The hidden sun Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 19 Written: 2020-2021 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 43 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview (1) Number Title 01. Welcome the golden age! 02. Holy Alliance 03. Happy fulfillments 04. Link up! 05. Private growing glory 06. Towards the sun! 07. Past Announcement 08. Sanctus Rubedo 09. Of fairytales and legends 10. Your life! 11. Your exit! 12. Sacred black sun! 13. Reading symbols... 14. Natural Order 15. Mystery history 16. Corona wars 17. Modern Ascension Day 18. Living in fear? 19. The new Sun King 20. Everyone can follow! 21. Holy inner sun! 22. A new leadership 23. Day of Judgement 24. Eternal black sun 25. Forbidden truth 26. Final Mysteries Overview (2) Number Title 27. The coming day 28. The golden era 29. The source of change 30. The hidden sun 31. Let there be light! 32. Change of sight 33. Kingdom of the sun 34. Black sun definition 35. Modern sun misinterpretations 36. Black sun 37. The dawn of change 38. Creating a new world 39. Golden auras 40. Honest self adulation 41. Recognize yourself 42. The day of change 43. You have been chosen! --------------------------------------------------------- Welcome the golden age! Through the dark night of the soul, a lighting sun shines black as coal. All your dreams are suddenly taken. But that's how you'll really awaken. We all slept so long and nicely. I can still remember precisely! Money and fame, power and greed. But none of that is what we need! Your new life can now be drawn! Amazing times are about to dawn. Shifting from the dark into a golden age. The whole world is finally on the stage! The new integrates into the old. All this was long time foretold! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~28.05.2020 | Published: 06.07.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Holy Alliance The whole of history interwoven with lies. But I have seen the truth with my eyes! I have seen the hidden sun! Now I am witness of the One! Every old religion reports about it! And every modern society doubts it. Now the last veil will finally fall. Now I hear clearly the holy call. Everywhere are working sacred lights! And in the end the humanity unites. True masters have already begun drawing. So the golden age is now dawning! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~27.05.2020 | Published: 07.06.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Happy fulfillments There's no reason for a single tear! And there is no reason for any fear! Now the most beautiful time begins! Because the whole of humanity wins! The unified dream comes true! And the sky again turns blue! The water and the earth will be revived. The holy spirit has now finally arrived! All we have to do is sit in the grass. And old prophecies are coming to pass. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~28.05.2020 | Published: 08.06.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Link up! You are pure nature and all-knowing! Develop yourself and keep on growing! A mosaic is formed by many pieces. And new clarity constantly increases. He who controls the present, writes the past! And so he can also change the future very fast! Only here at this moment you are in control. Come, I'll show you how to reach your goal. I'll show you how to cross borders and grow. What do you like? What do you want to know? Sit down for a while and make yourself comfortable. Because under stress or too loose you are vulnerable! Just pay attention to your breath and relax your mind. Close your eyes and it is peace that you will find! Now your mind can connect easily with "all that is". Mind structures are created and you experience a bliss! A short time later all the answers will fall to you! But believe me, this simple trick is nothing new! This was known so long before and everybody knew it! But also in this case; our modern society blew it! So roll up your sleeves and sit down! You just have to wait for your crown! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~30.05.2020 | Published: 09.06.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Private crowning glory I've seen so long all the misery. And thus I lifted the last mystery. The desperation was so deep in me. I felt the opposite of being free. But when the chains got too tight, they were broken by a shining light. I had no external help, no prospect, no savior. And suddenly, one little moment changed my behavior. The moment when the genius pushes its bounds. Immediately the consciousness plays new sounds. Finally I've seen some kind of empty spaced corona! And that immediately erased every old persona. (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.04.2020 | Published: 06.08.