Help for the insight Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 26 Written: 2020-2021 Book language: English Origin language: English and German Contains: 43 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview (1) Number Title 01. Short and concise 02. The transition normality 03. Small gestures 04. Gain by loss 05. Freeman on his path 06. An endless doctrine 07. Choose your words wisely 08. Known goal, unknown path 09. Awakening after enlightenment 10. Those hidden gates 11. Step out of the shadows 12. Realize and awaken! 13. Sounds of change 14. It is up to you! 15. Light your fire 16. The Internet 17. A day of awakening 18. Answers sought 19. External deities 20. Grow the new! 21. Natural wake up 22. Individual work for all 23. From inside out 24. Follow the call within 25 Intoxicating youth nights 26. Escape from madness Overview (2) Number Title 27. Choose inner freedom! 28. Become a king! 29. You hold the key! 30. Ignite and shine! 31. Holy change of times 32. Do not think! 33. Rise during the fall 34. Your personal lesson 35. Watch your behavior! 36. Your rise or decay? 37. Know who you are! 38. Outbreak 39. Sarcastic lines 40. Found inventions 41. About lies and propaganda 42 The miracle drug of choice 43. The day everything changed --------------------------------------------------------- Short and concise Originated in Odin's forest. A long time this was promised. North of the Midnight Mountain. Re-born the spiritual fountain. Ready for the world to shine. Ready to change water to wine. The last awakening is imminent. Acting like a nature immigrant. Enigmatic lines will be revealed. Earth becomes again a holy field. Verses become again holy laws. By eliminating the harmful cause. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.02.2020 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- The transition normality Vaccination soldiers are knocking at the door. The world is experiencing a new kind of war. It's all about your protection and security. You may experience the cocktail in its purity. In the name of safety, all rights are removed. Evidence no longer needs to be proved. You must swallow what is served to you. It's no longer relevant what's wrong or true. A health dictatorship in a new shape. Will not only become a legal rape. The world is now changing and will fall apart. But of the real change this is only a small part. All this madness will increase even more, so we'll know which side we're standing for. (written by KiBLS) Written: 22.11.2020 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Small gestures I want my words to spread, on all social media sites. That's why I remove any copy protection, and let the fate run free. Spread my wisdom where you want, it's the development you're helping. I do not attach importance to fame and honor! Because it is the change that I teach. The financial system - it will go down! Blinded people will see again! So long so much suffering was produced, and true misery simply accepted. But there everything would be also free of charge, what you need, falls into your lap! Colored notes and virtual numbers, produce nothing but imaginary agonies! Let go of all the propagated lies, and what was once small then becomes big! (written by KiBLS) Written: 28.01.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Gain by loss Refusal to vaccinate is severely penalized. By this, the people will soon be surprised. Do you've enough to refuse the vaccination? Do you've enough for more than one negation? The solution takes you out of this system. For this you will need a profound wisdom. You will lose your house, car and reputation. And you must resist every material temptation. On the one hand, there is the biggest loss. But you gain through it your inner gloss. For he who owns nothing owns everything. And out of a beggar then becomes a king. (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.02.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Freeman on his path I have no fixed place of residence. The world is my place of existence. I don't need an ID card or passport. Cause the entire world is my resort. I don't pay any taxes or contributions. Cause all these are worldly delusions. I do not use money or a bank account. Nature provides me a special discount. I am not registered or reported anywhere, I have and own only the things that I wear. I wander to many different places. And there I leave my personal traces. My creativity is expressed in the spirit. And so I write the most intense lyrik. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.03.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- An endless doctrine The noose is slowly being tightened, and ever more people are frightened. They do not believe what they can see, because everything develops just crazy. Many people feel reminded of the past, they thought these times had passed. But history is an uninterrupted process, even if tales appeared once like a success. But the winner always embellished the history, thus many contradictions remained a mystery. Now the time of revelation is drawing near. And many can already feel a gnawing fear. The evil will very soon lift its herded veil. But this time it'll surpass its former scale. As long as money rules, history will be repeated. But the day is near when evil will be defeated. (written by KiBLS) Written: 24.03.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Choose your words wisely There is good but also bad word magic, They convey the best or the most tragic. While many often talk thoughtlessly, they do not conduct very cautiously. All our words are like magic phrases, Everywhere they leave their own traces. Formed from thoughts, they are effective, They can even steer a whole collective. Spells that germinate like many seeds, and out of them are born the deeds. Who recognizes the wisdom and its way, knows about the significance of the array. Everything was always interconnected. Through interplay, everyone is affected. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.03.