The exit Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 21 Written: 2020-2021 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 30 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview (1) Number Title 01. Mouth and nose protector 02. Unit detection 03. Society exit 04. Determination 05. Cognition and insight 06. The Hobo King? 07. You are! 08. Live vegetarian! 09. To go or not to go? 10. Alphilosophy for beginners 11. Illusory time 12. Up to the top 13. Outside and inside 14. A new light 15. Extensive cleaning 16. A king wakes up 17. Spiritual master 18. True faith is to know! 19. To new heights! 20. One-way road 21. Bare truths 22. Alternating seasons 23. Internal freedom 24. Know thyself! 25. An unknown road 26. Inner perception Overview (2) Number Title 27. Real education 28. Your potential 29. Extensive truthfulness 30. Controlled time --------------------------------------------------------- Mouth and nose protector Mask yourself if you are not educated! Stay ignorant and do as you are dictated. Keep your distance when you're controlled. Do not argue with anyone, just be cold! Do not leave your house, as the covidiots say, and don't let your children go out to play! Equip little babies with a faceshield! Until their mouth can be sealed. Don't question anything and obey every command! Don't get the idea that all this could be planned! If the money becomes worthless, stay remain quiet! And keep on with your proviso oxygen diet. Drain your brain of as much oxygen as possible. Just wear your mask! It's fully plausible! (written by KiBLS) Written: 29.09.2020 | Published: 05.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Unit detection We live in the middle of the holiest! There's no need to feel loneliness! We are what is and what was forever! Who understands this is really clever! Each individual is part of the whole! To recognize this truth is the goal! No matter what you ever observe. Every straight line and every curve! If you stand in front of someone else, be aware he's composed of the same cells. But even the chair and also the table! Everything is wearing the same label! We are all created and born from the one! We are all children of the most holy sun! No matter with whom you argue or disagree! To recognize unity, that is the important key! (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.09.2020 | Published: 11.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Society exit Now follow only your inner voice! This is one of the wisest choice. Don't let the outside tell you anything! That way you will become a real king! No one can defeat your sacred kingdom, because you don't need anymore an income. Neither do you need a single donation, because you live in the middle of creation. Recognize your uniqueness and simply wake up! That way you will survive the final breakup. Afterwards, everything will be united again. The whole spectacle is only in your brain. Your thoughts exists for the creation! They never changed their real location. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.10.2020 | Published: 12.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Determination Your words are something unique! They're able to break the peak. This is how the world is shaped and guided! You can unite what was once divided. You are gifted and blessed by fate! You are able to surpass every rate. Everything comes together at one spot. You may believe it or you may not. Reality has been waiting for you a long time. You're able to bring a long yearned peacetime. You already carry everything necessary within you. You just have to think how fate should continue! Nothing can change your predetermined way. For you have seen through the eternal play. (written by KiBLS) Written: 10.10.2020 | Published: 13.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Cognition and insight Even if the path seems tough. No burden will be heavy enough. Your power is endless and immense. You do not need any kind of defence! Your thoughts are boundless. And your actings are soundless. You walk the path everyone is looking for. And you're able to go through that door. Material things will just come to you. Just hold on to the eternal true. All matter is dominated by your mind! Just go on while you stay nice and kind. In retrospect, everything will make sense. And no one will experience a real offence. (written by KiBLS) Written: 10.10.2020 | Published: 14.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- The Hobo King? A homeless hobo on his spiritual ways? Becoming someone who no longer obeys. I want to go new ways like a drum major! I want to be free and live within nature! I want to be one of the first to awaken! Even if in the end I am completely mistaken. My inner voice is so clear and distinct. I just have to follow that ancient instinct! I don't know the way or even my destination. But in the end I'll feel that natural relation. Many more will follow this sacred path. Because it's the only way, just do the math! Do you want to go on working for cash? And wait at home for the financial crash? The whole earth has already been bartered away. They're just waiting for your personal decay. Tagged, subjected and torn from the creation, they'll claim their loot soon in every nation. But grab into the pocket of a naked man, even it's still part of their end time plan. The last will become the first! And the richest will be the worst. The good will again be considered good. And in the end eradicate falsehood. What is all this worldly possession? It only causes more and more aggression. Everything is only illusion and deception! Only through fear they create an exception! You live in the holiest temple ever! And into it they can break never! (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.09.2020 | Published: 15.