Birth pangs of the new time Written by: KiBLS Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 E-Book: Number 29 Written: 2020-2023 Book language: English Origin language: English Contains: 34 Poems Format: TXT with separator line Overview (1) Number Title 01. The planned recurrence 02. The repetitive new old 03. Heroes of the Heart 04. Dystopian hellscape 05. Unstoppable change 06. Calmness and clarity 07. New gates, new ways 08. Material cravings 09. Birth pangs of the new age 10. Planned tragedies 11. Manipulative language 12. Religious fanaticism 13. Truth vs. lies 14. Unpleasant 15. Mulled feelings 16. I am all that and more 17. The value of...? 18. The great upheaval 19. Be special 20. A light in the dark 21. Go your way! 22. Know your reality 23. A clear indication 24. Go to the next level! 25. Everyone is equal? 26. Master of the elements Overview (2) Number Title 27. A new tale 28. Transitions of eternity 29. Money, greed and sorrow 30. Self-responsibility 31. Free liquid upgrade 32. Know your uniqueness in totality 33. Down and up, up and down 34. The supreme art --------------------------------------------------------- The planned recurrence Again, a military build-up is taking place. For peace, however, it was a futile chase. Again, ready to slaughter for the authority. Regardless of the opinion of the majority. Killing in the name of the great reset. With the outcome of innumerable dead. There would be so many reasonable souls. But the money-rulers pursue other goals. Someone sensible wouldn't want to rule others. Rather, he would treat them as equal brothers. But madness rules through money and fear. Although the solution is so close and clear. Self-responsibility, self-reliant, independent. These are characteristics that shine resplendent. Adhere only to what seems genuine to you. Thus you can create miracles out of the blue. This is how we will change the world together. And in this way we'll continue to thrive forever. (written by KiBLS) Written: 29.01.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- The repetitive new old All the old things are breaking down, while new things are not yet tangible. The current rulers lose their crown. Thus something new can grow and is expandable. Mystical and mysterious in the past. Not understandable to the masses. But these times have now passed. For light falls in spite of sun glasses. It dazzles people, because it is so bright. For a long time it was extremely darkened. But now it shines again the most divine light. And thus, that which is, has been hardened. No religion is stronger than the truth. No lie is more powerful than the true. It draws its circles first among the youth. Everything begins with a renewed view. And therefore we bury the old. To give birth to something new. As we fulfill what has been foretold. Everything begins right now in you. (written by KiBLS) Written: 25.01.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Heroes of the Heart When finally the chaff separates from the wheat, it'll show which hearts still have a real beat. The process drags true fighters into the spotlight. They're aware that they've to face a hard fight. However, they are self-confident and full of trust. By sheer force of mind, they shake off their dust. Their hearts blaze with fire. For everyone unmissable. For them, the reality bends. And they're indivisible. Their minds vibrate in harmony with their hearts. This enables them to master all the supreme arts. As they stand up to the world, with their heads held high, They are the new born heroes, who will never die! (written by KiBLS) Written: 31.01.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Dystopian hellscape Devils in suits live very pleasant. But it does not reflect the present. A handful controls all the riches. And treat the rest like little bitches. On the one hand is extreme poverty. In the other hand, all the property. On the one side, nothing is given to you. On the other side, you get everything new. A hypocritical society we are living in. It's our energy that we've to bring in. But the turning point is imminent. Beatified will be all the innocent. And just as the poles are once more turning. In most people the holy fire starts burning. This is how the change is finally achieved. Thus, a new reality can already be perceived. (written by KiBLS) Written: 31.01.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Unstoppable change Never before have morons been so well recognised. They're the ones who have their faces disguised. Utterly subservient slaves and naive imbeciles. They serve only corrupt and unscrupulous criminals. What a madness that takes place in front of my eyes. The vast majority serve and propagate ineffable lies. How can the whole of humanity be so incredibly dumb? And how can these lies be seen through - only by some? All the people take their lethal injection voluntarily. Just so that they feel safer and better temporarily. What does it take for humanity to finally awaken? How much more do people actually need to be shaken? I hereby leave my message for later generations. That they may build a society on different foundations. Don't let yourselves be poisoned and betrayed by each other. Instead, treat the one closest to you as a beloved brother. Together make sure that old crimes are not repeated. This will be the day when falsehood has been defeated. It's sad that I probably won't have the chance to see it. But that day will inevitably come, I guarantee it. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.02.