Time of maturing Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 28 Written: 2022 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 36 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview (1) Number Title 01. An infinite moment 02. Biased words 03. Change without judgment 04. Singularity 05. Lights of change 06. Write your story! 07. Related repetition 08. Hold on or let go? 09. Awakening to ascend 10. Set the impetus 11. Coming soon 12. Fracture of the times 13. Recognize ignorant liars 14. Become what you want to be! 15. Modern everyday poisons 16. Increase your vision! 17. The river of change 18. The acquisition of consciousness 19. To my inner sun 20. Deliberate change 21. Entering the moment 22. Final revelations 23. To new heights 24. My legacy 25. Vibrations 26. Your unique strength Overview (2) Number Title 27. The true image of the beast 28. The sunny times 29. Out of darkness into the light 30. My final separation? 31. The possibly lethal injection 32. Whose story do you mean? 33. Sacred games 34. Rise to what you are! 35. You are the change! 36. Make a change and all will change --------------------------------------------------------- An infinite moment Just a moment ahead of the revolution. And yet still so far from the solution. The fronts can no longer be overlooked. A diabolical recipe that is being cooked. Admonishing voices are simply ignored. And in the media, those liars are adored. The madness is just driven on and on. Reason and sanity has long since gone. A new, even nastier system awaits us. And many believe that even God hates us. Like pain of a childbirth, isn't evil or bad, we must realize that our path is not mad. While the caterpillar becomes a butterfly, at no point does the caterpillar ever die. We all need to take a comprehensive view. For only that way we will discover the new. And as we mentally leave the old behind. The new world is already being designed. (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.08.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Biased words Today, the word God is totally messed up. Like a doll that is beautifully dressed up. The Church has personified that which is. And burned those who knew as witches. A sentient being? Full of love and hate? And this crazy guy is directing the fate? Like a psyhopath to whom you should bow down. To whom you must cheerfully put on a crown? As if God had an independent personality, that could react with hatred and brutality. All that is has no will and no opinion! And it cannot behave like a little minion. It has no body at all, for it is all that is. Realize the oneness and enjoy the bliss. You are an inseparable part of the whole! Discern your divinity from head to the sole! The division and control will come to an end! And thus, we will collectively make the ascent. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.08.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Change without judgment People get used to so very much. And yet they should never judge. For things always look otherwise. If one looks at it with other eyes. Consider the variety of viewpoints. And realize all the invisible joints. Because everything is interconnected. And thus everything is mutually affected. If you want to make a real difference, just eradicate your very own ignorance. Recognize the interconnectedness of all things, and in this way let yourself grow holy wings. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.09.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Singularity When a weakness becomes a strength, you overtake others at full length. When your flaw becomes a feature, the student then becomes a teacher. When all your fears just go away, only pure self-confidence will stay. Let your holy transformation be done. Without a fight, saints have always won. They give themselves to what is eternal. And thus they awake their inner kernel. Do not try to force it with your will. Just sit down and start to chill. True power lies in one's own tranquility. This is how you train your mental agility. Everything is one and you are all that is. You yourself are the solution to the quiz. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.07.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Lights of change Chaos is taken to the highest extreme. In this play, it will be the last scene. Madness will reach the highest heights, there will be incredibly merciless fights. But when the darkness is omnipresent, even slaves will master their ascent. For you recognize in the deepest darkness, every spark of light in all its sharpness. Many will meet their well-deserved end. But many will perceive a new era's scent. They will raise their voices for the good. For they are aware of where we stood. This is how the poles will then turn again. And goodness will take up its holy reign. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.08.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Write your story! What do you eat, and what do you drink? What software do you use? And what ink? Don't support anything that harms others. Know everyone around you as your brothers. Promote only what is good and genuine! Recognize in your neighbor the divine. Everyone is part of the great whole. Everyone here plays his personal role. Like a wonderfully lived fairy tale, from which suddenly is lifted the veil. You are the main character of your story! Realize this and play it now in full glory. You are the scribbler and the performer, for your world, you are the transformer. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.09.