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Known goal, unknown path Society can no longer offer me anything, for I am in search of the title of a king. I only trust my own wisdom and guidance, because I have found this inner silence. I have looked into the eye of all that is. For a long time it was for me like a quiz. I'm ready to end this boring Monopoly game, and start to do for what I've finally came. The time of the departure is drawing near. I am now ready to take over and to steer. No matter how arduous this journey may be. In the end, I'll finally wake up and see. (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.04.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Awakening after enlightenment I would like to awaken with all my heart. I want to ignite the fire within me. It will just happen without compulsion. That's why I can't understand it. Just stay right here in the moment. Don't drink alcohol or beer. Go out into nature to connect, Then you will soon find your goal. Always live without fear and without compulsion. The time is then irrelevant. Creation knows what you are striving for. It does not matter how you live. The process is already in full swing. But nothing grows with the help of tongs. (written by KiBLS) Written: 24.04.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Those hidden gates Completely blinded and deluded, living in a world that is polluted. Unsuspecting like a small child. Thoughts run around like wild. So much useless talk everywhere. Genuine wisdom seems really rare. Everything is just a distraction. So far away from any satisfaction. But the upheaval has already begun. By the long prophesied black sun. Ancient facts have been distorted. And liars were too much rewarded. But when the holy light again radiates, it will once more open unimagined gates. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Step out of the shadows The true path leads through a dark place. For it's your own darkness you must face. Your own madness becomes more and more. Those innermost fears come to the fore. One would love to despair and give up. But it must go on to the point of breakup. Keep always in mind it's only an illusion. Born out of confused ideas and a delusion. When every delusion is thought through, you will be able to recognise the true. It's like a liberation, a true salvation. For your new beginning it's a foundation. When incorrect programming just crashes. Something new rises from its old ashes. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Realize and awaken! What you are afraid of, it manifests. It's one of the greatest life tests. Who recognizes how he is controlled, holds a key more valuable than gold. Recognize all the illusionary fears. Even if it'll cost you several tears. The valley of fears you must now leave! Thereby you'll discard an outer sleeve. Just as the butterfly will suddenly awake. Is it the futile mind that you'll shake. The awakening will take place in its own time. And the sacred outcome will be truly prime! (written by KiBLS) Written: 04.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Sounds of change The infinite sends a greeting, it waits for the major meeting. It has always been just there, at any time and everywhere. Ready to be finally recognized, is it for everyone centralized. You have to open your inner eye, and the old world will say goodbye. Something new will be birthed. It dissapears what was cursed. The old goes and the new comes. You can already hear the drums. Everyone will witness the shift! It'll be the most cherished gift! (written by KiBLS) Written: 04.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- It is up to you! Continue to haggle with health? Or find comprehensive wealth. Continue to fight for dirty cash? Or weather the financial crash. Continue to play hateful war? Or discover the eternal core. Continue to follow the news? Or start to win instead of lose. Continue to do as before? Or try to open a new door? Every choice is up to you alone! You've to stride it on your own. (written by KiBLS) Written: 04.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Light your fire Heavily blinded and dumbed down. Countless brain cells killed. Poisoned, stunned and letargic. Weak is what once was strong. But a spark was kindled. It was delivered from afar. Its value cannot be measured. It has long been considered as forgotten. It hits dried up tinder. The kindling works true miracles. Nothing can stop it from flaring up. Nothing will diminish this ember. Everything inferior will melt away. For a new king will be chosen. (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.04.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- The Internet The Internet is like an addiction! From reality - an escape. Virtual images and animations create confused visions in the mind. Around the clock there are news, from true delights to dark sufferings. Propaganda to control people, news to fire up the neurons. The offline world seems to be forgotten, because people are obsessed with the virtual. Many could no longer live without it, They say to themselves; that's just the way it is today. But the real world, it offers more! And the real change comes closer and closer. (written by KiBLS) Written: 19.04.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- A day of awakening Whether the best friend and the worst enemy, you're connected to all of them - mentally. Everyone will soon realize; we are all one. Then the sacred change will be finally done. Everyone carries his own part of the whole. To - know thyself - is everyone's goal. Those who grasp unity cannot act otherwise. He sees the whole world with different eyes. Any separation was always only an illusion, but it lasts not forever - that confusion. Everybody will realize the unity one day. And then we will all follow the same way. (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.04.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Answers sought Where will my journey take me? Will that holy light awake me? Am I just one among billions? Am I just a lonely existence? So many teachers were present. They all shared the wisdom scent. What I do seems so easy to me. But am I carrying "that key"? Honestly, I already know the answer. Because I am a real dreamdancer. But which place in life shall I take? How to know that I am not a fake? When I know the answer and feel it, are there still reasons to conceal it? So many questions that still arise, but who seeks the answer becomes wise. (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.04.