More new era poetry Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 13 Written: 2019-2020 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 29 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview (1) Number Title 01. I'm talking to you! 02. Enigmatic lines 03. The day of all 04. Simply and yet complex 05. The eternal transformation 06. New speak definitions 07. Just give me more! 08. A dark transformation 09. Just think about! 10. Enlighten me! 11. An inner conflict 12. Light show 13. The one 14. Veil of a new world 15. Turning point of ages 16. Natural programming 17. Eternal flow of color 18. Behind the mountains 19. The moment of choice 20. Flowering life 21. Let's find the treasure! 22. The ticking clock 23. TV is king 24. Break the ceiling 25. Loving wisdom Overview (2) Number Title 26. Waves of thought 27. Lie dream media 28. We're already here! 29. Lightful revelation --------------------------------------------------------- I'm talking to you! You're in command now! Let me show you how! You're one who take control with ease! Let me help you stand up from your knees! You're one of those who is able to stand! Let me help you, I'll give you my hand! You're the one! There is only you! Let me help you make your dreams come true. The "here and now" is your own reality! And you are the one with the matching key! (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.08.2019 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Enigmatic lines The page in front of me is still clean. But I can recognize a very personal scene. Bit by bit I fill this mysteriousness leaf. Of course I'll try to keep it brief. Now the foundation stone has been laid. And the middle part was finally made. Now I can approach the conclusion. And in the end will appear the solution? The end has now been reached. With no proof, nobody get impeached. (written by KiBLS) Written: 13.07.2019 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The day of all We're all fighting the same fight! We all try to win with our light! The darkness alone - it cannot shine! But light can transform water into wine! The darkness can never touch the light! Because it just radiates so bright! Only if the light shines weaker sometimes, it seems that darkness grows with crimes. But once the light starts to shine again. It will simply shatter every chain. A big change is drawing near for everyone! Nothing is able to block the light of a sun. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~05.09.2019 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Simply and yet complex The words begin to glow. The rhymes begin to grow. The mass begin to know. A world changer! A world stranger! A world ranger! Hiking through illusions. Living with confusions. Creating own conclusions. Recognizing hidden signs! Reading between the lines! Realizing new designs! Thoughts of a new way! Thoughts of a new day! Because we're all here to stay! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~07.09.2019 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- The eternal transformation Matter and time - an endless illusion! Searching salvation in a delusion? A real transformation is in progress. The butterfly receives a new dress! A core which is ready to grow! A core that can infinetely glow! It will bannish every old devil! By pushing art to a new level! A caterpillar or butterfly have never existed! It's all the same - just shapeshifted! (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.09.2019 | Published: 23.09.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- New speak definitions In the past we used to say; you're a slave. Nowadays we just say; your job is save. In the past we used to call them slave lords. Nowadays we talk about entrepreneur hordes. In the past, we called it contaminated waste. Nowadays people eat it and love the taste. In the past, we called it toxical affair. Nowadays we believe that we breath clean air. In the past we all had no idea! But soon humanity will see clear! (written by KiBLS) Written: 29.09.2019 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Just give me more! The greed in many is so deeply rooted. Their whole spirit is heavy polluted! They're just demanding more and more. They treat others like a little whore. So many give so much, but never enough! Opressed to work all day in a modern handcuff. Fortunately, nowadays the whip is forbidden. But unfortunately, inner wounds are deeply hidden! So many people are blinded and degenerated by greed. They drive into their abyss with the highest speed! (written by KiBLS) Written: 09.10.2019 | Published: 2019 --------------------------------------------------------- A dark transformation Listen to the unmistakeable playing army drum. And recognize that first the dark times will come. Whole hordes will just be slaughtered. With blood the whole earth is watered. Whole cities will just let dust on a heap. And the whole humanity begins to weep. Old things stay behind and we must say goodbye. The caterpillar becomes finally a butterfly. Humanity has never awakened in this way before. The view is extended and there is so much to explore. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~26.12.2019 | Published: 08.01.