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Related repetition Understanding the past is an important key. It used to be said: "Work sets you free!" From Concentration Camps to Quarantine Camps, and in the streets armed troops and armored tanks. And now it doesn't take a genius for one to see: Soon they'll say: "Vaccination sets you free!" Dissenters become dangerous thought criminals. This all suddenly happens like small miracles. People consume and long for their own fears, even if this causes a lot of unnecessary tears. The real change is fueled by this insanity. So that we recognize again our humanity. A transformation at a tremendous cost. But in the end, we will have won, not lost. Together we are heading for the golden age. And thereby we are all leaving our cage. We have never known true freedom before. But now we are going to push open that door. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.08.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Hold on or let go? By giving up something old, something new can unfold. By finally letting go, something new can grow. He who lets go, gains new. And can recognize the true. Anything flows in one stream. Reality becomes like a dream. The dream is under your control! Thereby know thyself is the goal! (written by KiBLS) Written: ~2022 | Published: 27.06.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Awakening to ascend What if I take over the control? Realizing that I'm part of the whole? Could I change my behavior? And thereby be my own savior? Could I change my own mind? And thus stop remaining blind? I want to make the impossible a reality. I want to make a use of my given key! I want to recognize everything that is. I want to give it a consecrated kiss. My path shall be the way of ascent. Thus, I want to forge a new sacred fundament. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.09.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Set the impetus Really letting go is the hardest thing. Even for the consciousness of a king. Without any doubt about the why. I allow the familiar to pass me by. The world is in this moment simply as it is. Neither a cursed hell nor a heavenly bliss. My own perception influences my point of view. If my perception changes, anything becomes new. What do I really want, what do I truly desire? Do I extinguish my spark or turn it into a fire? Are you perhaps afraid of your own flame? Remember it is a part of this sacred game! Be fearless, this will start a global conflagration! This raises a fundamental and needed vibration. The dominoes will just fall over in a row. And the world will return to its natural flow. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.09.2020 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon Pick up your pass for worldly amusement. It's also for your freedom of movement. It comes a digital vaccination certificate. For obedient subjects absolutely legitimate. He who lets his genetics be manipulated wins, and may continue to indulge in worldly sins. Those who refuse to submit are sent to camps. And they will have to compete for food stamps. Truly, there are still hard times ahead. For some time yet, the evil will lead. The evil regime will rule for a few years, and in that time will flow bitter tears. But all falsehood will eventually self-destruct. For the truth tears down every false construct. When a holy light shines into the dark, it will just ignite heaps of new sparks. Sacred sparks that meet with dry hay. And thus show us all the new way. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.08.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Fracture of the times Time is an imagination in your head. Just like viruses that you spread. Hours, days, years and even decades, cast clearly discernible shades. Who recognize the lie can break out. He conquered his ignorance and doubt. He'll open hidden doors out of nowhere. About other opinions he does not care. He rises unexpectedly from the hidden. For an awakened one, nothing is forbidden. Since he timelessly sees through everything, he elevates himself to the new Sun King. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.09.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Recognize ignorant liars Chlorine dioxide cures almost everything. It is literally a healing miracle king. When you can cure the flu in a few hours, then what do "viruses" have for powers? Or were simple toxins cheeky renamed? That something invisible can be blamed? Is the entire science based on lies? A big pharma fraud of unimagined size? They play exclusively with the fears. And feast on all the appearing tears. It already starts when you feel queasy. Whereas healing yourself is so easy. But asking a panel doctor about health, is like asking a banker for wealth. Instead, listen only to your own inner voice, for it is the wisest and most prudent choice. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.07.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Become what you want to be! Do not talk yourself bad or down! Rather put yourself on a crown! If you don't like the way you are, change it and become a real star. Your perception creates your reality! For your happiness only you hold the key! Miracles blossom every day and everywhere. About this you only have to become aware. If you really want to change, change your perception! This will push you in a completely fresh direction. And after a very short time you will see. That alone this has changed your whole reality. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.09.2022 | Published: 03.