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- You are! You are truely holy and unimpeachable! Your awareness level is unreachable! You are in control of your imagination! You've experienced it as a sensation. You can live soon from your own light! It already shines unmissable bright! Nothing could ever outshine you! Your light creates everything anew! Like a rose you will soon bloom. You will give the biggest boom! The holiness will be reborn within you! Your biggest dream is coming true! The world will celebrate this event! You're the one who spread an unique scent. (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.09.2020 | Published: 16.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Live vegetarian! It is written: Thou shalt not kill! Not a single man or even an animal! Meat ruins the body and the soul! And slaughterhouses harm the whole! Do not eat any kind of dead bodies! Even if it's advertised by lobbies! No animal wants to die or be killed! Otherwise you'll swallow a huge guilt. Every living being has an holy mind. Don't be so stupid, reckless and blind! Live on without eating rotten meat! And pay attention to what you eat! (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.10.2020 | Published: 17.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- To go or not to go? What would you do if you were immortal? Would you then search for the one portal? Would you strive for higher things? To end up spreading your wings? Or would you succumb to worldly pleasures? Accumulate power in an unimaginable measures? Accumulating women, money and property? And end up in a craze of full snobbery? You are chosen from an infinite multitude. Everything and nothing you have viewed. You are someone who stands above all these vices! You're aware that one fights for it at all prices. The ascent is not given to you, you take it. And your destiny, you cannot escape it! The Alphilosophical Way is the supreme! And it was initiated by the holy beam. (written by KiBLS) Written: 10.10.2020 | Published: 18.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Alphilosophy for beginners Far above alchemy stands the alphilosophy. It contains everything and is the true anthology. Everyone's history and wisdom is accessible. But in language it's not easily expressible! But one can have access to everything! That was known by every past Sun King! For this reason not everyone gets an easy access! Because you can loose everything or have success. Only true masters reach this level of awareness! Because you see everything in its pure bareness. Shortly the Sun King will awaken again! And true justice will once more reign! He's connected to everything and knows every detail! His sacred powers will be out of any known scale! All time is only an illusion! It can still take years! When he awakens, there will be shed joyful tears. About the evil we do not need to talk any more! Because for the golden age he opens the door! (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.09.2020 | Published: 19.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Illusory time Soon faith becomes true knowledge. Like a fantasy turns into a sketch. The hidden will be revealed. And the sick will be healed. The good comes again to the top. And the evil will be stopped. The sacred change is taking place. To put an end to a senseless chase. The good will reign once again. It'll break every evil chain. In the end everything will be clear. The day of change is drawing near. (written by KiBLS) Written: 17.10.2020 | Published: 21.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Up to the top I rise above all the harmful radiation. I am the inventor of this narration! I will turn the tide and every fate. I will pass through the holiest gate. Which illusion wants to prevent this? And who could ever act against this? No poison in the world has enough potency! My thoughts work with the greatest efficiency! Clear the top because I'm coming! You can hear my mind already humming. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.10.2020 | Published: 22.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Outside and inside He, who is inside himself not satisfied, will also not find happiness in the outside! No matter where you go or what you do, you always take your inner self with you! You have always to question your intentions, also consider honest your inventions. Only Self-reflection and positive thoughts, release all your blockades and inner knots. Become aware of unity and connection. This will give you the highest protection. Then everything will work out for you. Then you're able to feel only the true. (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.10.2020 | Published: 24.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- A new light Within me lives the divinity. I'm the origin of the Trinity. The outside world is created by me. With all this might I'll now align me. Everything is in the same place! Only my perception sorts the space. My spirit is the most powerful tool! My power of imagination is like a jewel. There is nothing that I could not achieve! This is my conviction and not only a belief! I can live on light and see in the dark. Because inside me glows an eternal spark! A new age is what I'm going to proclaim. Thus I'm going to set it now in flame! (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.09.2020 | Published: 25.