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- External deities Worshiping something external is psychopathy, for ignorance and blind faith are an anomaly. Only those who know themselves are blessed. Since he recognizes what beats in his chest. Many people will awake shocked at the end. Because they have betrayed their best friend. Who believes the external fakes and lies, is sightless and blinded on both eyes. The one who does not decide has already decided, he continues to serve mammon and is misguided. Only very few will break free from the controls, and even fewer will thereby keep their souls. Truly hard times are running fast ahead of us. It is nothing that we need to deny or discuss. Do you want to be independent or dependent? Do you want to swim in the current or ascend? Everyone will have to discover it on his own. Do you want to be free or become a drone? (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Grow the new! Will it ever be like it used to be? The past with its illusionary beauty? Live carefree and without sorrow. Just live the day until tomorrow? Meet new people and be curious? Feel unfamiliar and be hilarious? Nothing will ever be the same again. For you've walked through the pain. From now on, something new will emerge. Everything old fell victim to the purge. Now it is up to you what you create. Follow the intellect or your fate. Create something worse or improve it. You're the only one who can approve it. May your most ardent wishes come true! By creating out of the old everything anew. (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Natural wake up I want to see it with my own eyes. I want to describe what I recognize. I want to sleep under the open sky. And wonder there about the why. I want to observe the pure nature. Watching that flowing portraiture. I want to be free from all ties. And thus sort out all those lies. Illumination is something elusive, but awakening is truly exclusive. So I leave everything old behind, to finally free my eternal mind. (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.04.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Individual work for all The whole works together in detail. Together we experience a fairy tale. Go your way, find your inner peace. In your interest make it increase. You yourself can give it a birth. Each of us creates heaven on earth. Everyone is a part of the whole. Know thyself was always the goal. Spiritual work is everyone's task. To take off any imaginary mask. And when each role was resolved. Will we all as a whole have evolved. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- From inside out Question everything you have done so far. Always ask yourself who you really are. If you want to make a positive move, you have it for yourself to approve. If you really want something to change, just do it... does it sounds strange? No one can take that task from you. when you see it - create it all anew. No external authority can prevent it. The inner change, you'll represent it. The true change happens only inside! And from there comes the only guide. Finally you will bring the inside out. And of that you can be really proud. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Follow the call within Only you yourself can take back your liberty, and release yourself from your own captivity. You don't have to ask anyone for permission. This is a difficult but important cognition. The whole thing was always a mental jail, before one's own eyes - it's like a veil. If you look behind the curtain, you'll see. It'll open up a sacred world of eternity. Everything is right now, in this instant. Every detail was always here and existent. The moment when your own perception widens, then you're followed the holiest guidance. (written by KiBLS) Written: 04.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Intoxicating youth nights I want to feel the bass again, spray my happy hormones. To feel vibrating resonances, through totally ecstatic dancing. Want to forget all my worries, lose myself in all the bass. To get high and intoxicated. Listen to the sounds on ecstasy. Enjoy the illusion of happiness. Shoot the mind into other worlds. What were those crazy times? I only remember the details. My life was completely carefree. Very worth experiencing from my point of view. (written by KiBLS) Written: 04.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Escape from madness The madness is very fast spreading. By those madmen who are leading. Ignorant who subdued are following. And all they're willingly swallowing. The majority agrees to its own decay. Thus a worldwide genocide is underway. They voluntarily get the lethal injection, and thus spread everywhere an infection. Nanotechnology that works very fast, And achieves fatal results that last. Biological hazards that proliferate. IQ lowerers that avoid any debate. Remove yourself from a sinking society! It's the only way to avoid impropriety. (written by KiBLS) Written: 10.