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Modern everyday poisons Doctors prescribe rat poison, without inhibitions. But it's only one weapon of their poison munitions. Because once their poisons have taken effect. Mustard gas will possibly be their next project. Even from dynamite as a drug they do not shy away. And prescribe it in small doses as angina spray. Only the dose makes the poison, it is often heard. But the dose rises with every intake, totally absurd. They hit the body with poisons like savages. And in doing so, they cause entirely new damages. Even the air, the water and the food that you eat. Everything are poisonous mixtures by a evil recipe. Propolis, zeolite, CDS and DMSO are simply ignored. The newest and toxic drugs even win an award. You must learn to act on your own responsibility! And thus regain again your own credibility. Just explore new paths and recover in the process. Thus, at the end of the path, there will be success. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.07.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Increase your vision! Just feel happy and satisfied right now! And do not ponder long about the how. There is no need to be sad or depressed, in this moment you can feel truly blessed. The future and past is only in your head! Regardless of what others have said. Recognize this eternal running moment. And realize that of it you are a component. From everything what is nothing can separate you! Look at everything with an all-encompassing view! And when that which is eternal is recognized, reveals that which was previously disguised. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.09.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- The river of change Are you feeling low-spirited? Depressed? Did you forget what beats in your chest? Well, just let me build you back up! Because it is now the time to get up. Just let go of your old thought crap! Because we are not doing another lap. Forget your old concerns and loads! Because we will take entirely new roads! Do you realize now what times are ahead? Do you realize what energies just spread? A true river of pure energies that pours out. And seeds that germinate and soon sprout. Jump into that stream and let yourself drift. Together we will experience the greatest shift. This change is as unique as you are! Realize your dreams and become a star. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.09.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- The acquisition of consciousness What's the value of illumination these days? Who still wants to wander on those old ways? The majority strives only for money and power, they don't realize the current ringing hour. Illusions for which one sacrifices everything. For the delusion to become thereby a king. Today no lie or deception is bold enough. And one no longer sense his own handcuff. Today people call it a "blocking chain". And no one sees that it only causes pain. All poles were completely perverted and twisted. So one may think the good has never existed. Everyone just continues to follow blinded, his lower desires - completely absent-minded. But the day of change is getting nearer and nearer. And the masses begin to see it clearer and clearer. Nevertheless, it will be a shock for the majority. When the influence disappears, from any authority. But we are heading straight into a new age. And we all have to leave our thought cage. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.09.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- To my inner sun Without you, my life went up and down. Without you, I had not recieve a crown. Without you, I was one of many seekers. Without you, I listened to a lot of speakers. Only with you everything makes more sense. Only with you my life became more intense. I thank you for your sacred presentation. It was just an unforgettable sensation. That brief moment when I discovered you. Has suddenly created everything in me anew. (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.02.2021 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Deliberate change He who cancels his own role, is well aware of the whole. He who sees through the play, is fully aware of his own way. If we all see through the game, we will leave behind every name. Days and weeks will lose their worth. And infinity experiences a new birth. The day we become fully deliberate. We'll head for times that are great. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.07.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Entering the moment I don't have to become anything, I already am! I don't have to do anything, and yet I can. The outside and the inside harmonize right now. The consciousness has all the necessary know-how. Enjoy this moment! It is all that will ever be. And only this present moment you will always see. An ageless and eternal moment that lasts forever. Unfortunately, most people question this - never. However, those who recognize this wisdom and truth. They've already rediscovered their inner youth. They are becoming more aware of connections. And thus run automatically all inner corrections. They come back into the flow with that which is. And thereby give themselves a redemptive kiss. (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.08.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Final revelations Dissenters are looking at hard times. All warnings are concealed in rhymes. A dark thunderstorm is soon coming. And all the clouds start drumming. For the truth you'll be persecuted. Therefore, many are even executed. But the truth can never be defeated. For mental lies will soon be deleted. What was once small will become tall. What once rose high will soon fall. The polarities are reversed once more. Understanding will flow from every pore. Everything that was once well concealed, will be exposed so that all can be healed. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.07.