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Towards the sun! Connect with that what is! To avoid any nasty tricks. Just find your inner center! Begin with an honest prayer! If you just sit in nature, you enjoy her pheromones pure! Every answer you are looking for! You will find by resting! Sit quietly and barefoot on the floor, after that you feel yourself lifted! The Mycelial network welcomes you! Have you now perceived its call for help? But also the water in the air, is filled with the scent of flowers. Wonderful sounds and natural melodies! Inspire not only to confused fantasies! Ethereal scents, pollen and also terpenes, all this has an influence on your genes! And suddenly you're connected to everything! And in nature all wounds will heal! All your cells will suddenly start laughing. And the new fire will be kindled inside of you. (written by KiBLS) Written: 29.05.2020 | Published: 19.07.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Past announcement I remember when I was a small boy. We often used the forest as a toy! We built many forts and shacks. And wandered off the beaten tracks. We have built dikes along small streams! And briefly we lived according to our dreams. How quickly these times have now faded. Today this old time looks like grey shaded. Today it's all about money and time. Everybody's always chasing the next dime. The joy and curiosity of the people is numb. And they have no idea where they're from. But in times of greatest darkness and pain. The holy sun will shine brightly again! Its light brings the final revelations! The age of Aquarius full of sensations! The change of times is about to begin. The golden age has now been ushered in! (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.07.2020 | Published: 30.07.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Sanctus Rubedo The journey leads through the deepest abysses. Through pain and suffering in all sizes. While I wandered around, I was still a sleeper. And the path led me down only ever deeper. Through experience I have optimized my rhymes. And I laughed in the face of death many times. I wandered a long time through the dark. And finally I discovered the hidden spark. I have seen through the eternal deception. I have seen the absolute and true perfection. The black sun shines from deep within. She is everything that has ever been! Now it is growing again - a wonderful flower. It unfolds slowly - the source of all power! Who could ever block the light of the sun? In the end you can expect the greatest fun! (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.06.2020 | Published: 10.08.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Of fairytales and legends When viruses can be stopped by a simple rag. Then a fence also protects against a fly attack. If a virus can be found with a useless PCR test, then a fever thermometer can find a parasite nest. Hopefully you realize how stupid all this sounds? And that a measuring tape can't measure your pounds! Our scientists are just as dumb as a shoe! And they all tell bullshit out of the blue! The Bible describes the sign of the beast! And how much the evil will be increased. We live in the end times, apocalypse, the last days. It's written that an even worse system will soon raise. All this madness will last about 3-5 years! In this time will be shed many bitter tears. Humanity will exterminate each other. No one will then know his own brother. But when all this is over, comes the golden age! In our development the most beautiful stage! Nothing and nobody can stop or halt this! A day when the sun gives the world a blessed kiss. Those who survive have been already selected! With the highest their spirit is connected! They know the true way and have experienced the truth. They found inside themself, a sacred fountain of youth. They will become the teachers of the new age! They are masters of their emotions and rage. No one can seduce the chosen ones now anymore! They've seen the paradise and walked through the door. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.09.2020 | Published: 04.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Your life! Do you still feel healthy and well? Come sit down for a test of your cell! They will store your DNA and use it! DNA computers will definitely abuse it! The entire DNA of humanity bundled together. Would such a DNA-computer be somehow clever? Can such "a beast" connect to quantum processors? And independently track down potential aggressors? Artificial controlled dogs already running around. Luckily they still don't fight like a hellhound. And it's good that Robocop is still in his garage! I'm sure he was only built for a pleasant massage. They still have not yet created the real beast! But it will rage not only from west to east! I really have nothing good to announce today. But I'd like to share a "crude idea" about the way. Dear sleepers! The coming times will not become great! Together we'll stand in hell at the famous gate. So many still try to save their own hoard. And many more cry and call for the false lord! This Lord will reveal himself and he come for you! He's gonna chip you, tag you and program you anew! Your financial worries will be a thing of the past. And maybe just a memory of your old life will last! Your new freedom is to serve under your true master. But surprise, now you're owned by the Lord of Distaster! Now you have to stay strong and endure 1000 years! You can still listen from afar to our cries of cheers. Two realities! Satan's followers and humanity! Now you must for real choose with sanity! (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.06.2020 | Published: 05.