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Choose inner freedom! Whether you should vote blue or yellow. Whoever fakes a choice isn't a good fellow. No person could ever force me to consent, It is a point of how much I could not bend. If I am forced to choose the option a or b. Then I choose the number one hundred three. First it sounds crazy but it's your own choice. Don't choose but give your inner self a voice. Choose what you yourself set as a possibility, and draw your innermost thereby into visibility. True change has always come from deep within. So show the world the inside and start to win! (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Become a king! Nothing is out of your reach! This fact is worth to preach! Nothing is ever impossible! Your thoughts are unstoppable! Whatever you can conceive, you can also easily achieve! Think it, feel it, envision it. And the fate will position it. Then it's up to you to access. Then you'll feel inner success. But never satisfy your greed! For this everyone must bleed. If you don't want deceptions, be aware of all connections. You're linked with everything, so think and act like a king! (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- You hold the key! What should a new future look...? Do you already have an overlook? Begin and let your mind wander. And start deeply to ponder. Do you desire the transhumanism? Or do you reject such a schism? The division of body and mind? and the total control behind? Well, if you're not aiming for it, Reshape your mind and explore it. Don't deal 24/7 with that insanity. Think how you imagine humanity! How do you plan the futured live? Do you want to flourish or survive? Realize your own spiritual potential! For a positive change, this is essential. Do you want to be dominated or free? You hold in your hand for both the key. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Ignite and shine! Start to project the inner outward. Even if it first sounds awkward. Show the world that you're there, and that you sincerely care! From deep within comes the word! So let your thoughts be heard! Without your thoughts, others rule, and they believe you are a fool. For they could not even suspect, what a pure mind could project. For the stupid, it's all stupid talk. They've no idea how wrong they walk. So start to ignite your bonfires! And expose all those ignorant liars. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Holy change of times Not a single poem I know by heart, although it is my very own art. But all the knowledge is in me. I am full of ideas, like a sea. I serve myself as much as I want, and thereby I feel like a savant. But often I am myself very amazed. About wisdoms that I have raised. I could do this all life long. But time plays a different song. We are in times of transition. Knowing yourself is the mission. Who knows himself will be a winner. And thereby recognize every sinner. Sacred lines are hidden in rhymes. To recognize the present times! (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Do not think! It is the middle of the night. At this time I love to write. I just turn off my own intellect. Thereby nothing I would expect. I am living in the present moment. Thus I can live a real bestowment. I don't ponder for long, it just flows. That is the secret of how it goes. Emptiness of thought is fulfillment. For it encompasses every brilliance. Everything arises from the silence. Without any kind of inner violence. Become creative and experience it. Thus you'll write a serious hit. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Rise during the fall At the point of despair, they draw power. They feel ringing the most important hour. When there is no longer any faith or hope, out of nowhere new paths suddenly develop. When the situation seems to be worn... In the greatest need those heroes are born. They can't help themselves but simply act. Their actions have the greatest impact. But this point is far from being reached. Because they are still hidden and teached. But when these sacred times gain maturity, such heroes awaken in strength and purity. (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Your personal lesson Now it is time to become self-aware! And thereby learn to heal every scar. He who rises high can fall very deep. And he who is awake does not sleep. He who stands still does not get ahead. And he who is alive is still not dead. There is no shadow without the light! Without depth there'd be no height. Your perception defines where you stand. All that exists is your personal brand. All that happened had to happen that way. Just as the night is followed by the day. There is no suffering without a cause. Only an important lesson that it was. And the souls who've passed the test. They may also experience the rest. (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Watch your behavior! Genetically modified plants can be patented. Genetically modified humans are now invented. What cannot be patented is natural biology. This is why they create an artificial ethnology. Your own voluntary consent will be required. Because your complete submission is desired. Implied action is a tacit declaration of intent. By your actions, they'll obtain your consent. When you get on a bus, you agree to its rules. You don't have to study to understand this tool. By taking a drug, you agree to the side effects. Because the unanticipated effects are complex. Do you abide by their rules? Do what they say? Then you tacitly agree to the diabolical way. Who wants to use the system, gives his declaration. And he must also accept the strange dictation. They are perfidious games that they're playing. And it's your life with which you'll be paying. Be aware that the d-evil never plays ever fair! This is how they try to lure you into a snare. Conscious denial is necessary to explain the will. This is the only way to express a negating skill. Be ware who you're supporting through your actions. For thereby you call possibly unimagined reactions. (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Your rise or decay? Are you ready to lose your friends? Because that's the way how it ends. The majority of them will be vaccinated. By propaganda lies they are fascinated. As an unvaccinated you'll be ostracized. You will be persecuted and despised. The true separation begins this way. Gradually, each single mind will decay. They think a single prick and it's done. They think in this way they'd have won. It's impossible to convince them now. To authorities they'd anything allow. The doomed society will cast you out. That is what this is all about. This bondaged society will cast you out. Total control is what this is all about. It's easier to live without a dissenting voice. The majority has already made this choice. So prepare yourself to get out of the race! Untouched nature is the only safe place. And while everything around you falls apart. Be wise and embark on your holy new start. Like a dandelion breaking through