Coronation Warfare Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 27 Written: 2021 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 47 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview (1) Number Title 01. Contradictory contrasts 02. The perpetual 03. Water as carrier of secrets 04. Inconspicuous sweet poison 05. Change that what is 06. The day when the auras shine 07. The new lessons 08. Everyman solution 09. Vaccinating into the downfall 10. Stand or fall? 11. Changing vibrations 12. Set yourself free! 13. Life under attack 14. Harmony 15. Recognize the illusion! 16. Freedom by blockchains? 17. Illusory time 18. Breaking fake ideologies 19. Locate your key 20. Graphene-Brain Interface 21. The own shades 22. Separating deception 23. Divine Light Nutrition 24. Salvation by money? 25. Of confused illusions 26. The longed awakening Overview (2) Number Title 27. Chemtrail filth 28. Once the light shines 29. Hypocritical Opposition 30. A spark in the dark 31. Time difference 32. Light your own fire 33. Dominion 34. Holy Providence 35. It reveals slowly 36. Prophetic words 37. From end to new beginning 38. Glorious phrases 39. Just Illusion 40. Now grow and thrive! 41. End of the age of lies 42. History in flux 43. Completing ancient history 44. Change is in the air 45. Biased studies 46. Sacred potential 47. My own property? --------------------------------------------------------- Contradictory contrasts In the beginning, you're led down the wrong ways. And you're taught that it's mammon you must chase. But in the course of your life you may realize. That the truth on the outside is full of lies. Some will never see through the deception. Because they're blinded in their perception. But whoever seeks the redeeming will find. For he who wants to see will not remain blind. That which is cryptic becomes soon apparent. For that which was opaque becomes transparent. And so the long search will come to an end. And that which once fell will again ascend. (written by KiBLS) Written: 29.05.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- The perpetual The end becomes just a new beginning. During the downfall, you are winning. While the old gradually fades away, It's the new that will grow and stay. When the seed passes, a plant grows. Wisdom comes when the ignorance goes. All knowledge is already within you. You just have to discover it anew. You are what is. You are the eternal. You've an indomitable, sacred kernel. The outside world comes from within. It's that which has at all times been. (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.05.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Water as carrier of secrets It's not the only thing that connects us. There are also frequencies that affect us. But one secret is the humidity of the air, connected with the water that you wear. For the most part, you are made of water. To be precise, three parts of a quarter. A portion of air is also inside the ocean. All that water is constantly in motion. So no matter if you are poor or wealthy, water keeps everyone alive and healthy. And no matter if you are big or small. The sacred water just connects us all. Recognize the liquid connection to arise. That knowledge are insights of the wise. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.06.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Inconspicuous sweet poison Sugar is a very poisonous food. It not only affects your mood. It is as addictive as cocaine, you'll need it again and again. It is mixed in almost everywhere. Not teaching about it is not fair. A deficiency causes depressions. In the worst case also aggressions. Always watch what is in your food! That your health can be renewed. Detoxify from those toxic compounds. So you also lastingly lose pounds. Sugar is a bitter sweet temptation. Without it you'll enjoy a sensation. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.06.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Change that what is It's a tremendous change that has to come. But honestly; where should it come from? Can the future actually be changed? Can ongoing processes be rearranged? You can never change someone else. Only you can truly change yourself. Thereby you deprive you of outside forces. And so you can redetermine your courses. As a shining example, you'll lead the way. Unconcerned by what others think or say. Self-responsibility is your redemptive key. Possibilities as countless as drops in a sea. You can do what you really want to do. Along the way you will realize the true. Free yourself from your old chains, and release yourself from old pains. Your own chains can only be broken by you! Liberated you can create everything anew. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.06.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- The day when the auras shine The mentally dead people are walking around. The walking dead have big pharma crowned. They want a new injection all the time. And would give away for it the last dime. Fake security against a fantasy pandemic. Mentally retarded they love the own polemic. But the gene therapy will cause them to die. And the whole besotted society will wonder why. Viral mutants will be their pretextual answer. More people will die from it than from cancer. It is a disguised modern population control, where the media play their diabolical role. It is the biggest genocide in our history. Remains for the majority a true mystery. The day when control ceases is drawing near. The day when the chosen ones lose their fear. Their auras will shine brightly, unmistakable. And their holy spirit will stand unbreakable. (written by KiBLS) Written: 07.06.