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Your exit! Release yourself from all ties! The exit is in front of your eyes! Every vibration of the mind is like a tune. Every thought may become a curse or boon! So pay attention to every single thought! In the end you'll benefit from it a lot! So start to take your unique supremacy! Just feel love to change your frequency! And when you have found the inner source. You're able to determine the future course. (written by KiBLS) Written: 06.06.2020 | Published: 06.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Sacred black sun! From the ashes of the old system. In the name of a banished emblem. A kingdom will rise in all its glory! It's coming true - the ancient story. When you finally found your inner core, the golden age is knocking at the door. Can you imagine what we will soon achieve? It's only the old system we must leave! All things have long been foretold! And many souls have not been sold! The black sun shines in so many so brightly! Mind warriors act brave and truly knightly. Thoughts of all warrior's gather over airwaves. We'll reach and connect through the deepest caves. An unmanageable and incorruptible network of truth. It'll not only save the old but also the youth! Opening your eyes, it will not be in vain! But the process will cause a lot of pain! In the end there will only be a new beginning. But after this transition, everybody is winning! Recognize your inner light and start to shine! You're able to transform water into wine! Soon the divine shines brightly out of all pores. The day it bursts forth, it'll shatter all doors. (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.07.2020 | Published: 07.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Reading symbols... Those who do not know the whole and true story, shouldn't interpret symbols with hate or glory! Interpreting symbols wrong does not help anyone! Nowadays fakers use stolen symbols like a gun! Who thinks the sites are clearly defined by signs, is not able to read between the modern lines! He is controlled by evil and distributes its lies. Half-truths are dangerous and help the evil to disguise! All good and evil have long been mixed up! And wrong interpretations must be fixed up! You can no longer trust the old symbols today! Flags are not only black and white, but also grey! Witch burnings are kindled by false accusations! Today the evil doesn't sit in specific nations! Neither everyone using a simple chessboard is bad! But many wolves in sheep's clothing are acting mad! Incorrect informations are spread and distributed! And every attempt of a correction is simply muted! Who doesn't know the history can't afford to judge! He'd better learn more before he talks crap so much! The holy truth is still hidden and was never revealed! If you realize that, you find yourself on a battlefield! The evil can take out the good still with sick passion. And it's not so that people can still think with ration! Pay attention to the words and read between the lines! And don't pay so much attention to long stolen signs! (written by KiBLS) Written: 19.08.2020 | Published: 08.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Natural order If they sting, nobody punishes the bees. So, in nature there are no guarantees! Everyone is free to do what they like. They can play, dance, jump or hike. Be an enemy of nature or a friend of the bees! Sinking in your thoughts or climbing trees! Play with nature and recognize it as alive! And behind you stands "not only" a beehive! Whether you run barefoot or with a single shoe. It's entirely your choice what you wanna do! Nature will protect you with all her powers! She can create earthquakes but also flowers! She'll never tremble before any of the kings! She'll blend in with the grand scheme of things. Who should judge or condemn you in nature? You're part of her great natural portraiture! Every single move you make is simply amazing! Alone your presence is the highest praising! Every detail and situation - try to connect it! And any old vice or guilt - simply forget it! The past and the future meets in the present! Now simply connect with the pheromonic scent! Through inner peace and silence you will wake up! And every old chain you can then easily break up! (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.06.2020 | Published: 09.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Mystery history Inside of me I have found a shiny, dark kernel. I acknowledge that I have "found what is eternal". It shines brighter than a thousand suns. It can be heavier than a thousand tons. It's always and forever at the same place. It's always looking right into your face. A holy revelation by the supreme! It's the fulfillment of an old dream. Many will be transformed from the earthly. Because they were all found to be worthy! This change will be unique in our history! The day when we will all reveal the final mystery. (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.06.2020 | Published: 10.