Choosen community poems Written by: KiBLS Deceptions Izzari Rizzz30 Gup_katyusha LaurenceBacchus Amazona NetizenX Southerndream Promisetrinh POCJL Gangstermailsexy Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 08 Written: 2019-2020 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 31 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview (1) Number Title 01. The inexhaustible path 02. Roots which sprout 03. The inquiring answer 04. Evolving out of the chrysalis 05. Please line up! 06. Moving liquid data 07. A new birth 08. We are one! 09. My body as temple 10. Possibilities 11. Core exploration 12. Healthy cleaning 13. The great tuning 14. Please vaccinate me! 15. Flowing change 16. Universal love 17. Crush your fear 18. Written intents 19. Written law of nature 20. Just a new fiction 21. Departure to the unknown 22. Sound of falling chains 23. From another perspective 24. Unified attitude 25. We open the gates 26. Holy stage work Overview (2) Number Title 27. The fulfillment 28. Nice to meet you! 29. Lights on! 30. Hidden facts 31. The breakthrough --------------------------------------------------------- The inexhaustible path My path is one of the hardest and longest. But my companions are only the strongest. Hidden in the wisdom, many images appear. The ether will spread them in my near. I stay focused despite all the distractions. I know they may provoke unsolicited reactions. Decimating of a previous declaration. Thus expanding the coming seperation. My resolve and my courage will never end. No matter how much from it I have to spend. (written by KiBLS, Deceptions, Rizzz30, Gup_katyusha, LaurenceBacchus) Written: 23.03.2019 | Published: 31.03.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Roots which sprout Now I can feel them growing! Verses with a deeper knowing. Many words are spinning in my mind. Verses are harmoniously aligned. Dreams I thought I'd never see. They're presenting just a new reality. The seeds of wisdom were planted and heared. And imagine - many splendorous trees appeared. My heart will no longer pretend, like there are so many values to defend. With a leap of faith, at the frontier, Thus I've been saying farewell to every fear. In the past I have only assented. But today my dreams are finally presented. (written by KiBLS, Amazona, NetizenX, Deceptions, Southerndream, Promisetrinh) Written: 01.04.2019 | Published: 04.04.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The inquiring answer What would I do without my name? Would I continue this game? What would I do without my age? Would I break out of this cage? What would I do without my mind? Would I take a single look behind? What would I do without my heart? Would I accept myself or break apart? What would I do without my origins? Would I still succumb to my sins? Any answer you will find in you. Any answer brings a fresh view. (written by KiBLS and Gup_katyusha) Written: 01.04.2019 | Published: 06.04.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Evolving out of the chrysalis Now I have some inspiration! Am I really loyal to a certain nation? Now I have some insights! Do I really fight for human rights? Now I have some informations! Am I ready to dispel such fabrications? The pattern is ready to appear! Am I ready to act, now and here? To speak truth I have been instructed, regardless how big a lie was constructed. I will dispel these crazy flurry of lies. I will become one who really flies. (written by KiBLS, Gup_katyusha, Promisetrinh, Deceptions) Written: ~07.04.2019 | Published: 10.04.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Please line up! My voice marches on the front line, grape juice became now noble wine. I am protected by ancient wisdom. Now I can act with love inside the system. I am walking within nature's vibration. All demons will lose their station. All shrieks and horrors of my past fate. Were transformed into recognition as of late. I opened my battered hands with love, And a warrior's grizzled face became tender as a dove. Everything old will soon be reviewed. Everything old will soon be renewed. (written by KiBLS, Deceptions, Gup_katyusha, Promisetrinh) Written: ~09.04.2019 | Published: 10.04.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Moving liquid data The water vapor in the air. Carries wisdom everywhere. The time has come to learn, Breath in. Refresh the water in your skin.. Ancient knowledge powerful energy. In the droplets upgrades are free. The Higher mind outlines the truth.. Eyes are there to see the proof. At the end our only goal From many parts create a whole. Poem by Deceptions and KiBLS Written: ~09.04.2019 | Published: 10.04.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- A new birth My mind starts seeding. New verses are breeding. High vibrations, my mind starts humming. Thoughts are formed and verses coming. The rhymes are kicking in. The words begin to sing. Keep pushing it to find a limit. Keep pushing it to enjoy every minute. Nothing holds me back anymore. I will find what I was looking for! (written by KiBLS, NetizenX, Deceptions) Written: ~19.04.2019 | Published: 20.04.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- We are one! We are a single collective. We are acting fast and effective. No barrier is strong enough for us. Past breakthroughs will be a futured plus. All thoughts will be recoordinated. Ancient requirements will be reformulated. It's time for us to cross the lines. And to realize the hidden signs. Strap up, we'll all be along. Together, we'll all become strong. A great unity and a common intention. We are truly the greatest invention! (written by KiBLS, Deceptions, NetizenX) Written: ~19.04.2019 | Published: 21.04.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- My body as temple Intruders have invaded the temple. They are everything else than gentle. They try to tear down the walls, to destroy these holy halls. I call them by their names; parasites. They do not only dim the interior lights. They rob and plunder the most sacred of all. But the last defense will never fall. All resources will be bundled Every invader needs to be tumbled. There are many important fights. Now awakening - the T-Cell knights. A battle against darkness, minus against plus. Love and Wisdom reveals the light inside of us. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: ~27.04.2019 | Published: 28.04.