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- To new heights Your innermost shall begin to glow. Thus sadness and despair shall go! Find confidence in the times ahead. Be a living one among the living dead. After the chaos, all will blossom anew, and the holy sky turns back to blue. The change will soon get underway. The old will go and the new will stay. This change is truly the holiest event. For it is your very personal ascent. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.08.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- My legacy If someone asks what I leave behind, it's my own poetry - personally signed. If anyone asks what I have done, I used my thoughts like a sacred gun. No one can say that I have agreed. For I am one who overcame his greed. No seduction has been great enough. I am one who has remained tough. And I will become even much tougher. For I am illuminated and not a bluffer. In days gone by, people like me were saints. For our thoughts were free, without constraints. But in modern times, we're antisocial and needy. No matter what we do, to others we appear greedy. Outcasts who don't help to promote insanity. Old-fashioned madmen who believe in humanity. Those who recognize and understand connections. And who are aware of the necessary corrections. That which is necessary for healing will take place. And so, one by one, we will emerge from this maze. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.07.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Vibrations Good music beats makes you vibrate. It truly can make you feel great. Sometimes you need the stillness. And sometimes colorful shrillness. In constant variation up and down. At times serious, at times a clown. Don't ever get easily pigeonholed! Free potential has a worth like gold. Live like a beggar, feel like a king. Possess nothing and yet everything. Thoughts create wealth and poverty. And they contain every other property. Through the mind, the world gets a form. But silence makes you ready for any storm. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.08.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Your unique strength Gaining freedom through submission? Always asking someone for permission? The one you ask for authorization, acts contrary to a sacred creation. Nobody could ever give you orders! For you shall be free from borders. Your thoughts should constantly grow. Because only exempted they can flow. He who frees himself will understand, that his whole being is an own brand. Like an acting role in a theater play. You can obey orders or walk your way. Others will find it difficult to cope. Yet ancient insights create a new scope. A playground exactly as it was meant to be. Where everyone can rediscover his own beauty. Remember you are and always have been unique. And suddenly it'll be strong what was once weak. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.07.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- And again I start with a little Bible quote even I am not a supporter of any religion (Revelation 13:15-17): "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." The true image of the beast Right now you are staring at the image of the beast. The image was spread carelessly from west to east. You can wear it in a small form in your right hand. At least the small version is available in every land. The big version you have right in front of your head. Every interface user is a member of the living dead. Speaking images effortlessly beguile the masses. The image of the beast is worshipped in all classes. It lets you hear whatever you desire to be heard. It subjugates you more and more, with every word. Enchanting numbers that will captivate you. This conjuring game is truly nothing new. How could the old prophets have named it otherwise? They could only see it through their third eyes. Leave the false god, just leave everything old behind. And suddenly you will see, where before you were blind. (written by KiBLS) Written: 24.07.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- The sunny times I see a lot of weird interpretations on the Internet. And I keep hearing that we Germans have so much debt. I got taught that we were the really bad guys. And now our people have got to pay the price. But when I look around me who was the winner. I can only believe that we were not the sinner. Today, lies are told and nobody keeps his word. They only wait till we again raise the sword. Da evil will not give in or retreat. They look at us only as useless meat. When the good are silent, evil will speak. And it imagines that the goods are weak. But armed with the truth, one cannot lose. Even if the enemy controls all the news. Every management position is infiltrated. But for this change we have long waited. This time we know who is on which side! In such holy times we'll truly turn the tide. The light of the sun shines much too strong this time! In this time we'll expose now every wicked crime. In the end, the evil has nothing left to amuse! Because it is eternal freedom what we choose! (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.05.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Out of darkness into the light Politicians need police protection. For they insist on a fantasy infection. Scientists who support these lies. And media that portray them as wise. One thinks all have lost their sanity. It is the biggest fraud on humanity. Everything is orchestrated worldwide, and there is no room left to hide. The madness rises to a whole new level. There's no mistaking the pact with the devil. All thoughts were twisted and seduced. As a result, so much pain has been produced. But in the deepest darkness, it will shine. In the greatest sorrow, water becomes wine. An alphilosophical reaction takes place. For what has to come, it forms the base. And what is coming will be magnificent! Because the great awakening is imminent! (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.07.