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Extensive cleaning Keep your body always clean. To create the master gene. Do the same with your mind. It'll be unity that you find. Create no suffering and no pain! And you'll enter the holy terrain. Just hold on to your inner tune! To receive the greatest boon. Many will not understand this path. For their thoughts are full of wrath. The inner intention produces the result. In former times this knowledge was occult. But this holy change can no longer be stopped. The rise of consciousness is no longer blocked. Whoever decides to do so has a lot to think about. But in the end will disappear every single doubt. (written by KiBLS) Written: 19.10.2020 | Published: 26.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- A king wakes up I will live completely without time. And also completely without a dime! Only my own words and poems I will read. Not longer influenced from others, I'm freed. I only receive the naturally streams. And I only enjoy my own dreams. Every new day is only mine alone. Everything before my eyes is my own. But I claim nothing, I let everything grow! I try to feel that holy and eternal flow. I'll teach those who really want to learn. And only their success will be what I earn. I ask for nothing and want nothing! Because in my world I'm now the true king. (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.09.2020 | Published: 28.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Spiritual master I now announce the rapture! It will be the last chapter. Soon what has been written begins! So that the good in the end wins. While everyone despairs and evil grows. Truth still hidden in poetry and prose. The last awakening will take place. A stray man comes out of the maze. He is the one who knows everything. Finally he awakes to the new sun king. All the sneaky evil can only surrender. And bow down in front of his splendour. (written by KiBLS) Written: 29.09.2020 | Published: 29.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- True faith is to know! I feel this restlessness within me again. Change is coming along with it, but when? No information satisfies me anymore. And especially not a boring game score. The machine in front of me loses its effect. None of the information is really correct. I know the truth I find only in myself. And also not in an outer bookshelf. But the whole world wants to stop me. And everyone would like to rob me. This is my reality and I am a real creator! I was once small but now I'll become greater! I soon know every detail and the whole system! So who could resist my light and wisdom? When I wake up, the new time begins! It will be a golden age without sins. If someone else wakes up before, that's fine too! We'll share the absolutely same point of view! We will clean up here and end the grief! We will revive together the true belief! (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.09.2020 | Published: 31.10.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- To new heights! Every poem is like a strong vibration. Every poem creates an inner sensation. Reading them makes your mind vibrate. And positive thoughts are suddenly played. Your oscillation is increased. And old truths will be released. In this way the world is changed! And inner harmony is rearranged. No one can stop this transition. Poems spread a sacred cognition. And if the vibration is high enough, it will float up in the sky like a dove. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.11.2020 | Published: 02.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- One-way road I will succeed or die trying! I'm so tired of all this lying. I want and desire this change so much! It's the holiest I wanna feel and touch. Inside of me I feel so much vitality! I wanna explore every of my ability. I'd die slowly if I don't follow the call! Even if I'm the one whos running against a wall. I want to know and find out if it is true. If I'm able to do what was done only by a few. I'm going to cross every imaginary line! And in the end the whole world will be mine. I will accomplish what was prophesied! And even if not, at least I have tried! (written by KiBLS) Written: 19.09.2020 | Published: 04.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Bare truths Prophecy and poetry join hands. They spread easily in all lands. Prophecies has always been poetic, but poetry isn't necessarily prophetic. The evil is considered good and honest. Great liars are seen as the strongest. But all the lies will soon come to an end. The truth will become everyone's friend. The day of change is drawing ever closer. And it'll paves its sacred way like a dozer. Nothing and nobody can stop the truth! It comes merciless and yet very smooth. (written by KiBLS) Written: 06.11.2020 | Published: 07.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Alternating seasons Even if all good things seem lost. And everything is covered with frost. In winter the whole life retreats. And there is hard ice on the streets. But spring will always come back. So don't paint everything so black! Radiant warmth will bring new vitality. The change of seasons is pure normality. Every season has its own characteristics! Independent of all unnecessary statistics! Even if winter was very cold, spring comes. Sometimes it sounds like miraculous drums. So be sure, the change - it will arrive! And everything will come back alive. (written by KiBLS) Written: 07.11.2020 | Published: 08.