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Corona wars A new beastking will never be accepted! This artificial coronation is rejected! The plan was seen through globally. Resistance grows not only locally! A deep reflection back to the roots. Like a choice between burgers or fruits. Even though we're on the edge of a knife. We have all decided to choose the life! The kind hearts awaken to unite. And people feel again their pride! And as the horror story came to a sudden ending. It was a new history that simply blend in. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~27.05.2020 | Published: 11.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Modern Ascension Day At some time - one who will full awaken! The whole world will be suddenly shaken. Fully awakened through his own power. He rings in the system's final hour. Flying, transformation, spinning flashes. He rises like a phoenix from his ashes. The greatest miracle of modern times. He enjoys the protection of sacred rhymes. Every knowing one will stand by his side. He will only listen to his inner guide. He will be untouchable and unerring! All wisdom and knowledge he's bearing. No more lies will stand in his holy ways. Because it's only the truth that he prays. (written by KiBLS) Written: 15.08.2020 | Published: 12.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Living in fear? I speak to all who spread fear without solution: For the evil you spread horror and confusion! Stop complaining and make it better! Spread true solutions e.g. via newsletter! Health is the most important point these days! Whole humanity is highly poisoned and going astray. Those who live also in fear are like paralyzed. They have not the complete situation analyzed. Fear stun the brain and toxins blocks the thinking. And the own life force is more and more shrinking. Becoming aware of the problems is only one aspect! Who only spreads fear and scare appears suspect! Spread more love and the old wisdom with it! We need solutions - because we all miss it! Finally the truth will banish the falsehood! So that in the end all can become good. (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.07.2020 | Published: 13.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- The new Sun King You already know that Corona means "crowning". Don't believe in a virus! It's like a clowning! The pope relinquished his title as Jesus' deputy. I'm going to dissolve now this fake complexity! The One and only will appear! The new Sun King! With da evil he will walk into the ring. He will have omniscience and all the needed power. His aura shines golden and he'll stand firm like a tower. But he's not awake yet! This will happen soon! He can survive in the north and in every dune. Many are already enlightened and on the same road! So be sure corona is just a feared and hidden code! He will wake up all the other enlightened ones. Because all of them have found their inner suns. Every lie and all evil will then be eradicated! This is what the whole world had long awaited! But the day of awakening is not firmly written! He faces the hard way, any retreat is forbidden! When you have found your inner sun, you are selected! By the sacred black sun you are from now protected! A long time can pass from the black sun to awakening! The inner sun is an alchemical process of blackening! After that, it goes on! It's just the beginning! You have the might to beat now any outer sinning! To take the last step you have to go into the ground! And in the end you'll be the one who is really crowned! Call it Christ Consciousness, Buddha or third Sargon! But in the end there will be no more pardon! One of the many will someday completely awaken! The consciousness of evil will be completely shaken. On that day the golden age will really manifest! And all of humanity will see clear and be blessed! (written by KiBLS) Written: 17.08.2020 | Published: 14.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Everyone can follow! Yes! I know that I can! I'll find my roots again! Yes! I will connect with the nature. I'll explore the whole portraiture. Ancient knowledge and wisdom unfold. A long time this has been just told. The new age is not a religion or belief! It's the end of all this misery and grief. New seeds were already planted. The world of thought is now expanded. The vibrations are constantly increasing. It's eternal love that we're releasing! The curtains will fall everywhere! And mankind will become self-aware! And you're already doing your part! By learning from an ancient art! So, feel inspired and find your own words! Just start to whistle on like the birds. But don't let it be a difficult hunt! Just think about whatever you want! Write them down and learn to interpret them! Treat all your creations like a sacred gem! Only your own words will open the gate. And only your own mind can create! (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.05.2020 | Published: 16.