Prophetic poetic* Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 07 Written: 2019 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 16 Poems Format: TXT with separator line * Just poems, no real prophecies! Overview Number Title 01. Fantasy reality 02. The stone text 03. Everything and nothing 04. One who always come back 05. Breaking the blockchain 06. Transition of times 07. To heaven through hell 08. Endtime transition 09. The new island 10. Shadows of the past 11. Era of the new kings 12. Just a new beginning 13. Holy lights 14. Emergency restore 15. The stony road 16. Increase the frequency --------------------------------------------------------- Fantasy reality I will break through every border! I will create a totally new order! Old burdens finally fall off from me. New visions are born out of infinity. Endless thoughts flow from my mind. A strong support marches right behind. Now I discern this special moment in eternity. Love and wisdom will blend into modernity. No more informations are withhold. The new era manifesting inside the old. (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.03.2019 | Published: 15.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The stone text The foundation stone has already been laid. There is no reason for a longer wait. The journey leads me through many wonderlands. Love and wisdom walks with me in both hands. Now I can amuse myself about every shadow. Some of them looks now beautiful for me somehow! On the glade, a seed will sprout. An old cricket starts then to shout. Whatever will happen next. Was written a long time in the "stone text". (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.03.2019 | Published: 16.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Everything and nothing I'm talking about the real "nothing". Some kind of noiseless rushing. It is without any kind of sound. And it will heal any inner wound. It is neither deep nor flat. It is neither thin nor fat. And at all; it has totally no color, and it doesn't even cost a dollar. It will tear down all the walls. And finally every curtain falls. Now you can realize this single moment, which eternally creates every component. The great liberation of the mind. The great mass will just be realigned. (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.03.2019 | Published: 17.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- One who always come back His greatest hour already rings. He has seen coming and leaving kings. His appearance is full sublime and noble. His appearance is expected global. Changing from black to white. Changing dark to bright. He will unite all contradictions. He combines science with fictions. He grows undeterred from seed to a tree. Matured he will change the whole reality. (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.11.2018 | Published: 18.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Breaking the blockchain Beeing perpetuated in the blockchain. Not longer bound to a single domain. Limited to a server in the past. Boundless in the present and rather fast. Censorship has no chance. Freedom creates a new dance. All the chains will hold at least. Until the birth of an unholy beast. (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.09.2018 | Published: 20.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Transition of times I don't think anything is impossible! Because that would limit my thinking. I don't think anything is unreachable! Because that would limit my actions. I don't think anything is untouchable. Because that would limit my perception. Every limitation will be overridden. For a long time this was forbidden. But now a new era has begun. A new era full of joy and fun! (written by KiBLS) Written: 10.04.2019 | Published: 13.04.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- To heaven through hell Prosperity grows, finally everyone becomes rich. And then there will be an enormous switch. Every wealthy man will realize his real poverty. All old objectives will lose their priority. A strange calm will reign before the storm. Silence before every actor begins to perform. It is close; the biggest inflation. Followed by the great tribulation. But even in such times of darkness. Will many let their light shine regardless. And when darkness get illuminated by light, the paradise on earth will come in sight. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.05.2019 | Published: 02.05.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Endtime transition The cannons are already loaded. The sky still clear and unclouded. The announced order to shoot falls. It echoes through the heaven halls. The thunder of fire is shaking the ground. The whole earth can hear this sound. Energies that collide with each others. On this day brothers attack their brothers. A big fight where everyone has an own opinion. A great lie for which humanity acts as a minion. The darkness finally dissolve inside the air. Many lights ignite, you can see them everywhere! This change will happen without a warning! A flowing transition from the night to a new morning. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.05.2019 | Published: 14.05.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The new island A new island will be selected. A new energy field will be connected. Everything will get a new sense. A united dream shows its presence. Some will call it a new paradise, others will know it as island of the wise. For the whole humanity it is irresistible. Full awakened we are not longer twistable. The true philosophers of our time. The strongest minds are full sublime. This change has long been prophesied. Long time awaited and now finally supplied. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~12.05.2019 | Published: 03.06.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Shadows of the past In the future, people will remember. A dark acting started in September. The masquerade starts at the same time. Corrupters disguised their own crime. They betrayed each other; the own brothers. One selfish deed followed now many others. Lies were spreading fast and viral. A never ending downward spiral. A small coterie have the whole world effected. But with other results than they expected. All mankind suddenly awoke from sleep. And finally they unmasked every black sheep. Humans were simply connecting to the source. And the futured history took its course. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.06.2019 | Published: 12.06.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Era of the new kings It's the poetry of a king again. Written by a beggar with his pen. The entire world is by this affected. Because everything is connected! The inner, ancient wisdom is activated. The expansion of consciousness is celebrated. Each verse contains infinite energy. Unimaginable such an extreme efficiency. Like an Emergency exit from a dead end. No more dilapidated traditions to defend. Thoughts of change are in transmission. Meanwhile, each king takes his position. (written by KiBLS) Written: 22.06.2019 | Published: 22.06.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Just a new beginning Finding verses that no one has ever found. Thus the inner life produces a new sound. Old and useless programs are simply removed. Potential that has slept is thereby improved. For so long only a few had fun and played. But now we're all changing to the next grade. For this change only awareness is needed. As a result, all expectations are exceeded. Humanity soon awakens with loud cheers. And finally the united consciousness appears. (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.06.2019 | Published: 23.06.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Holy lights We are the lights of tomorrow. We will end the time of sorrow. Masters who are awake and aware. We let our light shine everywhere. The darkness seeks the distance. But light will break every resistance. The darkness will experience a fright. When earth will be bathed in light. The change is soon in full swing. Just listen when the earth starts to sing. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.06.2019 | Published: 27.06.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Emergency restore Soon comes the end of suffering. All the data is apartly buffering. It'll be individual for each person. First it feels like an internal arson. The whole stage play is finally proved. And every old programming is removed. No one can withstand this final review. Every fuse simply breaks through. Every mind will be freed without a delay! Many colors appear, where before was only gray. It happens soon with a worldwide covering. It begins the infamous era without any suffering. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.07.2019 | Published: 01.07.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The stony road The new age is on the rise. It's a true splendour for the eyes. Ancient wisdom, its free for share. And honesty which is ruling everywhere. A common consciousness is growing. Because together we are going. Each one of us has already set off. Each one have endured the scoff. The way was not always simple. Often we were blinded by any symbol. But such experiences are a great guide. The story is now changing worldwide. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.07.2019 | Published: 06.07.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Increase the frequency High vibrations can heal, would you agree? In every free moment, I read only poetry! I just start to reveal hidden mysteries! So now I rise above all past miseries. My mind is now changing its frequency, in such a state I am most frequently. On this way, the world is open to me. Many would call that the secret key! A new consciousness opens all borders! It simply implement old sacred orders! (written by KiBLS) Written: 09.08.2019 | Published: 09.08.2019