Written: 28.11.2018 | Published: 23.12.2018 --------------------------------------------------------- Teachings from the deep Go and reach what you want to reach! And after you achieved, please teach! Everybody need to know the truth! All the old will listen, even the youth! Pack everything into verses. And try to a deep immerses. Find the deepest depth again! And watch what will happen then! (written by KiBLS) Written: 17.11.2018 | Published: 08.01.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The predetermined itinerary In my gaze; there is only one direction. I am on my personal way to perfection. Growing faster piece by piece. To reach the ultimate increase. Consciousness on a entirely new level. Far away from every old devil. Old frontiers are finally crossed. I am just winning, have nothing ever lost! A new area is blooming in my mind. In my gaze; the old fades far behind. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.02.2019 | Published: 13.02.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The big picture You know the deepest ground. You experienced it round by round. So many voluntary sufferings. Along with the greatest discoverings. Each round revealed new differences. Each round brought new experiences. A binding that separates and a separation that binds. Without pain and without slaughter. A drop just blends inside the water. The whole picture will appear, when you beat your deepest fear! (written by KiBLS) Written: 04.02.2019 | Published: 09.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Moving words Which words can change a society? Which words can change it silently? Thoughts become formed to written verses. Thoughts are witnesses of all universes. These words shall bring a change! Diversification of another range! Piece by piece to an epiphany kick! Soon there will be revealed the greatest trick! What could be a better choice? Than just to follow the inner voice? (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.11.2018 | Published: 22.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The chess battle The white king appears on the chessboard. He must win or lose - to receive an award. His aura starts blazing high, can you see? His appearance is sublime, do you agree? His queen will break through all the rows. Opponents must lose, this is all she knows. Just forwards step by step and stone by stone. Couple of figures must be ready to fight alone. The queen now walks united with the knight, to protect the king and ensure victory of white. (written by KiBLS) Written: 15.02.2019 | Published: 22.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- A new mind Finally I am able to see after being blind. Finally I will re-program my whole mind. I am making a complete screening. Every Verse receives its own meaning! The last secrets get ultimately revealed. And suddenly I appear on another field. I realize everything as large nothingness. And yet I realize nothingness as part of everything. (written by KiBLS) Written: 07.01.2019 | Published: 23.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Ironic sarcasm? For real; sarcasm can be great! It is like a spell to a hidden gate. When many parts form a whole - it becomes clear, the whole picture suddenly appear! I was never able to forget something before. And yet I am able to remember so much more. Everything old creates something new. But did myself finally really grew? I will dare the last important step, to free myself from a legacy web. Where irony and sarcasm starts. I can realize one of the highest arts. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.11.2018 | Published: 14.04.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Dear television What has happened in the world lately? Should I be totally upset or calm and sedately? Tell me who should I hate today? With who I am allowed to play? What should I be afraid of this week? About what fears I am allowed to speak? And what should I buy tomorrow? Where can I get some cash to borrow? I'm so grateful for your great advice. I can even book a flight to paradise. All I have to do is make you my king. And for that you promise me everything. (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.01.2019 | Published: 17.01.2019