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Holy inner sun! How can I describe something that nobody understands? Something that never really began and never ends? Something that has no form and nobody could ever kill. Something that's more powerful than any red pill? Today no one can still interpret the ancient truth! Old people teach great humbug to an unwitting youth. But I want to try to enlighten everything! Believe me it will become fascinating! A bright and yet dark sun is the eternal source! It created everything and is the elemental force. It's simply everything and yet absolutely nothing. It makes no difference between a beggar or a king. It takes away all your fears and anxieties. And erases your old self from all societies. It shines out of you and its power is eternal! It's the true and inexhaustible kernel. The inner sun is known under many names nowadays! But its existence is not just an empty phrase! In all countries, old religions and ancient scriptures. Everywhere inside this world you can find the pictures! It connects everything and heralds the golden age. After such dark times, it can be really seen as a wage. All humanity will soon be able to grow and thrive! A sacred dream comes true and everyone will have a good life. (written by KiBLS) Written: 24.07.2020 | Published: 17.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- A new leadership All waiting for the "one command". So that the evil can be finally banned. The holy herd is still leaderless. Because all speakers are featureless. Finally mindful berserkers will rise! But they are not mad, they are truly wise! They learned to distinguish good from bad. Most fight for kids because they're a dad. They all know what this war is really about. That's why they're screaming the truth out loud. No one will take over the holy creation! The truth will spread now in every nation! How naive must one be to think that he should fear god? The most sacred covenant will now end this fraud. The eternal truth, it makes just perfect sense! And it's also the best and most effective defence! (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.08.2020 | Published: 18.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Day of Judgement By enlightenment you'll see suddenly clear. By enlightenment you'll dissolve any fear. The process can take a very long time. But it'll accelerate with a honest rhyme. The times we live in seems to be wild. Rulers act at the level of a little child. Authorities abuse their power at every level. And officials have made a deal with the devil. Everything good was turned into the other side. And this madness was happening worldwide. Nowadays gangsters are adored and celebrated, And lies and corruption are nicely decorated. When you once have heard all the lies, only the truth remains and flies! In times when everything is falling apart. You just have to listen to your heart! Then no one will ever dupe you again. That's how you'll break your old chain. Then you can live after your desire. And that's how you'll expose every liar. The final judgment will then be made. And every promised bill will be paid. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.07.2020 | Published: 21.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Eternal black sun Attention! Please lock all of you up at home! Please lock yourselves in your lying dome. Just do it, even if it sounds scary. From now only go outside if necessary! And please put on your muzzle as a sign! Do not talk to anyone! Yeah, that's fine! Here comes the second wave of my philosophy! It's now pouring over the world - my psychopathy. I've found out that none of you have a clue! Most people just talk crap out of the blue. Old religions have received at least the essence! So one sees the divine still shows its presence! Sacred texts and symbols are falsified and abused! And all those inhuman crimes can hardly be excused! The light of the opened water jug acted as signing. Face the golden age! The black sun is already shining! It shines like never before thanks to cosmic forces! With the pulling power of more than a million horses! It tears apart old lies and heralds the golden age! It releases the holy truth and reason from its cage. (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.07.2020 | Published: 22.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Forbidden truth The truth you can find in poetry and fairy tales! If we write it clear we're attacked by media whales. Here in Germany the truth is long prohibited anyway! We've to be proverbially careful what we say. Old ladies get locked up when they talk about their lives. Because the truth is more dangerous than any knife! One is insulted, disparaged and also persecuted. The truth is today strongly hated and polluted. The truth has been twisted nowadays so much, that it hurts your head when you get in touch. But the time of change has now truly begun! And from the very beginning the truth has won! (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.08.2020 | Published: 23.