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Possibilities What could the love reach? What could the wisdom teach? A lonely heart stuck in a void, pretending art with which we shall toy. How far can these branches grow? With a source that infinitely glow. Do you see these reactions? Between pointless distractions. Dark clouds brush me. Panic is surrounding me. A never ending inner conflict, With never ending lies and deceit. But before I go to bed at night, I can see that everything's alright. (written by KiBLS, Promisetrinh, Gangstermailsexy, Deceptions, Amazona, Gup_katyusha, NetizenX) Written: ~27.04.2019 | Published: 29.04.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Core exploration Just explore your innermost core. It is something you should adore. Watch your thoughts when they flow! Watch your mind so you too know. Something isn't here and it never was. Something has no reason and no cause. Unrestored feelings seem to pass me by. The clock ticks on and the time goes by. The outside world is only full of lies. Nowadays the truth is masked in disguise. I will not accept such a demise! Thus I will mature and become finally wise! (written by KiBLS, Deceptions, NetizenX) Written: ~27.04.2019 | Published: 30.04.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Healthy cleaning I only eat organic grown food. I detox my body for a better mood. No pesticides for the bee. And no food additives for me. Eating hemp is a great answer! So many remedies against cancer! Psyllium makes the stomach clean. And bitter almond contains B17. Clean water and fresh air! If possible enjoy this everywhere! Zeolites transport out the old trash. Are you ready for a "detox flash"? (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: ~28.04.2019 | Published: 01.05.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The great tuning Now it starts to synchronize my mind. Unusable data is just left behind. My thoughts fly with the wind. Nothing remains fixed or pinned. All the stars are twinkling. My mind is now kindling. Just an interaction that you gave. Because of that my mind became safe. The whole universe sends a greeting. To the point where all dreams are meeting. (written by KiBLS, POCJL, Deceptions) Written: ~29.04.2019 | Published: 01.05.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Please vaccinate me! Can you give me an injection, please? I just have fear, I don't have a real disease. I don't care what it does or what it contains. Heavy metals are anyway spread in all brains. I am so grateful that it doesn't cost any money. It feels like divine nectar, a liquid tasty honey. But sadly my fear is not yet satisfied. But maybe when the next injection is applied? If you want, I'll invent a new fear for it, too. I do not care how I get my favourite brew. Ram that needle in real hard and deep. That's how I send my fears finally to sleep. At least then I am satisfied for a while... Until again my fear triumphs over my smile. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 07.05.2019 | Published: 09.05.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Flowing change The day of change was foretold. Long time whispered, it will unfold. Wandering through the age of Aquarius. A continued change, more glorious! An ancient trust is again growing. Change is a constantly flowing. All the toxic beeings will be faced. The earth will be finally embraced. All stars are soon aligned. For the great awakening of mankind. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: ~07.05.2019 | Published: 13.05.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Universal love What is real love I'm asking myself. Dreams or illusions revealing itself? Is my love really omnipresent? Or do I only like a special element? It cleanses the eye and washes the soul, it makes once more a broken heart whole. Real love is the fuel that regenerates itself. Kindling the flame within a once hollow shell. The real love bears all wisdom! Real love never follows a special system! With every single step she is doing. Real love will create a neutral viewing. Real love has no description or regulation. It has a cross-border effect in every nation. (written by Amazona, KiBLS, Izzari) Written: ~08.05.2019 | Published: 14.05.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Crush your fear Children with tears in their eyes. It is time to stop the game of lies! I speak for those who cannot speak! I wake up those who still asleep. Take a leaf from the book of existence. Real love will overcome any distance. I will act for those who cannot act. I am just describing a simple fact. Conflicts are just a game ruled by fear. Just recognize the love in your near! We are writing now many new fairy tales! But this time we control all the details! (written by Deceptions and KiBLS) Written: ~07.05.2019 | Published: 15.05.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Written intents Please listen what we have to say! Many fight for survival every day. You can see misery wherever you look. Nowadays people love to disguise a crook. About so many lies were already spoken. Thereby whole families became broken. Meanwhile we all have to keep paying! Slavery is the only way to keep playing! Now declare your real intentions! And let them grow; spiritual extensions! So what's the answer? Look deep inside! Feel connected and only follow your inner guide. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: ~12.06.2019 | Published: 20.06.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Written law of nature In the calmness lies the true power. With this energy grows every flower. True Victory arise without fighting. Although everything seems often exciting. The sunlight just warms the street. Thus dandelion can break through concrete. And when everything around is breaking down. Meanwhile the dandelion simply creates its crown. Nature has long dreamed of this new day. And this dream now paves its own way. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 14.06.2019 | Published: 21.06.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Just a new fiction I know that everything is fiction. Cause I found the contradiction. You already know the truth we share. Its just locked in your mind somewhere. Far away from the path of destruction. I have found the book of instruction. Everything was right and I was inner prepared. And finally all evil just seemed scared. There would be so much I'd love to say. Just devastate old programs on a creative way. I assembled a new story from old shards. A new general view was formed afterwards. And as finally the fog cleared in my mind. The truth I already knew was simply underlined. (written by KiBLS, Deceptions, Izzari) Written: ~05.07.2019 | Published: 07.07.