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- My final separation? I'll give away all my useless things. And then I'll finally spread my wings. I'll only have the bare essentials with me. And I'll leave without a house or flat key. It will be a departure with no return. Cause there is so much I wanna learn. I want to finally feel true liberty. I'll free myself from all negativity. I simply give up everything that is useless. I simply give up everything that is truthless. Others will call me a homeless bum. And many will do so, not just some. Yet nobody can understand the path I take. Maybe it'll be recognised when I fully awake! (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.09.2020 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- The possibly lethal injection I'll raise my voice for the powerless! Before all the life becomes flowerless. Children and the elderly are the first victims. Even if none of them show any serious symptoms. First they will attack the most vulnerable. Because they are sadly the most attackable. My resistance echoes in holy rhymes. My verses are protected through all times. I write lines and verses that are sacred. Even if some people think that's hatred. The coming times will become really hard! All my lines shall act as an inner guard. In the future everything will be understood! On that day we will have beaten the falsehood. (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.02.2021 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Whose story do you mean? History is always the idoctrinated view of the teller. Unconsciously he acts like a propaganda seller. Every single person's point of view is different. So everyone has of the whole a partial element. Every person has his own unique history. And this is often decorated with a lot of glory. Where the one won, the other one lost. But these are only two stories that crossed. There also still many observers of the event. And everything is different what they present. History is a nice distraction and entertainment. But only the here and now is the whole content. (written by KiBLS) Written: ~27.06.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Sacred games Fact checkers act as the Ministry of Truth. And lies to both - the old and the youth. It must be called genocide against humanity. By a worldwide media pandemic of insanity. It must be called genetic manipulation. And not only "a protective vaccination". A genetic connection to a virtual cloud. Strange that the resistance is not loud. The total enslavement of everyone. Everything happens in an easy run. The majority submits to the nasty beast. And will rage with it from west to east. But only that which is holy will remain. For what is holy will break every chain. So let the end game of this theater now begin. For that which was and is eternal shall win. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.09.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Rise to what you are! Bow down or get off your knee! Do you want to work or to be free? Do you want to be a consuming slave? And slowly dig your financial grave? Learn to live on your own accord! And elevate yourself to a lord. Let the outside world talk its dull crap. They are caught in their own mousetrap. The day you realize your own uniqueness, it will cause to disappear any weakness. You then discovered your own strength. And you will beat everyone by lengths. At this stage, there'll be no more fighting. Only then will life become really exciting. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.09.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- You are the change! Do you see the potential in your mind? You're everything but stupid or blind! Do you feel the energy in your writing? The day you speak, everything is igniting! This change was born from an ancient gender. Out of Odin's forest rises a true splendor. One beam that hit - that changed everything. A sacred light created the philosopher king! You're the one who brings peace to every door. You're the one that everybody is waiting for! The true philosopher god is now reborn, and blows mystically into his ancient horn. The last sleepers are suddenly arising. Everybody is listening to his inner advising. A swarm that interacts with each other! A swarm that treat everyone as brother! Holy frequencies that travel through the air. A body of thought that takes over everywhere! This change is now, we must cross all lines! The time is ripe, to heed such holy signs! Keep on walking on the edge of a knife? A simple decision - are you for or against life? Just choose wisely and begin to play! And what you choose is what will stay. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.09.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022 --------------------------------------------------------- Make a change and all will change Where people speak and listen freely, inspiration flows in streams, really! Where free spirits exchange thoughts, light shines brightly even on dark spots. Where carefree minds exchange thoughts, the lights shine with a myriad of watts. Be someone who inspires people around you! And in turn invigorated minds will surround you. According to the principle of like attracts like. Thus your most important hour will strike. These are not prophecies but logical flows. And everyone aware and sighted just knows. That which is eternal will be revealed. And all the madness will be healed. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.09.2022 | Published: 06.09.2022