The last chapter Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 24 Written: 2021 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 35 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview (1) Number Title 01. Desires and dreams 02. Raise your consciousness! 03. Early season cleaning 04. Stop complaining! 05. Reprogramming 06. Conscious change 07. The inner shrines 08. Unknown lights 09. Become free 10. Go inside yourself 11. Sparkling inner life 12. Seeing without eyes 13. Leading by example 14. Joint progress 15. Inner revelation 16. The melody of life 17. Transition of life 18. The imaginary island 19. Mass awakening 20. Turn of the tide 21. Digital downfall 22. Back to the roots 23. Withstand the temptation 24. Contextual overview 25. Long heralded change 26. Prepare yourself! Overview (2) Number Title 27. All encompassing 28. Learn and teach! 29. Get the filth out! 30. Free your thinking 31. Ode to Miracle Mineral Solution 32. Discover freedom! 33. Self-awareness 34. Question everything! 35. Call of nature --------------------------------------------------------- Desires and dreams You need not only a wish, but also desire! This is how you'll ignite your inner fire! What you desire, that will come to pass! That's how you play in a higher class! This game is very easy to understand. It follows the rules of a dreamland! Now connect all the existing dots, and illuminate the latest dark spots. And then when the darkness illuminates, you'll discover by the light all the gates! (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.02.2021| Published: 03.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Raise your consciousness! Holy verses were born in unholy times. True wisdom hidden in discreet rhymes. Pure neurolinguistic master signs, are hidden in modern, digital lines. My poetry work will soon be completed. No further poems or wisdoms are needed. Everything was described and explained. The own mind was thereby retrained. Now everyone can raise his consciousness, and in the end recognize any commonness. When the level of consciousness increases, it will fit together all mysterious pieces. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.02.2021| Published: 04.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Early season cleaning Nowadays burnt snow smells like plastic, and that is not meant to be sarcastic. Just like the rainwater is already polluted because chemtrail slurry is added undiluted. The air is full of dirt that we breathe. And the earth is contaminated underneath. Yet cleverly applied orgone cloudbusters, can dissolve those dirty cloudclusters. Effective microorganisms can enliven the ground. And Mother Earth can play again a familiar sound. We already have a solution for everything! It's just up to us what we will bring in. Start learning and continue your own education! Together we can make the world a true sensation. And once we all together become wise. We've finally removed our old and hated ties. (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.01.2021| Published: 06.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Stop complaining! Grumbling and hypocrisy are in fashion. Nowadays, many have found this a passion. He who acts hypocritically also acts wrongly! And feels inwardly torn and less strongly! The one who is always only grumbling, can often feel a strong humbling. Search and find your inner peace! And your contentment will increase. Find within you what you're looking for! In this way you will find more and more. Understanding will grow and thrive! And that will change your entire life! (written by KiBLS) Written: 20.01.2021| Published: 07.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Reprogramming All my words can only be hints for you! Only in yourself you will find the true! Turn away from the outside and recognise! You've always been all-knowing and wise! Know yourself and begin to understand! That you hold the destiny in your hand! Colours are added to what was previously grey. Therefore, it all had to happen this way! Now recognise your true greatness! In the midst of your own straightness. Enlightenment followed by awakening! The completion after the blackening. The cycles have been overwritten. For you nothing is longer forbidden! (written by KiBLS) Written: 19.01.2021| Published: 08.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Conscious change Everything that happens has a reason. Just as nature needs every season! All contradictions are united in you! Everything old creates something new! There is no reason for a fight! For the day follows the night! Outside you'll not find the solution! Outside you'll only find the confusion! The one who wanders through the ages, is able to write sacred lines and pages. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.02.2021| Published: 08.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- The inner shrines Don't let others take advantage of you! Because no one can stand above you! No one can understand your holy actions! Just follow your path without distractions! You've known the destination through all times! It were described in so many of your rhymes. Do your will, because it is right! In this way you will shine bright! Now it's time to take the final step, and leave behind the world wide web. You have left the most important traces! So others can also find their inner places. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.02.2021| Published: 08.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Unknown lights The wheel of fate turns relentlessly. The sacred path is truly endlessly. Now lead me to my highest frontiers, Thus I will overcome all my fears! I want to prove to myself what I can do. Thus I want to create everything anew! There'll be no struggle in this process. Because I have the very supreme access. Nothing and no one could ever stop me! And also no one could ever drop me! It goes on up to undreamed-of heights. I'll discover all undiscovered lights. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.02.2021 | Published: 11.