concrete. One day you too will break open the street. Just as the new life grows after birth. You'll become a walking gift on earth. Nothing will be able to restrict you then. Because the history repeats itself again. (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Know who you are! Is God in you, with you, or outside of you? Is he beside you, under you, or above you? Is he an external entity, from you separated? Or does he've love and energy in you created? Is he only in you or in your neighbor as well? Is he something you can buy or even sell? If everything is a unity, is he a disunity? Is he a thinking being or part of any community? When everything is connected is he disconnected? Such questions aren't supposed to be reflected! He who must think can not act timeless. True knowledge is dynamic and never aimless. Because the conclusion you come to is heretical, and opens potential that resonates prophetical. But heretical only from what point of view? For church authorities don't stand for the true. The true is within you, you are and embody it! And no one could ever replicate or copy it. Recognize who and what you are right now! It's you through thoughts who always sow. Everything divided forms together a whole! To recognize the true is everyone's goal. (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Outbreak Listening to music? Go dancing? Or get your own house financing? Buy a car? Or an electric bike? Go for a short walk or a hike? Pay bills and increase my money? Or just eat a bread with honey? Listening to new lies from radio or TV? Or taking a nice cruise across the sea? Consume more trash from the Internet? Or think about virtual people I've met. It is all so bleak in this society. Everything I see is full of irony. Nothing satisfies me in the long run, and things around me makes no more fun. I want to go out into the countryside! I want to follow only my inner guide! I want to discover the peace within me! And see what this miracle can bring me! I want to feel independence and liberty! I want to feel the true life and infinity! (written by KiBLS) Written: 20.09.2020 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Sarcastic lines Brand new armoured police cars. And Corona deniers behind bars. So many fancy new uniforms. And well thought-out new norms. New vaccines at random. Enjoying a large fandom. So many smart people around. Big Pharma will be crowned. Others take over the thinking. And much propaganda for linking. The brave new world is on the march. And spreads under the sacred arch. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.12.2020 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- Found inventions Nobody could ever invent anything. He only discovered a causal string. He recognized a hidden mode of operation. Already existing things in a new formation. For "that which is" has always been present. But prior it was a well concealed content. Whether stacking stones to build a tower, or even a clockwork to read the hour. There is nothing new only "all that is", our spirit creates out of it a doom or bliss. From everything that is, we split a part, and then we call it mental or manual art. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.03.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- About lies and propaganda Should I hate now the muslims or the jews? Should I be afraid of chinese due the news? Should I believe waste is just like organic? Or what should I do to keep my growing panic? Should I be now afraid of a fake pandemic? Or should I submit to the entire polemic? Be afraid that chlorine dioxide will kill me? Or that the 5G radiation will slowly grill me? You have to question so much these days. But after the lies, only the truth stays. All division has no meaning and is injurious. What comes out at the end can be curious. Whoever believes others is controlled. And thereby his soul has been sold. Only who calls own experience his own. Is able to stand firmer than any stone. His charisma becomes increasingly powerful. As a result, his life becomes more colorful. Do not be guided by all the external lies. Trust only your experience and your eyes! (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- The miracle drug of choice I tell once more about chlorine dioxide. It's the best miracle cure I've ever tried. By propaganda of lies they try to denigrate it. But in public they do not want to debate it. They always make a big scandal out of it. And convince only those who anyway doubted it. They compare it with caustic toxin and bleach. And claim it would be bad what you could reach. But no one ever tried it - out of sheer fear. They believe what the news says is totally clear. Imagine a remedy that cures almost anything. And without cost, it's health that it'll bring. Would big pharma support something like that? Or would they demonize it like a black cat? Who buys advertising in the normal medias? And do they fake nowadays encyclopedias? Whoever exposes the lies will find salvation. And he will experience a health sensation. Used correctly, you think you're in wonderland. Because health and sanity walk by your hand. (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 --------------------------------------------------------- The day everything changed It became a special day for everyone. For on this day the good really won. Colorful papers with which they lured. Thus, the evil rule was long secured. When virtual numbers lost their appeal, and all people recognized what was real. When no one could be influenced anymore, when no one sold himself like a whore. At that time, everything suddenly changed. And everything was spiritually rearranged. The morphogenetic field transmitted the data. The consciousness became wiser and greater. No one went to war to kill others anymore. Everyone recognized in the other a holy core. All diseases were cured by all together. As a result, everyone became clever. After all, money no longer played a role. Thus we realized a long forbidden goal. We all worked together on our well-being. And we realized our unity as the All-Seeing. (written by KiBLS) Written: 24.05.2021 | Published: ~2021