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Just think about! Simply imagine if someone invents a name. Now imagine he would join this game. It's not his name, so actually he doesn't care about, but he's acting with it successfully in the crowd. This fantasy figure now easily earns money, and is ordering not only expensive honey. Covered by anonymity is approved every legal crime! And the numbers are just rising all the time. Now it is time for the next step. A real company in the world wide web. Goods and numbers finally lost their worth. And this invented name want to rule all over the earth. But what would be the end of this story? The character dies and some faded glory? Or does the whole madness just continue? And futured generations don't know what's true? (written by KiBLS) Written: ~29.07.2019 | Published: ~2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Enlighten me! Today I'll tell you what's meant by waking up. First your ego will totally breaking up. Then you will experience connectedness. But yet everything stay expectedness. Then your mind will start to realign. And you'll witness water into wine. All your burdens fall abrupt away from you. In this way you can design everything new. The shell of the caterpillar finally breaks. And the beautiful butterfly suddenly awakes. (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.01.2020 | Published: ~2020 --------------------------------------------------------- An inner conflict A solution is expensive, further problems are cheap. Inner conflicts can gnaw inside of you very deep. Be honest and pay attention to your inner voice! Trust only yourself and nobody else by choice! You create the outside world from the inside first! Change everything at origin and all evil burst! Seize the power that sleep within yours! This is the way we change the world and stop wars! You alone have this power deep inside you! But I think you know that's nothing new. Let the outside world just run wild! To finally rediscover your inner child. Because we are all here to play. And to give each other a great day! (written by KiBLS) Written: 13.01.2020 | Published: ~2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Light show Light illuminates every crack. It's an enormous, sacred attack. An old spell has been spoken. Thus the seal has been broken. These changes will be extreme. New times begin in a holy dream. Old and dirty chains are simply broken. And a new consciousness has awoken. Simply recognize your inner, ancient bond. And show the world what it have spawned. (written by KiBLS) Written: 20.01.2020 | Published: ~2020 --------------------------------------------------------- The one The new day begins and light falls in. Sunlight warms up easily the skin. Is it just me who came alone? Is it just me wearing the crown? Can you be just as clear? Can you be just as near? Time dawns, the masks come down. A king is born out of a clown. He simply frees the entire brain. And connectedness is experienced again. (written by KiBLS) Written: 20.12.2019 | Published: ~2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Veil of a new world You're here because you asked for more! And now you're standing at the door! Many new things are waiting behind it. But the most important is to become fit. A healthy mind needs a healthy foundation. On this way you receive the true salvation. All the answers will suddenly appear! And finally you're able to see clear. Invalid programmes are no longer defended. The basic programming is simply extended. (written by KiBLS) Written: 20.02.2020 | Published: ~2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Turning point of ages You know exactly what I want from you! You know exactly what we have to do! You know the time is near! You know the moment is here! While gipsies curse and nuns are praying. While drums are drumming and pipes are playing. Listen to the unmistakable wake-up call! And when we begin to demand freedom for all! Our demands will become very concrete. But together, you and I will succeed! (written by KiBLS) Written: 19.02.2020 | Published: ~2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Natural programming I can take down your firewall with ease. It will feel like a little breeze. I write in the highest programming language. I will just bypass your main switch. No internal virus can stop my corrections. Because they stand up to all inspections. An ancient code pushes everything to the top. The all-philosopher is just doing his job. The seed has been sown. Now it grows on its own. (written by KiBLS) Written: 20.02.2020 | Published: ~2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Eternal flow of colors Colored lights begin to shine, they seem like a clear sign. Energy rises from the deep. This moment I'd love to keep. Everywhere it begins to glow. Ans slowly I'm beginning to know. Everething I can feel and see. Everything radiates out of me. The source lies deep within you. Not easy to find, but it is true! With this knowledge as key, you're able to unlock the eternity! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~05.02.2020 | Published: 09.02.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Behind the mountains I like to hike in the shadows! Very far away but yet so close. I like to live in the background. Almost invisible but still to be found. You want to interact with me? You want something new to see? I welcome you with pleasure. Come share with me some leisure. So we can fantasize together, to overcome the bad weather. Sometimes familar, sometimes strange. But everthing is subject to change. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~12.02.2020 | Published: 18.02.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- The moment of choice I can watch and complain. And pretend it's all in vain. I can despair and lose all hope, and proclaim it is not my scope. But I could also do otherwise! And find my inner words to rise. I could just say what I don't appreciate. To give my inner feelings more weight. That way I could grow and inspire others. That one day we can treat ourselves like brothers. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.04.2019 | Published: 27.02.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Flowering life We change the world with our art! It arises directly from the heart! Energetic frequencies exceed frontiers. They easily eliminate all inner fears. A true feast for everybodys eyes. Art that will finish endless lies. We're just putting words and colors together. Thus we create poetic art that lasts forever! Connecting things that didn't match before. As result we outperform an prvious score. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~15.10.2019 | Published: 17.10.2019 --------------------------------------------------------- Let's find the treasure! How can the world be improved? How can all this be excused? I'll tell you a secret now! It works like a seed that I sow. Self-reflection is the key to bliss! Embrace and give yourself a kiss! Just sit down and just start writing! Your treasure map will be very exciting! In this way your inner light is ignited, and your whole self will be delighted! And finally your hour will strike! And life becomes simply dreamlike. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~27.02.2020 | Published: 25.03.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- The ticking clock Can you also see only the strange? And are you looking for the change? Then I would like to welcome you! We both know where we have to go through! We are the new game-changers! And we are old world-rangers! Even if this road will be very hard. Mankind will become wise and smart! We are all protected by an ancient shield. All the game-changers are soon sealed! So we'll enter the field of play! To finally show the world a new way! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~06.03.2020 | Published: 28.03.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- TV is king I believe every word you say! You are the reason why I pray. Your holy pictures I admire so much. They give my life an exciting touch. Please give me more of those dreams! I 'm addicted to your information streams! With ease you play with my inner fears. I love it when your melodies penetrate my ears. Oh dear TV, how can I ever thank you? For controlling my entire mind and view? (written by KiBLS) Written: 31.03.2020 | Published: 31.03.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Break the ceiling I'll be rushing upstairs very soon. I'm going to aim for the moon. There are no further fears or any limit. You can recognize it in my serious mimic! Weird fantasies become serious. Now I am even more curious. What will I end up with? Will I receive a blessing kiss? Whatever is waiting for me. Now I'll sail into an unknown sea. (written by KiBLS) Written: 24.02.2020 | Published: 31.03.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Loving Wisdom My weapons are the words. My verses are like swords. My protective shield is pure reason. It accompanies me through every season. My inner voice is guiding. Far ahead my mind is riding. The change has just proceeded. Every limit has been exceeded. Wisdom strikes like a grenade. And wins every future debate. Love generates all the wisdom. And love will change this system. (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.04.2020 | Published: 17.04.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Waves of thought We're wandering through ancient fables. We're the real sacred untouchables! Our protection comes from above. And our wisdom comes from love. Grant to the divine the birth. And togehther we'll save this earth. We'll take it and we don't discuss. This pitch is created especially for us! We are living the transformation. We are creating a true sensation. The end will just be a new start. For this we fight with our full heart! (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.04.2020 | Published: 18.04.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Lie Dream Media Faked subscribers. And wannabe writers. Neurolinguistic tricks. And manipulated clicks. Enchanting pictures. And weird mind mixtures. Artificial characteristics. And faked statistics. The business of fear. Repeats just every year. The more awake we become. The more we rise from the media slum. Soon we act in a collective. And we'll reach our objective. (written by KiBLS) Written: 17.04.2020 | Published: 20.04.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- We're already here! Enlightened beings are present. We are the ones who never bend! It takes a long time to get over it. But in the end, "being" becomes a hit! This little moment changes everything. And you will become crowned like a king. The old fears disappear piece by piece. While the own confidence grows with ease. And when this transformation is done. Finally many individuals act as one. The old reality is just being dropped. This sacred change cannot be stopped! (written by KiBLS) Written: 15.04.2020 | Published: 21.04.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Lightful revelation The truth just enters the field. Thereby all lies will be revealed. We will teach the divided. We will help the misguided! It is time for the great mind exchange. Together we stand now here for change! When we have to argue, we keep calm! We will repeat the truth like a psalm! We're gonna to stop this mankind treason! We're the ancient voice of reason! Recognize that there is no enemy to fight! And now just unleash your inner light. Start to shine like a twinkling star! To show the world who we really are! (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.04.2020 | Published: 10.05.2020