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Become free! Constantly living in fear is not a good life! It's like having at the own throat a sharp knife. Constantly thinking you could do something wrong. Makes you look anything but assertive and strong. The delusion sits in one's own thoughts. It is like a thread of life full of knots. Free your thinking from external constraints. This is what was done before by all the saints. Only those who are free to believe and to think, have the ability with "all that is" to be in sync. No authority is above you or can command you! And your own freedom no one can grant you. So stop looking in the outside for a solution! Start to live according to your own constitution! (written by KiBLS) Written: 13.02.2021 | Published: 14.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Go inside yourself How can you go into yourself, do you know? How could you help yourself to grow? Should you have an x-ray or fluoroscopy? Or learn something about spectroscopy? Not at all! Start exploring your thoughts! And recognise your consciousness spots. You should do everything only by choice. First you pay attention to your inner voice. Write down what you think and what you feel! And don't pretend that you are made of steel. Every written sentence comes out of you! And what comes out is nothing new. Be as honest and profound as possible! Reread it after a while and it'll be plausible. Self-reflection is called the whole process. And in the end this will lead you to success! In this way, you project the inside out. Thus you'll eliminate at the end any doubt. Read your thoughts regularly and repeatedly. Your own understanding will grow immediately. (written by KiBLS) Written: 09.02.2021 | Published: 15.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Sparkling inner life Free opinion is always a double-edged sword. What is allowed and what is a forbidden word? Who represents free opinion must swallow a lot! And you've to accept lies that are really hot. But when the truth shines through the own door, nobody want to take those dirty lies anymore. Because only the truth makes truly free. And only it is liberating and the true key. So question all nonsensical things and rules, and start discovering genuine, sparkling jewels. The only upright truth rests within you! So the salvation has always been in you! (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.02.2021 | Published: 16.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Seeing without eyes We represent the divine in this game! Our inner core was just set in flame. So many tests have awaited us. And pure success has created us. You can see clearly even without eyes! And without speaking you can destroy lies. The world is simple and clear. But the lie still rule by our fear. We all have to awake our eternal mind. But from authorities it'll be declined. Know that we are telepathically connected. That is what the evil have feared and expected. Air is only an illusion and an appearance. Water connects us and brings clearance. That is why there are poisons and radiation. They try to block the awakening in every nation. What you could become is their main fear and reason. Cause that will end this endless evil treason. (written by KiBLS) Written: 15.09.2020 | Published: 17.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Leading by example Even a small light illuminates the darkness, and many together bring back the brightness. Even as a small light you can grow and shine, and at a certain point water converts into wine. The more you go into yourself and seek, the faster you'll reach the highest peak. Our behavior and conduct will be a guide, the truth is something we will never hide. Break through boundaries and overcome fears. This is how we pave the new way as pioneers. (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.09.2020 | Published: 19.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Joint progress Force cannot be fought with force. That is a completely wrong course. Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth, in this way everyone will only lose. Devastating consequences one must know. Rather, one's own understanding must grow. Who kens himself can understand others, and can truly treat them like brothers. Discover inner peace - carry it outward! That's how we can walk together forward! (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.02.2021 | Published: 28.02.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Inner revelation The secret rests within you. It's the eternal and the true. Every contradiction will be resolved. Because everything always evolved. Know thyself - You are what is! Realize that you are the bliss! No one can step into your center. For you are your own mentor! Let the words work deep inside you. It's the best help I can provide you! (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.02.2021 | Published: 01.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- The melody of life A consciousness rests in every living being. this comprehension is part of the all-seeing. Whether a human, a plant or an animal, the sacred connection is not detachable. Everything together flows in this stream. Everything together results in this dream. Where the dream ends, a new one begins. A new tune is played on the piano strings. Respect every life and live consciously! Thus you can listen to a sacred melody. (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.02.2021 | Published: 02.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Transition of life A caterpillar wraps itself in its cocoon. To evocative afterwards a new tune. After an assigned quiet time of dwell, something new hatches from the shell. A change that is outwardly surprising. But only until its beauty is arising. When the butterfly hatches and flies, it's ready to soar to its new highs. As a caterpillar, it only knew the ground. By transition, it's freedom it has found. (written by KiBLS) Written: 04.03.2021 | Published: 04.