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- The new lessons In math, incidence values are calculated, in biology they teach how the virus mutated. In German lessons they write corona texts. And that conspiracy theories have bad effects. How to put on the mask in the right way? And how do one follow the rules every day? How can you deploy a covid rapid test? And what crazy virus protection is best? Only useless garbage is taught in schools. And critical thinkers are treated like fools. Teach your child the truth without inhibition! Teaching the true situation is a sacred mission. But teach your child also to be reserved! For otherwise it will be public observed. We live in wild times, nothing is certain! It'll still take until the fall of the curtain. The fate has determined already your course. So just continue on your way to the source. (written by KiBLS) Written: 13.06.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Everyman solution How can all this crap possibly continue? Can I choose options like from a menu? Can I hand over again my responsibility? And thereby continue my cushy servility? Or will submissiveness break our neck? While we all wait for our next check? Everyone must become self-responsible! Only this way the madness is stoppable. It makes no sense to give anyone your vote! Or to obey something that a man once wrote. What do you want? How do you want to live? Do you only want to take or also to give? Do you want to give virtual numbers a value? Or create from the old something entirely new? He who controls himself, he shines bright! And he then becomes aware of his own might. Who knows what he's doing, needs no one to ask. And he is also well aware of his sacred task. Know thyself was always the true embassy! To consolidate his own will and supremacy. Free yourself from all the mental waste. And it's your own freedom that you'll taste. (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.06.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Vaccinating into the downfall Magnetically mutated cells that are steerable. Orders via frequencies that are not hearable. A true cocktail of hard poisons is vaccinated. A species of zombies is just being cultivated. The operating system of life gets overwritten. Hardly anyone believes that this is forbidden. Controllable masses that no longer reflect. And they barely can understand any aspect. The madness reaches a completely new level. The majority makes a bargain with the devil. People have degenerated by their own choice. And have thus also forfeited their own voice. Who eats and drinks poisons all the time. Recognizes also no more obvious crime. The "brave new world" is now dawning. Yet after a while it will be again falling. (written by KiBLS) Written: 17.06.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Stand or fall? Who swallows further the lies has elected. By a diabolical collective he'll be collected. For it is a real betrayal of all mankind, if one keeps remain deaf, dumb and blind. It is a real violation of one's own race. If one does not seek a way out of the maze. The d-evil has itself truly desirable dressed. Start to look for answers and go on your quest. Don't keep getting distracted by nonsense! For knowledge and wisdom are the best defense. One can read a lot of things during the day, but bullshit leads you down a wrong way. Always check your sources and question! This leads in the end to true satisfaction. Those who seek the eternal truth will find it. For those that can stand must not submit. (written by KiBLS) Written: 17.06.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Changing vibrations It's not things that become more expensive. It's money that loses value, very intensive. Those who print the money create slavery. And they officiates with deceptive bravery. Any value is only a contrived illusion. Like a mental and deceptive conclusion. We are all being brought into a single line. And we all believe that this would be fine. Thereby everyone has different predilections. Due propaganda we're facing wrong directions. Always live the way you believe is right. That is how you can ignite your inner light. And when you start to shine, it will be seen. That's how you decode the power of each gene. So you put a real power plant into operation. The true self then recognize its own vibration. (written by KiBLS) Written: 19.06.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Set yourself free! Buying material things that you don't need. In order to satisfy the own artificial greed. To impress people you don't actually care for. And to fill your own emptiness more and more. The Mammon is like an endless addiction. To true satisfaction, a real contradiction. You continually need something to fill the hole. You need to constantly play your fictional role. But those false propgrams will hang-up and crash. And foreign injected dreams will end up as ash. After that, you look for the next satisfaction. But from what you need it is again a distraction. Recognize this delusional cycle and escape! Break out of that mental and physical rape. Break your slavery chains and free your mind. And thereby become a bright beacon for mankind. (written by KiBLS) Written: 19.06.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Life under attack A new wireless body area network is injected. Under the pretext that everyone is infected. A hidden secret vaccination tracking system. Is cutting you off from your very own wisdom. A new body operating system will be installed. The real mark of the beast it is also called. Without it, you will be excluded everywhere. Self-replicating nanoparticles, they scare. Electromagnetic radiation sends the commands. Biological zombies are migrating in all lands. The electromagnetism works like an evil spell. The victims build on earth their personal hell. They can no longer think, completely paralyzed. If people knew that, they would be surprised. But ignorance protects no one from punishment. Blind faith and obedience leads to astonishment. The transhumanist system will not last long. Because the programming is basically wrong. Prepare for the greatest imaginable insanity. For it is hacked just the whole humanity. (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.06.