Wisdom speaks! Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 09 Written: 2019 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 13 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview Number Title 01. Aqueous facts 02. Modern stone of the wise 03. Particular change 04. Another morning 05. Inner Truisms 06. The center of all 07. A great unit 08. The inner explosion 09. Words for future generations 10. Eternal truth 11. Restore your energy! 12. Global illusions 13. Ongoing practice --------------------------------------------------------- Aqueous facts My whole body is made from it. It makes every component fit. It contains ancient information. Independent and free in his creation. The hobo and the king. It connects just everything. Over every border and distance. An universal law in its existence. (written by KiBLS) Written: 28.04.2019 | Published: 05.05.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Modern stone of the wise Printing money without any price. The modern stone of the wise. Hotly coveted by everyone. Who would renounce such fun? Achievements through violence and misery. A sadly fact that runs through history. One repetition after the other, a circle no one seems to bother. The stone wanders from hand to hand, and demands sacrifices all over the land. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.05.2019 | Published: 06.05.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Particular change You can smell the scent in the air. The signs of change are everywhere. Everything begins inside of you. But what you find will not be new. A brief glimpse at the first beginning. Straightway all thoughts starts spinning. The curtain falls, what surprise! A great miracle in front of your eyes. "Everything and nothing" is right there. Now you can see it everywhere. (written by KiBLS) Written: 20.05.2019 | Published: 20.05.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Another morning I hear bells that ring. What will this day bring? I slept so long and very well. About boundless dreams I can tell. I can feel the sun is shining. A new morning makes his signing. The tiredness disappears. And in the distance I hear cheers. On the horizon the sun arise. Everything is born in front of my eyes. (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.05.2019 | Published: 23.05.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Inner Truisms Give me an empty page and I'll start dreaming. Inspire me and my thoughts start screaming. In me fresh verses are already waiting. Now give me a pen and I'll start creating. Out of nowhere I'll create what I need. My mind is finally unleashed and freed. My thoughts are just starting to wander. About my way I'll not longer ponder. Always the destination in sight. I have with me the greatest might. I'll preach this everywhere and everytime: Inner freedom starts with a honest rhyme! (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.06.2019 | Published: 05.06.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The center of all Now simply close your eyes. And be free from all the lies. In front of you is the eternity. Fully packed with every alternity. Now imagine what's behind you. Isn't it the infinity too? Also to your left and to your right; Arround only the eternity is in sight! And now find the middle of all this. Realize it and receive your bliss! (written by KiBLS) Written: 12.06.2019 | Published: 13.06.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- A great unit The time to set off is coming. But before I leave I am summing. Under this beautiful sun. We are all linked up to one. No one is separated from the whole. Connecting everything is the goal. Everything interacts with each other. Not only the father with the mother. Every little thought and every deed. Keeps the whole thing in proceed. This is not only whispered by a few. Every detail has its origin in you! (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.06.2019 | Published: 18.06.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The inner explosion My vibration increases when I write. On this way I ignite my inner light! Its able to glow like a bright star. And many can recognize it from afar! The consciousness changes its state. And I am not longer afraid. I am pure light and I will now shine! I am pure light and I will now align! You will know me by my word everywhere! Cause "our mind" behaves like a loving pair! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~21.07.2019 | Published: 24.07.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Words for future generations I hope you know what I mean! When I say; keep your mind clean! Leave everything harmful behind you! See everything from a different view! Do not scam or harm others! Start to treat them like brothers! Just exchange your ideas freely! Such change we need really! The future is influenced by the past. But only what you feel right now will last! (written by KiBLS) Written: 09.08.2019 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Eternal truth Every source simply lies within you! So easy experienceable but who knew? I don't believe in a guy in the clouds. A selfish one who rules over all crowds. A thinking guy who demands sacrifice? His judgements are accepted and precise? Time turns faith into understanding. And a seed grows only by its planting. One word is so much degenerated with time. In the past this word was full sublime. The personification is the first separation! On this way they have divided every nation! Remember, nothing has ever been apart! And the whole life is a harmonious art! (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.07.2019 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Restore your energy! Now start to detoxify your body! For that, he'll be your best buddy! Get those parasites out of there! Do it thoroughly and take great care! Simply start reading and learning! Pure healthiness will be your earning! With necessary nutrients toxins will bind. New energy is created by a clear mind. This will unlock your entire potential. For a new paradise this is essential! (written by KiBLS) Written: 13.08.2019 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Global illusions You know that the chair is only an illusion! You know that the world is full of confusion. Everything is mirrored to the outside! Whether cold, warm, black or white! It doesn't matter if something is round or flat! Both perspectives are only created in your head! Your vision lets everything arise. An own creation right in front of your eyes. Every little detail and every grain of dust. Everything plays and vie for your trust. The inside is just mirrored to the outside. This old view shall serve as new guide. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~10.09.2019 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Ongoing practice I announce it loudly with my verses! "I am" is the center of all universes! It doesn't matter where this center goes, It'll remain the center that simply glows. This light creates absolutely everything! Summer, winter, autumn and the spring. Each observer determines the final blend! And so the result of every ongoing experiment. Everything you can see in front of your eyes! Is your personal and timeless exercise! (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.09.2019 | Published: 2019