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Final Mysteries The time of the rapture - close at hand! This story was for a long time planned! Rejoice! After the chaos, it will be amazing! Now it's our inner enemy we must facing! Do you remember the evil stone text? So everyone knows what happens next! The falsified word serves as the script. And everything good was simply flipped! So many words were perverted and mixed up. And old meanings were tried to be fix up. So many prophets and seers have seen it! They truly described it the way they mean it! Also Sajaha was absolutely golden right! Someone will come soon to end this night! The golden age was heralded by the Ilu Ray. Thus the new age receives its true birthday. Almost every religion knows the source. And many also describe the further course! But also in the Edda and the Nordic mythology! Wise men find the truth in every analogy! You can be happy when you are innocent! Because the last awakening is imminent! (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.08.2020 | Published: 24.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- The coming day The day when the gods awoke. The day of the final stroke. The day when the world knew. The day prophecies came true. The day when the good were assembled. It was the day when da-evil trembled. A day when the evil was jailed. And when justice prevailed. It was the beginning of the golden age. And suddenly all evil was in a cage. (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.08.2020 | Published: 25.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- The golden era Here from Germany this change will come! You can already hear how our feets drum. This time nothing can hold us! Too many lies we were told us! The jug of Aquarius is wide open! The Age of Pisces is thus broken! This change it becomes truly divine! The black sun does already shine! The whole world is now changed by its light! Everyone is amazed about this primal might. Right now the truth is being spread! So the golden times are not far ahead! (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.08.2020 | Published: 26.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- The source of change Cheating and lying to each other. Deceive and exploit him, your own brother. Take the last dime he's got so you'II feel great? So you've opened for hell your personal gate! We've waited so long. We've been only mocked! And every truth has been successfully blocked. Nothing in this world is sacred anymore! Everyone sells himself like a cheap whore! Everyone who's still on the wrong side now. Will see how the evil caresses him, and how! Justice will rage throughout the world one day. For the good it's just a little game they play. Nothing can stop this holy new age! And no good soul will be left in his cage! The whole reality bends for the chosen ones! Because to the sun they are the most loyal sons! Nothing can stop the light of the sun! From the very beginning it has won! (written by KiBLS) Written: 06.08.2020 | Published: 27.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- The hidden sun I've seen the holiest and it was incredible! I've experienced something indescribable. I've found a hidden sun inside of me. It works for me like the hidden magic key! The black sun shines bright inside of all of you! The holiest is calling to create everything anew! Sacred wisdom, insight, knowledge and all power. These are our forces for the systems final hour. Are you ready for this light? It is already awake! Internal frequencies are releasing an artificial brake! Just sit down quietly to receive the holy tones! It'll heal the body deeply, down to the bones. We expose all lies and unmask the black sheep. The ancient truth is what we're gonna keep! Its rays will create a new reality. And suddenly all thoughts are free! (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.04.2020 | Published: 29.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Let there be light! Soon we reach the point where all is said! Then you can choose between life and death. But there are people who have no choice anymore. They've given themselves to the devil like a whore. These are the ones who constantly twist the truth. These are the ones who constantly seduce the youth. Mighty rulers... but over a pile of dead bodies! Conspiring into a bunch of blind acting lobbies. They're hoarding not only banknotes and fantasy cash. To prepare themself for the biggest financial crash! And indeed it will be for many a really hard shift! Because "their solution" is again a "trojan" gift. Many devils will try to temp you again and again! Trying to plant their thoughts deep inside your brain. But it will be a futile fight for every dirty lie! Cause the holiest will be seen by the inner eye! Nothing can block this amazing and powerful light! Because it is and has always been the greatest might! (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.06.2020 | Published: 01.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Change of sight Many prophecies are being fulfilled. And finally every lie will be killed. I am born out of the hidden sun, And I'll go back there when I'm done. But this change will be so extensive. And the price for it is very expensive! Such a small minority has decided, that everything must be divided. By finally breaking our old slavery chain. All this chaos comes to natural order again. And when worldwide the life finally recovers. We'll all recognize the most beautiful clovers. (written by KiBLS) Written: 12.06.2020 | Published: 03.