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Departure to the unknown You know where the journey leads. I'm just providing you some cheats. It makes this stony road smoother. It will simply act as life improver. You do not need directions. You know already all connections. Let it work deep inside you. Just let everything renew. Harmful thoughts will simply vanish. And no single mind will famish. We're not going to ask when and how! We're just going to leave right now! (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: ~10.07.2019 | Published: 13.07.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Sound of falling chains The chains now breaking slowly. They burst by something holy. The light shines ever stronger. These chains last not longer. You can hear the call for freedom. Just a foundation of a new kingdom. The brightest light unleash; as the frequencies increase. The freedom calls ever clearer! The era is getting nearer and nearer. With a thundering crash they shall fall to the floor, and mankind shall be enslaved nevermore. (written by KiBLS, Izzari, Deceptions) Written: ~13.07.2019 | Published: 14.07.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- From another perspective I am everything but perfect! Honestly; I love to speak with a dialect. I am everything but smart! Honestly; I only think with my heart. I am everything but a "grown boy"! Honestly; I love to play for hours with a toy. I am everything but a fighter! Honestly; I only want the life a little lighter. I am everything but a dream piece! Honestly; I only want to be a messenger of peace. I am everything but an ending! Honestly, hope and love is what I'm sending! (written by KiBLS, Amazona, Izzari) Written: ~25.07.2019 | Published: 04.08.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Unified attitude When I storm, who storms with me? When I strike, who strikes with me? When I stand, who stands with me? We all get what we deserve, you'll see! Removing all depressions and every fear! Together we stamp intent right here. The fallen angels are now rising! As mankind is slowly realizing. We are now ending this fight! It's new history that we write! (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: ~02.08.2019 | Published: 19.08.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- We open the gates New paths are already paved. And individually engraved. A new paradise for everyone. Change has long since begun. The inner world is expanding. This vision is not demanding. Everyone will experience fortune; plenty for all to have a potent portion. A new playground inception with no controls! By matured minds that are aware of both poles. Old traditions rises again and disguise as new. Mindwarriors just come to see it through. Everybody can feel this deep yearning! Everybody can feel that the tides are turning! (written by KiBLS, Izzari, Amazona, Deceptions) Written: ~15.08.2019 | Published: 12.09.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Holy stage work The stage play begins now. Every actor remembers how. The play script will be changed. Many players are simply renamed. All sequences are perfectly planned. From the beginning to the end. Each role is optimally staffed. Everyone follows the final draft. And as we wake up from the stageplay. We'll all see the dawn of a new day. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: ~22.07.2019 | Published: 23.09.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The fulfillment I just love seeing your dreams in action. When I look at you, I recognize perfection. Wherever you are, life just sprouts. Wherever you go, you reap no doubts! Whatever you do, you do just with love! Whatever you need, is approved from above. Wherever you stand, I stand right behind. And more: You enjoy the support of all mankind. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: ~22.07.2019 | Published: 24.09.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Nice to meet you! I'm talking to you in person now! I'll give you all the needed know-how! We are at the forefront of the transition! And we both will complete this sacred mission! Altruistic thoughts are the ones that'll lead! Our actions fullfill an ancient, prefigured deed. We don't do it for money or fame! We've just seen through the game! We discern the endless melody of this new age. We will now break out of our cage! (written by KiBLS and Izzari) Written: ~15.10.2019 | Published: 13.03.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Lights on! True philosophy is approaching slowly. True philosophy becomes soon holy. It is rising from the bottom of the heart! Presenting a new style neurolinguistic art. In growth is the germinating starting power. The seedling grows higher effortlessly every hour. We will all meet in the daylight. Together we'll now illuminate this night. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: ~15.12.2019 | Published: 16.03.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Hidden facts Often I can not realize the beauty. Because I have to pay my duty. Often I can not experience the love. Because a Guillotine hangs above. Often does the darkness blind, because I have a human mind. Sometimes I can see the light, because I have the gift of sight. Sometimes I can feel the love, be it fist bump, kiss, or hug! Sometimes I can see truly, and realize all things have their beauty! (written by KiBLS and Izzari) Written: ~22.09.2019 | Published: 19.03.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- The breakthrough I'll blow up the core shell, I'll spot the light spell. The lighting became suddenly so bright. I'm unable to ignore longer this beautiful light. The boundless sky is the place I go. With all my strength I'll now grow. I will create a shared vision for the whole. I am ready and dare to slip into my new role. Nothing can stop my growth anymore! A gigantic tree trunk grows now out of the floor. I dreamed of endlessly beautiful trees. And now I am finally able to feel this ease. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: ~01.08.2019 | Published: 19.03.2020