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Harmony The moment right now is perfect, and yet I often try to reflect. In my body I live and dwell, and here I want to feel well. Where my body is, I live. What I have I gladly give. I try to spread illumination. I wish that for every nation. I don't long for a personal goal. Right now I feel as a whole. Future and past are illusion. A kind of personal delusion. The consciousness is the key. To access the true eternity. Realize your potential now! The seed grows after you sow. (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.06.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Recognize the illusion! People play with dangerous ideas. Mainly by securities and with fears. Every fear is only an illusion, mostly it's based on a confusion. The same applies for security too. Both are made from the same shoe. This is a usual way to manipulate. But one produces only deep hate. You have to check your thoughts. So as to untie your inner knots. He who recognizes the web of lies, he can see again with lucid eyes. Through a deep, inner reflection, You'll reject the tangled projection. (written by KiBLS) Written: 06.07.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Freedom by blockchains? That blocking is not good is not new. And a chain is the thing that ties you. If now, one combines these two words, he cannot hope to become free as birds. A blockchain should promise new liberty? Whoever believes that drinks bitter tea. Indispensable for transhumanist dreams. But in truth, things are not as it seems. Moving from one control tool to the next. Solutions never lie in an advertising text. Consciousness alone is creating a worth. Thus new possibilities are given birth. Become aware of the known possibilities. And thus discard all mental disabilities. (written by KiBLS) Written: 20.07.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Illusory time The true and honest passed me by. All seemed to be a blink of an eye. So much time I have only wasted. So much bad I had already tasted. But from my personal point of view, it was needed to realize what's true. The eternal truth is inside everyone. And it shines brighter than any sun. It's invisible and yet unmissable. And this light is never divisible. Know the truth that is deep within you! It helps you to create everything anew. (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.07.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Breaking fake ideologies We are like drops in a sea. I'm in you and you're in me. Truly I am very much like you. Only with an expanded view. Also, we are all interconnected. Mutually we are all affected. Separation is just an illusion. Like a story without exclusion. Everyone is part of the narrative. To recognize it is an imperative. Nothing was ever separated. Everything you loved or hated. You are part of "all that is". Everything together is a bliss. Everything that is, is part of you. Heretical ideas are nothing new. (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.07.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Locate your key Many do not understand what I say. Because they're on the wrong way. Many do not understand what I do. Although what I do is nothing new. Many do not understand what I desire. For they didn't find their inner fire. Everything was always in the same place. Your own perception creates the space. That way you'll wander through the ages. That way you can leave all the cages. Know who you are and unlock your power. And it will begin the most exciting hour. (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.07.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Graphene-Brain Interface Graphene is in the air and in food. It depresses your health and mood. They take over the minds and brains. Graphene pushes through the veins. AI-Powered Graphene-Brain Interfaces. When killing, they leave no traces. Organic sulfur can help to detoxify, otherwise you are controlled by AI. An artificial bio robot under control, this is the way of selling your soul. In pumpkin seeds you can find zinc. It suppresses your virtual uplink. Acerola cherry is a vitamin C miracle. It supports the body, it is empirical. Now get all the toxic muck out of you. Get to know yourself and what is true. (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.07.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- The own shades Ignorant fight on the outside, true warriors turn to the inside. The brave achieve victory there, and thus are victorious everywhere. By facing one's very own delusions, one will overcome all confusions. Only those who create peace within. Have risen above any material sin. So start to face your own shadows, for your salvation is already close. And as light on the horizon rises. You'll become one who just realizes. (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.07.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Separating deception What is eternal cannot pass away. What is eternal will always stay. That which is eternal that is you. What seems old becomes again new. You are a part of the big whole. Know thyself is your real goal. Nothing could ever separate you. For you're a part of the one true. Black and white arise in the mind. By perception, everything is defined. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.08.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Divine Light Nutrition 144,000 feed on their inner light, thus their auras shine very bright. They do not fall victim to toxicity. They live their lives in simplicity. Nobody could twist their thoughts, they constantly change their spots. They're the true unteachable ones. Of "all that is" they are the sons. They know everything and yet nothing. All temptations they're crushing. They are what is left at the end. They're the ones who never bend. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.08.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Salvation by money? Where are the ones that don't bend? Where are the ones that don't vend? All knowledge and wisdom must be free. Only then everyone will be able to see. Those who trade and sell such things. Have long since lost their holy wings. They have still so very much to learn. For it doesn't matter what they earn. Mutually, we could all be benefited. Financial delusions were not permitted. Materialism was alwas only a deception. For everything is ruled by the perception. (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.08.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Of confused illusions With the word begins the illusion, this already creates the confusion. Always contradictions are co-created. Including everthing loved and hated. Illusions are only created in the mind. And thus in the outside it is defined. As there is contradiction to everything! As to fly one needs not only one Wing. Every contradiction is also born in you. This realization is not something new. This way, they have always dominated. And the contradictions were then debated. The answer to everything lies within you. Even if until now, you had not a clue. Now just become aware of your own power! And we will ring in a new and holy hour. The gods who once again become full aware. Those who carry thoughts through the air. These are the ones who change the earth. And thus the new consciousness gives birth. (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.08.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- The longed awakening When the reality mixes with dreams. Then nothing remains as it seems. When the hidden becomes obvious, then the loser becomes victorious. When suddenly everything is changed, then everything will be rearranged. The temporal sensation will be shifted. And a true seeker will then be gifted. All the nonsense takes on a meaning. Succeeded by your internal cleaning. All the endless patience was worth it. Because awakening - you deserve it. (written by KiBLS) Written: 15.08.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Chemtrail filth Nanoparticles appear like mysterious fog. Many think that it is not even a smog. I can see it in the morning sunshine, It is covering the complete skyline. But even right before my own eyes, I see the particles as they flies. I have to breathe in this nasty dirt. Knowing that it is meant to hurt. Every living creature must endure. Officially against it exists no cure. Chlorine dioxide is the best aid. MMS/CDS can be easily be home made. It provides your cells with oxygen. And it is a very powerful oxidant. Propolis is also a very beneficial. And tea tree oil also helps initial. Fine Zeolite is also a great remedy, keep all these substances in memory. Organic sulfur is needed everywhere. It's important knowledge that I share. It'll be a help to you in these times. Substances are well hidden in rhymes. May they help you with any disease. Thus, many things will be an ease. (written by KiBLS) Written: 15.08.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Once the light shines When the darkness finally disappears, the clouded, gloomy view just clears. When the new morning finally shines, one can see previously darkened signs. Things become clear in the transition, Simultaneously sprouts a new cognition. The shadows are becoming ever clearer, And the change comes always nearer. And suddenly you begin to realize, That all fears are fading at sunrise. (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.08.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Hypocritical Opposition I'll start with resistance now. I will manage this somehow. I will now collect many donations. And advertise at demonstrations. My own merch I am going to sell. And even other things as well. I will pay taxes and be straight. And engage myself in every debate. I will earn money that others print. And thus make a resistance sprint. I rant and grumble about the state, and say its about the rules I hate. The more money I will generate, the less I've to follow the dictate. This is how I offer true resistance. And never question the existence. After all, resistance must be legal. Like coins minted with an eagle. I do not see any contradiction here. Because Mammon is singing in my ear. (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.08.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- A spark in the dark When chaos seems beyond control, one suddenly realizes the true goal. In the hours of greatest threat, awakens in many - a new mindset. Only in the darkness some realize, that light shines before their eyes. Nothing could stop them anymore. They know what they're fighting for. Answers that were previously hidden, appear to one as if clearly written. Necessity will then force action, and it disappears any distraction. The day when those heroes are born, is the day to sound the sacred horn. (written by KiBLS) Written: 24.08.