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Kingdom of the sun I don't care anymore about your rules. Soon I'll have all the needed tools. I follow and keep my own sacred laws! Compared to yours, they're without flaws! Even if it seems strange from the outside, I was always following only my inner guide! A mosaic element is about to be completed. For that price, generations have competed. Wars have been fought in the wrong name! But now it comes the end of this deceitful game! Holy signs were abused and defiled. And everything good was exiled. I proclaim the change of times! You can read it in my sacred rhymes! The holy primal light announces the golden age. In the Book of Life, the Aquarius opens a new page. The world cries out for the holy quake! So the all-philosopher will soon really awake! This doomed system will go down in flames. We're removing any artificial thought frames. From the ashes will rise the kingdom of the sun. For everyone it'll be a long and arduous run! But what is created this time will last long times! Because this time truth is protected by sacred rhymes! (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.07.2020 | Published: 06.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Black sun definition The black sun had many different names. It's knowledge and wisdom that it claims. Ancient religions show its holy pictures. And it's written about in old scriptures. The black sun heralds the new age. In the Book of life it opens a new page. In Egypt her name was Sothislight. And even in the Edda it shines bright. Sajaha, the first seer of Babylon knew it. Even Christ's ascension day points to it. It is symbolised by those black stones. And she shows to who this world owns. The Light of wisdom, knowledge and more. The chosen one does not behave like a whore. The new Sun King was always crowned by her. Because he will easily expose every liar! It is in Buddhism, Islam and all religions. But also in national flags and old traditions. From the Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Every other defintion would be hilarious! But this knowledge is still hidden and secret! But it goes back even further than only Egypt. Da evil tries to disguise this information! But you can find its source in every nation! Now the black sun is again shining. Thus the new age made its signing. (written by KiBLS) Written: 24.09.2020 | Published: 20.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Modern sun misinterpretations It was never about the yellow sun over your heads! It's not the source from which wisdom spreads! It's the black sun deep inside that is at stake! Only her holy light can make you really awake. She is the source of all wisdom and knowledge! In this way you can forget any school and college! But She is also the source of your real power! Once discovered, her light grows every hour. Your black sun is connected to the true source! It determines your life and your future course! In old religions this knowledge was always known! But your inner black sun never comes alone! We are many who know and experienced the reality! It shows you the naked truth without any fee! And her light is also not black but ultraviolet! The radiation changed its colour from infrared. All this is still hidden in old pictures and beliefs! The holy black sun is what will bring us all relief! (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.08.2020 | Published: 01.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Black Sun You amazing, holy black sun! Your times have now begun! You shine bright from deep within. You're the sequel of a new creationring. Your beam, it just creates. Your light, it open gates! You're for real the greatest! You're the first and latest. You're everything and nothing. You're crowning every true king. The black sun shines hidden in everyone! By its beam the golden age has begun! (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.07.2020 | Published: 03.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- The dawn of change I've found peace deep inside, thus my old ego has died. I have discovered the holiest light. The rays were dark and yet so bright. Immediately every curtain and veil fell. And I was suddenly freed from my cell. I have never begged or asked for this! And yet I've received that holy bliss. This made my rhymes more intense. And I recognized the primordial sense. New and old ideas conquer the earth. It was happening a renewed holy birth. The Sothislicht appeared again, to begin his holy and eternal reign. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.11.2020 | Published: 05.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Creating a new world The new reality is already perceived. And needed frequencies are received. No matter how stormy it is around me! The holy light has finally found me! My whole being is being transformed. The heart is energized and warmed. A change that still seems very bizarre. But my aura will light up like a star. Nothing and nobody can stop me! Nothing and nobody will top me! All evil will receive its penalty. Cause I'm the one with a holy key! I'll now shape my reality as I like it! And any resistance - I'm gonna strike it! (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.06.2020 | Published: 02.07.