A poetic meeting: Unity through truth Written by: KiBLS and Izzari Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 23 Written: 2021 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 9 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview Number Title 01. The Toughest Choice 02. A lie will always lose! 03. The required key 04. Energetic change 05. Live according to your dreams 06. The course of wisdom 07. Get rid of your fear! 08. Lies Never Stand 09. Ascent from the depths --------------------------------------------------------- The Toughest Choice Should I go now or stay. I only crave my own way. This change is such a big step. Far away from the World Wide Web. I might miss some stuff. And the path will be tough. But if I think like this and keep acting without bliss. I will never get to run. And never discover real fun. So here and now I make an holy vow, to walk from the realm of the golden sow. To enter the world of truth and reality, to find myself, my love and my sanity! (written by KiBLS and Izzari) Written: ~08.01.2021 | Published: 10.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- A lie will always lose! Even a well-meant lie remains a lie, but hence the truth will never die! The truth does not need to boast. For it spreads from coast to coast. Across the lands it will be recognized. And only among liars It'll be despised. An endless game to deceive the rival, but it only works until truth's revival. Now we all see an honest era coming again, and this suddenly changes the evil reign. When we recognize our counterpart again as friend, then hope and truth rise and all deceptions end. (written by KiBLS and Izzari) Written: ~09.01.2021 | Published: 11.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- The required key Over flowering meadows I want to walk. About natural connections I want to talk. I want to behold the eternal living. Deep insights are what I am giving. I'll recognise ancient natural foundations. Valuable teaching pieces for new generations. If I carefully listen, the nature will speak! The trees, the wind, even the mountain peak. You're connected to everything and not separate! This all-embracing insight opens to you every gate. (written by KiBLS and Izzari) Written: ~10.01.2021 | Published: 12.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Energetic change No matter what you're doing, now the holy storm is brewing. You can already smell it in the air. Such epochal changes are really rare. No one will be anymore able to shirk. On themselves everyone has to work! It's an honour to live in these days. The times when overlapping all pathways. What a blessing to witness this time of change, when goodness is stretching to maximum range. Reach out and feel it like electricity. the energy shifting with great elasticity. (written by KiBLS and Izzari) Written: ~12.01.2021 | Published: 15.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Live according to your dreams Please master tell me what to do! Nothing was right from what I knew. They lied to me and cheated. And I always was mistreated. Please give me a guide to my fortune! Of everything I want a large portion. Should I jump for it on one leg? Or smash for you a fresh egg? Please describe everything in detail. So that I can no longer fail... But I cannot tell you exactly what I wish. I've never learned fishing, only how to buy a fish. Is there an instruction manual for everyone? And would my life in this way be at all fun? Perhaps today I will choose to try, to these gilded chains I'll say goodbye. Now I see that I've always wanted more, and to be my own master is worth any chore. I'll choose my own path, to learn and to understand, because kowtowing hurts my knee, heart, and hand. (written by KiBLS and Izzari) Written: ~09.01.2021 | Published: 16.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- The course of wisdom One domino just knocks over the next. Like one after another reads this text. A single thought can be so strong, that all stones in a line fall along! Our thoughts and actions will spread, by our visions and dreams we're led. Dreams are realised piece by piece, and thus doubts will greatly decrease. Just like a small seed grows to become a plant. And through the rain constantly gains a grant. If one is looking ahead, one can easily see, a wise drop changes the structure of the sea! (written by KiBLS and Izzari) Written: ~11.01.2021 | Published: 17.01.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Get rid of your fear! Do you want to live with fears forever? And question established things never? Do you want to let your mind be abused? And thus your own potential lie unused? Then start questioning the things! And start sorting out the strings. It's hard work untying these knots! to do so you must re-learn a lot! Unlearn too, the lies you were told, to keep your soul from being sold. Put away your fears and face the truth. And of your sacred mind, make a use! Together we can tear down walls. So in the end every evil mask falls. (written by KiBLS and Izzari) Written: 17.02.2021 | Published: 18.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Lies Never Stand A lie only needs to be repeated often enough, but even then a duck cannot become a dove. Propaganda is constantly played up and down, so one can portray trashy people with a crown. You can deceive many people for a long time! But a squawk will never become a clear chime! A theater game that so many play for a while. But at some point you even lose the own smile. Don't be discouraged, it is and remains a game! To see through these lies should be your aim! Over time, the lie will expose on its own. Because the eternal truth was always known. (written by KiBLS and Izzari) Written: ~02.02.2021 | Published: 20.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Ascent from the depths When your deep despair transforms, you have gone through all storms. When all questions came to an end. It was the beginning of your ascent. Your new journey began at this point. And your being was newly coined. The darkness of your journey is past! Now your light shall forever last. (written by KiBLS and Izzari) Written: 17.02.2021 | Published: 21.02.2021