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Time difference My energy is steadily decreasing. Yet vitality is what I'm chasing. Things are getting more complicated. Over time, I feel like I'm outdated. The demands are increasing ever more. And nothing feels the same as before. Maybe it's my decay that I witness? As I lose my own youth and fitness? Meanwhile outer time passes very fast. Not keeping pace makes you an outcast. Yet my inner time determines my being. But only outer time everyone is seeing. But the outside world is not the true! From the inside world it has no clue. What counts is only the inner clock. For there the outside world must knock. (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.08.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Light your own fire Be yourself a light inside the dark. Even if you are only a small spark. Let unrestrained your inner light shine. And transform polluted water into wine. A spark can ignite a sacred flame. That's how you change the dirty game. Live the way you want the world to be! This is how you will become fully free. Whoever understands the rules can win. And thus elevate himself above any sin. Only those who disdain money and power. They will herald the system's last hour. (written by KiBLS) Written: 04.09.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Dominion Democracy is fascism of the majority. And it's suppression of the minority. As long as you follow as a servile minion, you're free to propagate your own opinion. But only within justifiable limitations. Without revealing these hidden Relations. Of course, today we do not have democracy. Today we are organizing a real ideocracy. The modern management of people livestock. About such dirty facts you must not talk. You get to choose which party oppresses you. And for the good behavior - who blesses you. Completely delusional, it is called liberty. And all are proud of a fabricated history. From freedom, all systems of rule are far away. All of them oppress the people, whatever you say. Self responsibility - nobody ever knows. Thereby the solution would be so close. (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.09.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Holy Providence People are fighting for their survival. And recognize the brother as a rival. The delusion sits deep in the mind. From all the lies, they became blind. Money has poisoned their sacred souls. They operate now under alien controls. Blinded by the deceptive beastly picture. Runs before all eyes the holy scripture. Chance or providence were always the same. Part of all that is. Kindle a sacred flame. The future and the past are soon revealed. All becomes visible on the sacred field. The chosen ones will soon be in place. To shine brightly with their full grace. Then the theater play will be completed. And the evil will finally be defeated. (written by KiBLS) Written: 09.09.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- It reveals slowly The history and the reality merge. And it begins the final purge. Nobody could ever sugarcoat it. The majority will just submit. Carbon - 6 protons and 6 neutrons. In the atomic shell are 6 electrons. Graphenes of carbon are fullerenes. It slowly changes everyone's genes. Out of the unholy mark of the beast, These spike proteins are released. Through the well-known G7 Meeting. The first beast sends its greeting. Afterwards, all appears crystal clear. What has always viewed by the seer. Prophecies will soon be fulfilled. And the one kingdom will be built. (written by KiBLS) Written: 09.09.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Prophetic words I can see the end of these sins, and how the new chapter begins. This system will soon go down. Rulers handing over their crown. Delusional ideas drive up the wall. A new generation takes the ball. Everything has to happen like this. So that you can receive your bliss. The storybook is drawing to a close. It's a new beginning where it goes. From the old, the new will arise. And finally, humanity will be wise. (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.09.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- From end to new beginning A real zombie pandemic is brewing. No matter what you are doing. Discontent reaches new heights. Darkness tries to obscure lights. Radiation will fuel the madness. And poisons will foster badness. Insanity will rage for a short time. And there will be terrible crimes. But all must happen in this way. So that we can begin a new play. Secrets are finally being revealed. Evil loses every protective shield. So our cocoon shell finally breaks, regardless of how long it takes. The new butterfly will then hatch. And it will begin its new life match. (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.09.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Glorious phrases Powerful words in a powerless place. Brave words in a world without grace. Real recognition they will not find. For the majority is long since blind. Deaf to the holy truth and deluded, their whole mind became polluted. The wheat separates from the chaff. About the truth they just laugh. Currently criminals wear the crowns. And saints are portrayed as clowns. All the poles were simply rotated. And the true is everywhere hated. But the top will be on top again. When the evil will end its reign. That day of change is drawing closer. He's paving its way like a bulldozer. (written by KiBLS) Written: 22.09.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Just Illusion When everything is an illusion, why is there so much confusion? And why I can not control it? When after all, I surely know it. What provides the constant flow? And what helps it all to grow? Countless dimensions side by side. But to visit them there is no guide. Awareness alone creates perception. It helps to see through the deception. He who frees his mind faces insanity. And grasps the sense of humanity. All is in one place at the same time. Like deep wisdom hidden in a rhyme. It is not recognizable to everyone. Unless the change in you was done. (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.09.