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Golden auras We are heading for the golden age! In Valhalla all are waiting and ready. In both realms it will rage violently. But we will be rewarded in victory. The passing of time, the transfer of power For a long time, many devils have laughed unrestrained Firstborn, blood sacrifice, even fratricide? Satan's lies will soon be seen in every corner! Good and evil - in the meantime twisted poles! But the truth serves the whole good! True chaos breaks out all of a sudden. Civil war! Every house will be on fire! Old powers soon reappear. And old victors will be crying on the ground. This change - it's in full swing! This change - it's taking very long this time! The German country is in revolt again, Philosophers now defend themselves against injustice. Notice all the signs around you! Because your environment was and is never silent! (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.06.2020 | Published: 02.07.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Honest self adulation The black sun shines out of me. This holy light just loves me. I want a change deep from my heart! I'm going to play now my predestined part! What do you want to reach with your number games? Inside of me are burning a thousand sacred flames! I am the one everyone is waiting for! I've found my inner and eternal core! My power will bring this holy change! Even for me it still sounds strange! But I feel this incredible power within me! I let myself be surprised what it brings me. I will soon awaken completely! I will do it simple and discreetly! Nothing can stand in my sacred way! I see everything only as an eternal play. My will shall soon become the law! Because nobody yet believes what I saw! But I'm in union with the most sacred! My inner beeing was suddenly exposed naked! I have been purified and also sanctified! I'm the one whos mind was incredible amplified. (written by KiBLS) Written: 04.09.2020 | Published: ~2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Recognize yourself All my life I've been bleeding. But now the darkness is receding. I'm not the one who's coming. I'm already here and humming. I'm not who I once was. I'm the one who saw the cause. I'm the one who speaks strange. I'm the one who brings change. My message will be widely spread. My thoughts just keep moving ahead. (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.06.2020 | Published: 02.07.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- The day of change The day has come! Finally I'll leave you! Now I'm going to start my life anew! From the forests of Odin, I now move out. Nature awaits me, she calls out loud. Without direction or fate in sight. I simply trust the greatest might! I have seen the promised Ilu light! It was so incredibly deep and yet so bright. Call it black sun, Sothislight or whatever! A sight like that you'll forget never! But if you saw that, you'll understand, how the whole course of time is planned. This enlightenment sizzles your brain. And you're not just feeling unity again. You're not the same, the theatre's done! And suddenly you realize you've won. All the power is now at your fingertips. Soon the world will follow your scripts. This change will be extreme and comprehensive. In the end that price will have been expensive! But nothing can stop this transformation. And in the end there will be a real sensation! So look forward to the coming times! And forget about all your dimes! Even if nobody yet know how, this change will happen now! (written by KiBLS) Written: 09.08.2020 | Published: ~2020 --------------------------------------------------------- You have been chosen! I'm sealed and protected by the Highest One, because I've seen the deep of the holy sun! After enlightenment I was led into temptations. At all corners waited so many material sensations. Money and power of unprecedented scales. Was offered to me if I told only fairy tales. I've resisted all these ridiculous attempts! Because I'm not a weak one who simply bends! I'll stand for what I believe in. I'll stand above every cheapy sin. But the devil does not make the rules for me! An understanding of good and evil is the key! And because I resisted, I am dignified! I've been cleansed and my old ego died. And some time after enlightenment it occurred. That which cannot be described in any other word. Someone with a golden aura gave me a seal. I couldn't see a body but the light was real. He only touched me on my forehead. At this moment there was nothing said. Through my whole body I could feel this light. It was so filigree and yet so intense and bright. I have never sensed love like this before! I wanted to enjoy this light more and more! I've never seen or felt anything so amazing. That golden aura is just holy and blazing. I wanna be able to glow like that too! Such loving light can be emitated only by a few! I want to shine golden and irradiate everything! And suddenly there will be born the new king! (written by KiBLS) Written: 24.07.2020 | Published: ~2020