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- The imaginary island To be stranded on a deserted island, where everything is natural and silent. For many people, that would be a nightmare. It's something that would give them a scare. For me it would be an actualised dream. Far away from any domination regime. Doing what I want to do every day. And for survival find my own way. No one who condemns or patronizes one. No one who does not begrudge me my fun. I would be detached from any obligation. I would truly live in my dream location. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.03.2021 | Published: 07.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Mass awakening In the past, we were divided into nations, today, the division is on other foundations. Today we are divided because of the attitude. Every dissident the opponents will persecute. He who speaks the truth needs a fast horse, for he messes with a strong and dark force. But when the light falls on the shadows, the true change is already very close. For blackguard can rule only for a short time. But in the end it comes to light every crime. No one can stop the awakening of the crowd. No technology, no chips and no virtual cloud. The day of awakening was always firmly written. For the truth cannot forever remain hidden. (written by KiBLS) Written: 07.03.2021 | Published: 08.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Turn of the tide The most doctors keep the people sick. And bankers make them poor by a trick. Politicians are only telling fairy tales, while "big pharma" increases its sales. Food is poisoned and the water is impure. And the truth they constantly obscure. This world is really harsh and detrimental. To his neighbor no one is honest or gentle. But change comes after the great divide, afterwards, it will turn finally the tide. Even if the upcoming events will be hard. Know that you're protected by an inner guard. (written by KiBLS) Written: 07.03.2021 | Published: 09.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Digital downfall Man as part of the internet of things. Thereby he is cheated out of his wings. Genetically modified and manipulated. Thus, externally his behavior is dictated. Many believe it would be a protection. But the body attacks itself as a reaction. Deceived by the media and the politics. They're following a path of apocalypse. But apocalypse also means revelation, it's needed for a new sacred foundation. First everything will divide and split, but in the end each part will fit. (written by KiBLS) Written: 09.03.2021 | Published: 13.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Back to the roots Let us create art that educates. Art with the ability to open gates. Art for the inner development. Art that will become a testament. Indispensable for a sacred change. For many still completely strange. But those who are aware will recognize. Its taking place in front of all eyes. Let's create art that changes everything! Let's ride together toward this upswing. And when we have raised our awareness, we can play together again in fairness. (written by KiBLS) Written: 13.03.2021 | Published: 14.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Withstand the temptation The evil controls you through deep emotions, to an outer chaos through inner commotions. What you are attached to, it'll be utilized. If you grasp the trick, you'd be surprised. It is so simple and yet so insidious, the techniques are absolutely heinous. Therefore, you must control your feelings. And you must discern the inner meanings. Self-reflection is the true path to the goal. It assembles all parts back into a whole. Know thyself has always been everyone's task, in order to thereby recognize one's own mask. As a result, nothing will be able to affect you. At that time, even the evil will respect you. (written by KiBLS) Written: 17.03.2021 | Published: 17.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Contextual overview Life often pushes you down to the floor. And often it still demands much more. But when old chances and doors get closed, new opportunities are suddenly composed. To understand these hidden connections, you've to consider all possible directions. Look at the whole thing with more distance. And free your mind from any resistance. And even though you may not understand it, trust that your destiny has planned it. In retrospect, everything will fall into place. And then you can put on again a happy face. (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.03.2021 | Published: 19.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Long heralded change All spirits and thoughts will be released, that were once tied by a caste of the priest. All these lies and confusions are exposed. And the truly dark age will be finally closed. What was always written will be consummated. This inner change was long ago activated. The evil will disintegrate themselve and fall. Everyone will perceive the sacred freedom call. Even if this game is going to last for a while. And yet, soon we'll start to run the last mile. (written by KiBLS) Written: 17.03.2021 | Published: 20.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Prepare yourself! What's coming up is really badass! And it will affect every class. Prepare and learn while you can! Don't just memorize the evil plan. How to filter water, what can you eat? And how do you feel truly complete? Learn how diseases can be cured. And how your health can be secured. Forget the money, it will be of no use, unless it's the vaccination you choose. Live where you're and where you're going. This is how you grow an inner knowing. Prepare yourself extensively for the coming, for many hear the sacred melodies humming. (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.03.2021 | Published: 22.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- All encompassing Be aware - the alphilosophical view, is something ancient and nothing new. It embraces the whole beyond alchemy, and it has nothing to do with blasphemy. It integrates every aspect and detail. And its power far exceeds any scale. A holistic understanding fully centered. In this way, a new dimension is entered. Remind that every single thought and deed, results in your right to fail or succeed. One can say; what you sow, you will reap! This wisdom is so true and also deep! He who has sown bad will reap his sorrow! The seed will sprout on a random morrow. (written by KiBLS) Written: 22.03.2021 | Published: 23.