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Now grow and thrive! Living in the middle of a lie. Thus just opening the third eye. Whoever opens his eyes knows, how in the dark his light glows. The realization grows and thrives. And becomes sharper than all knives. His tongue becomes like a gun. Out of him shines the inner sun. The light that no one knows anymore. It opens with ease a brand new door. Only he who becomes wise will know. How to keeps running the whole show. He is growing at an unimaginable rate. Thus, consciousness reaches a new state. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.10.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- End of the age of lies Dumbing down tactics that hit the wall. Lies that prepare for their own fall. Truth does not shine on any screen. But deep within you it can be seen. Just explore the real and the true! And it will expand your narrowed view. This change is truly comprehensive. It's everything but not expensive. You are a part of everything that is. It is revealed what before was a quiz. All the effort is really worth it! For you are the one who deserves it. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.10.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- History in flux Courageous voices fall silent. They are fought with violence. Injustice becomes now right. And black becomes now white. Insanity becomes the new norm. It is the calm before the storm. Everything is twisted and perverted. Believers are being newly converted. Unholy times are now prevailing. Through wicked times we're sailing. But all that happens has its meaning. It is part of the great cleaning. Nothing here will be spared. A holy war has been declared. And at the end of this wild story, something new is told full of glory. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.10.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Completing ancient history Be sure; there is no turning back! So stop coloring things so Black. Always nurture and promote the good. Be a spark in the midst of firewood. When everything around you breaks, just be one of those who awakes. After the old story, a new one begins. It's the fall and crowning of new kings. Reason and ancient wisdom are rising. And slowly everyone is realizing. That which has long been proclaimed, is that at which everything aimed. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.10.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Change is in the air A sweeping change is taking place. A holy transformation full of grace. The buildings of lies will collapse. People will close all knowledge gaps. About the old lies everyone is amazed. Voices of resistance are being raised. Voices that have a long time rested. Everything so far was only tested. But when a supposed hoax turns serious. Even the majority becomes curious. No censorship can stop the brain waves. Nothing can prevent awakening of slaves. When new and good things become manifest, suddenly everyone helps and does his best. The common goal in front of our eyes. Will expose any barefaced, brazen lies. (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.10.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Biased studies All the studies are just eyewash. And yet many people think, gosh. Nerve agents are hidden in food. And affect the results and mood. Environmental toxins in the drinks. For all toxins - only missing links. Even the air is highly polluted. All this is in the body undiluted. Those interactions are not observed, thus a distorted result is served. Nevertheless, one finds a result. Thus, science remains a faith cult. (written by KiBLS) Written: 17.10.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Sacred potential My cage of thought was just unlocked. It was freed what was earlier blocked. My consciousness is rapidly growing. And I understand my inner knowing. No poison in the world could stop this. For I have received a very divine kiss. The new generation of holy prophets. Operating without intention of profits. Everything that is - it makes sense. It overcomes any artificial defense. What could stop this sacred awakening? It's the coronation of a new Sun King. (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.10.2021 | Published: 2022 --------------------------------------------------------- My own property? How could anyone call a land his own? And declare it as "his private zone"? Only those who believe in "a state", will not participate in such a debate. A state construct is only an illusion. And brings many heads the confusion. Those who supports the state think, They'd own land by a paper with ink. Those who print the money are winning. Without considering that they're sinning. The good always only lose in the process. And have to gain money through stress. Land areas can not belong to anyone! For when all is sold, stops the fun. When in Monopoly all streets are sold. And worthless numbers replaced all gold. From then on, everyone should realize, that in this system he won't win a prize. One must begin to question everything. Even whether he needs an outer king. And the game must then be completed. For otherwise sorrow will be repeated. This is how the journey leads inside. Where you can discover all your pride. Everything you need you will manifest. And what happened so far was only a test. (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.10.2021 | Published: 2022