The monkey and the butterfly Written by: KiBLS and Deceptions Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 20 Written: 2020-2021 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 16 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview Number Title 01. Times up! 02. Avatar voices 03. Customised ways 04. Ripples 05. Kindled spark 06. Freeworld 07. Bring on the lights 08. We know! 09. The WAY 10. Work inside 11. Sign 12. Listeners 13. Decisions 14. The puppet player 15. Spring time 16. Zodiacal distortion --------------------------------------------------------- Times up! We're like an eternal and holy formation! Together we bring that transformation! We Even agree when we disagree. And we'll never bend the knee! In the past we were all stifled and chained. Now our mental powers rise unrestrained. Our minds were the tools we hadn't explored. But now useless thoughts will be ignored. Knowledge we learned had so many flaws. So we started our search about the cause. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 25.09.2020 | Published: 28.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Avatar voices The monkey and the butterfly. Together they fly very high. We will cross spiritual frontiers. We will conquer ancient fears. In front of everyone eyes. We will defeat dirty lies. Chosen to walk within the WAY. We're talking about the day. The holy nature has made its choice. For the subconscious we rise our voice. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 25.09.2020 | Published: 28.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Customised ways So many ways to choose but I walk mine! I follow it and observe every sign. Unimpressed, I saw the evil side. There every truth was only denied. Memories appeared through sacred signs. And so I began to write true lines. In my centre I've found the source. I feel increasing waves of the force. A hidden spark I found. I've freed the light. And it helped me to enjoy a major sight. I turned myself to the essence of love, thus I received the blessing from above. Inwardly satisfied and fully delighted. At last I could feel completely united. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 29.09.2020 | Published: 30.09.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Ripples We know that everything is a lie and a sham. We came here to end this endless scam. Our lights start to shine unmistakable. Our subconsciousness is unshakable. Across all old borders and nations, we'll spread our poetic sensations. Just follow our example, be there! Just relax and breathe in fresh air. Spread the love across all borders. Thus we create those new orders. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 04.10.2020 | Published: 07.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Kindled spark A true guild of honest poets is formed. Thus every building of lies will be stormed. We illuminate the darkness that still prevails. Our light will simply surpass all the scales. We strive for the change we want to see. We know; our subconscious is the key! Our history is only a theory, we need to unwind. The new fire is kindled from the frame of mind. We walked that road right up to the light. To rearrange our thoughts is the real fight. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 04.10.2020 | Published: 07.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Freeworld Do not cling to your ego or name! Both are part of the evil game. Do not rely again on foreign pledges! Because they're waiting at all edges! Trust only your innermost core! This is the only way to open the door! In our modern world that you see. The mind's confused by blind belief. The written letters serves as images. As personal scenes they appear limitless. A new story board, on a green screen, creates imaginations I have never seen. Finally we have to go out to explore. To realize that truth is providing more. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 03.10.2020 | Published: 08.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Bring on the lights The darkness is highly revered. And the true light is still feared. We bring the truth to light again. To break every single old chain. Connectedness and unity are the goals. For this we will turn around the poles. From when we are born until we are dead. The blood of everyone is always red. All the birds chirp and sing, to everybody who is listening. While the seasons change the way rotates. Completely unaffected by human debates. We the pawns play and act on our own. And so we finally leave the gaming zone. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 08.10.2020 | Published: 09.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- We know! We are no longer in search. Especially in no church. The alpha and the omega. Leads us soon into a new era. An indescribable change is imminent. It's predestined and very significant. Unimaginable for the most. For many, frightening as a ghost. But nobody has anything to fear! And nobody has to shed a single tear. Time to laugh at what you thought. That time has passed, the lesson taught. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 02.01.2021 | Published: 03.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- The WAY Inside me lies every contradiction. Because outside, everything is fiction. The imagination creates perception. And yet everything is a deception. Only a few recognise the eternal true. Their own delusion they had to go through. To finally overcome their own sadness. They just climbed up their own madness. It is sad to see where we have been. So obvious now, we have all seen. We'll help those who have fallen behind. We'll encourage those who did not yet find. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 02.01.2021 | Published: 04.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Work inside Our words create a different view. Thereby we light the fire in you. We write straight from the heart. For that we don't have to be smart. For within you lies the wisdom. This way works the whole system. Don't let the outside distract you. In order to be able to connect you. You will open up from deep inside. The phosphor will shine bright. The passing loop of life will change you. With new health, clarity shines through. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 03.01.2021 | Published: 05.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Sign Take me to the highest heights! Show me the brightest lights! Show me boundlessness of my mind. Let me no longer be aimless and blind! Show me what positive I can learn! Let naked experience be what I earn. Tell me about that enticing imagery. Those hidden signs I should see. There is no reason to feel longer blind. We crossed those boundaries of the mind. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 05.01.2021 | Published: 06.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Listeners You must have a lot to tell. Every memory is like a spell. They'll reshapes your own past. For those lessons are fading fast. Your thinking influences what will come. Of your present thoughts, it'll be the sum. The greatest impact is your feelings! For they all have energetic meanings. You're writing your history right now. And these seeds will grow somehow. Share all the thoughts that come to you. So listeners can learn something new. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 03.01.2021 | Published: 08.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Decisions It is only up to you if the new age, will become just a new confined cage. Your consciousness is the key! To unlock the real infinity. The decision is overdue and up to you. A nasty way is replaced through a new. Why be confined longer inside a cage. Instead of entering into a new age? Entertained with fictional fairy tales, and lies that burn under the nails. Consciously your acute mind can see, that those storys can not be reality. The deep fear that is holding you back, which for a long time you couldn't crack. The fear of opening yourself up to the whole. The fear of being wounded deep in the soul. It keeps you down and oppresses you. But when you open up it blesses you! (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: ~13.01.2021 | Published: 14.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- The puppet player They create a problem that even idiots recognise. And wait until the masses together will rise. Their puppets make it so uncomfortable, that no country is any longer governable. They play publicly with the fear and bullying. And act with their whole credibility fully in. They wait until there is enough chaos and confusion. And offer a world government as the best solution. And many deluded people think it is a good idea. Because this newly disguised solution is very near. Since very many cannot cook or light a fire. So they keep falling for the next wily liar. Puppet dancing no longer an attraction, Rome is falling. They pushed too far. You can hear the freedom calling. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 02.01.2021 | Published: 18.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Spring time The birds are singing today. The snow melts and slips away. Spring sends us a greeting, and nature begins on speaking. Listen to its enchanting tones. Be it trees, plants or even stones. What comes to mind from the words I hear. The enchanting sounds that delight my ear. Creating life at nature's speed. Life still flows by while I read. (written by KiBLS and Deceptions) Written: 18.01.2021 | Published: 22.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Zodiacal distortion An antient description of the zodiac. An antient description is coming back. In the endless sky it was always known, as the circle of tiny animals it was shown. Everthing revolve around the way. The way we are, the way to be today. It is the way and manner how we talk. Words and sounds that learn to walk. Everyone knows the antient zodiac view. When it's shown to someone it's not new. Distort facts with half-truths, an old trick. This way they hid the way from the public. (written by Deceptions and KiBLS) Written: ~18.01.2021 | Published: 21.01.2021