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Learn and teach! Learn how you can live independent! So your aura becomes resplendent. Learn to heal illnesses and to care. And your knowledge you shall share. True knowledge must never be sold! For it cannot be weighed out in gold. Making people suffer for a winning? Against creation this is a sinning! So share always your insights for free, for inner growth this is an important key. That way, everyone can become self-sufficient. That way, everyone can become proficient. You only have to discover your inner bravery. Thus we will break the chains of slavery! (written by KiBLS) Written: 28.03.2021 | Published: 29.03.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Get the filth out! The mystery of my poetic creativities, are just my intense detox activities. If I don't detox my body for a few days, then there are blocked all creative ways. How I do it is concealed in my verses. That others can do it too is the purpose. In my poems I pass on all my expertise, so that at first glance - no one sees. Whoever dives deeper will recognize a lot, and find more wisdom than he had thought. So detoxify your body and discover your mind. And pass on that knowledge to all mankind. (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.03.2021 | Published: 01.04.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Free your thinking You just have to let everything go, to recognize your own thought flow. Everything grows only in your head! Your self develops by thoughts you fed! Free yourself from any outer desire! And kindle within you a blazing fire. When your worries suddenly fall away, you can truly enjoy every single day. When all your inhibitions disappear, you can feel that everything is clear. Take back the control of your own mind, and it's gratification that you'll find. (written by KiBLS) Written: 31.03.2021 | Published: 03.04.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Ode to Miracle Mineral Solution All doctors experience intense shocks, because chlorine dioxide that rocks. Big pharma is worried about its sales, because the results are no fairy tales! Whether it's cancer, an allergy, or the flu. whoever knows it, changes his health view. Almost everything can be cured so fast, because it causes health that lasts. Even the evil corona virus takes flight. For CD is victorious without a big fight. But the media can make you feel insecure. For they insist that it isn't a miracle cure. Don't let them sell you an apple for a pear! About true health you've to become aware. He who's good in seeking, will finally find. Two substances needs to be simply combined. What comes out is not toxic, it's different. And that is salutary and highly efficient. (written by KiBLS) Written: 07.03.2021 | Published: 05.04.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Discover freedom! We are like gullible birds in cages, we all were caged over eons of ages. Genuine freedom - we did not know. Before our eyes we enjoyed a show. Our cages promised us good protection, and we adored this shelter projection. Suddenly everything begins to change, cage doors open and that seems strange. Now we notice the real world out there, and we realize it's neither safe nor fair. We'll receive no shelter or food any longer. But self-responsible we will become stronger. For outside is so much beauty to explore. We just have to step out of the open door. Dare you and leave these bars behind you! Don't let any outdated lures blind you! (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.04.2021 | Published: 07.04.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Self-awareness Write down everything that is burdening you. This is how you create a perceptive view. Just write all your problems off your chest. In the process, be honest and give your best! Your inner thoughts are projected outward, This is how you go step by step forward. The whole process is called self-reflection. So know thyself and get out of the deception. Read it, improve it, and keep on to reflect. And keep going even if it appears suspect. Who knows himself becomes self-confident, and thus can walk his path with competence. No one can ever seduce or lie to you anymore! On this way you open the most important door! (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.04.2021 | Published: 09.04.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Question everything! The things that are the most criticized, must always be most carefully analyzed! Scrutinize profoundly every public claim, and with "hidden truths" - do the same! For he who once has heard every lie, can detect the truth with his own eye. He doesn't have to ask others anymore, because he has found the truthful core. So embark on the journey through the lies. And become someone who is truly wise. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.04.2021 | Published: 11.04.2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Call of nature Stinging nettle is the best plant for survival. In this area, the plant has only a few rivals. It has many proteins and is rich in nutrition. Also as a medicinal plant it fulfills a mission. It is useful like hemp but grows like weed. And it spreads everywhere with a high speed. But also dandelion and daisies are digestible. In nature, this is all free of charge testable. Also many of the known tree leaves are edible. Anyone who learns this finds it is incredible. There are also mushrooms and medicinal plants. It takes not much time until one understands. Everything grows for free and without fees! Therefore, you can feed yourself with ease. From fertilized fields or natural forest floor, what is healthier and what could you want more? The nature serves not only emergency food, it also provides health and a better mood. Start exploring it now before it is too late! Follow the path of wisdom to fulfill your fate. (written by KiBLS) Written: 12.04.2021 | Published: 13.04.2021