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Internal freedom Those who still believe in politics, will be disappointed by sneaky tricks. The eternal truth cannot be found there. Because they never play honest and fair! Bittersweet lies are served up again and again. And in the end only cause even greater pain. You'll find the solution only deep inside you! And there is every truth, not just a few! Forget the external distractions completely! Deal with yourself intensively and concretely! Question your thoughts and your true being. And prepare yourself for your inner freeing. (written by KiBLS) Written: 07.11.2020 | Published: 09.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Know thyself! Above the entrance gate of the Temple of Apollo, there is a sentence that everyone should follow! It was written by the first of the seven sages. And has been preserved through the ages. He who finds and acknowledges its truth, will find more than just eternal youth. Those who seek the truth will find it sometime. He'll be able to fathom the depth of every rhyme. Nothing can stand in the way of this fact. For he has seen through the eternal act. Question all your actions and intentions! To bring together all of the dimensions. This is how true wisdom is renewed. And the naked truth is simply viewed. (written by KiBLS) Written: 09.11.2020 | Published: 10.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- An unknown road I have found the eternal light. And thus ended my inner fight. But how to go on - I have no idea! But I know the solution is very near. And thus I continue to go my way. It would not be advisable to stay. Every movement is only a deception. Everything is created by my perception. And yet - I'll walk and wait patiently. In the end I'll accept the gift gratefully. Whatever is waiting at the end of the path. I'll walk full of confidence and without wrath. (written by KiBLS) Written: 09.11.2020 | Published: 11.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Inner perception The own consciousness is like an enigma. Many think it's like an unwanted stigma. They are afraid of their inner being. They don't believe it's worth seeing. But that's exactly where the solution is! But it's also where all the pollution is. He who's attentively exploring his awareness, will find more than just inner fairness. Doors will open that he never dreamed of. And he'll suddenly discover eternal love. Nothing could stop such a conscious entity. For he has found his true and sacred identity. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.11.2020 | Published: 12.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Real education The truth stands without a protection. But the lies don't know any connection. A discussion is not a battle of swearwords! And yet many choose these despised swords. Uneducated people always insult others. And never recognise their own brothers. They are inwardly separated and divided. By underhand lies and fear they are guided. Only the more reasonable argument can win. But rejection and ignorance are a real sin! Clever people always let themselves be taught! And again and again question each single thought. The eternal truth makes you free deep within. Only with it you can truly succeed and win. (written by KiBLS) Written: 09.11.2020 | Published: 13.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Your potential Know thyself is the most essential! In order to enable your full potential. Question honestly all your intentions! To remove all previous preventions. Who are you and where are you going? Just observe your own style of growing. Your decisions were always right! Your past reflects your might. There is nothing right or wrong! And neither weak nor strong! There's only that which is eternal. And that is your true kernel. (written by KiBLS) Written: 31.10.2020 | Published: 16.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Extensive truthfulness Your ego will be completely wiped out. In this way something new can sprout. Through constant scrutiny and observation. You will experience a true transformation. The veil of mist is completely dissolved. And every bad illusion will be involved. Your mind will be completely rearranged. And thereby the whole world will be changed. The old will make way for the new. The false will go to create the true. This change will not be easy of course. But thus you will reach the true source. There is a harmony between good and bad weather. All is part of the whole and works together. (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.11.2020 | Published: 17.11.2020 --------------------------------------------------------- Controlled time The consciousness changes its perception. Thus originates the timeline deception. Every single second the mind wanders. This is how you can discover true wonders. Every new moment creates a new illusion. Deliberated time can be a real confusion. All possibilities are already available. Through your own mind they are scalable. Your mind is the most powerful tool in existence! It can easily overcome any time and distance. Learn to see the entire image without rating! Your true self will be the one you are dating. (written by KiBLS) Written: 17.11.2020 | Published: 18.11.2020