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Calmness and clarity Meditation creates new neural connections, and simultaneously run inner corrections. Therefore, in tranquility lies the power. He who discovers this heralds a new hour. The own perception is formed thereby anew. So that one can recognize again the true. In stillness all thoughts can find a way, towards solutions that are here to stay. A calm mind brings fresh clarity and peace, and the wisdom to realize what doesn’t cease. For the power of meditation is strong and true, It can help you to find your way through. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.02.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- New gates, new ways When one door closes behind you for good. One often becomes aware of where one stood. Recognizing the end of a path is like an art. Thus, one might recognize the new start. But if one door closes, many new ones appear. Enter a new one with trust and without fear. And it doesn't matter which door you choose. Trust that it'll be the right, so you can't lose. New doors are always full of new possibilities. For your new path you've already all utilities. And thus the old is superseded by the new. That in the end you can recognise the true. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.02.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Material cravings We may acquire useless things. And grovel before fancy kings. We have revolutionized slavery. Over the ages, a true knavery. We all live in our golden cages. As well as we act on many stages. We receive colorful paper slips, and also get some vacation trips. We will maintain this normality, if we won't realize its bestiality. Everyone must become self-aware. Or this world will make us despair. Everyone has to think about it. And no one may any longer submit. Those who wants to be controlled, sell themselves for papers and gold. But the caterpillar merely leaves its cocoon. Likewise, we'll realize our own change soon. Like a rainbow after a rain shower. We suddenly notice our unique hour. The real thing has always been around. And suddenly is free what was before bound. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.02.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Birth pangs of the new age Toxic substances that vibrate under radio waves. Already have been injected into servile slaves. This is how the next pandemic is created. Because 5G radiation is not being debated. So many people will fall down in the streets. As soon there is a resonance for 5G beats. So many different symptoms and effects. A true health dictatorship is coming next. Artificially created epidemics rage everywhere, and cries of war are flying through the air. That's the way to justify any insane action. To give mainstream believers satisfaction. They are creating an artificial pandemic, to inflame by force their fake polemic. But these are the birth pangs of the new age. That humanity can break out of its golden cage. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.02.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Planned tragedies Vaccine side effects are the new pandemic. This global fraud is intentional and systemic. The underlying goal is an artificial revolution, by offering their planned, ready-made solution. When the sheep awake, the media will steer them. They will compete for every unnecessary item. All sense and reason was lost a long time ago. In their neighbour they only see another foe. The chaff will be separated from the wheat. That way one can see whose heart still has a beat. In the end, what was prophesied will come true. And all this has its origins with me and you. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.02.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Manipulative language Every word is a manipulation you send out. Whether it is confident or full of doubt. With the word the contradiction is created! And these contradictions are then debated. With every word, there is further division. This does not require a conscious decision. Language can heal but it can also destroy. It can cause suffering but also a lot of joy. Consider what you are using your words for. And don't sell your creativity like a whore. Use all your words wisely and intelligently. This is how your language becomes elegantly. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.02.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Religious fanaticism A god who demands sacrifices shall be fine? Words and deeds will form the hidden signs. Ignorance and oblivion is the true blasphemy. Like a denial of the true allphilosophy! People have been deceived and very misguided. For they have been constantly further divided. They mentally cling to old and phony scriptures. And are afraid of foreign thought pictures. Always listening only to external preachers? Those who pretend to be sanctified teachers? Sense or contradictions are not recognized. By blind faith, everything alien is demonized. How could such blind faith ever be healed? If it's ignored everything that is revealed? That which is still hidden becomes apparent. And the building of lies becomes transparent. It's your task to discern the signs of the times. Currently they are still hidden in sacred rhymes. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.02.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Truth vs. lies We live in truly insane and corrupt times. One can observe at every corner crimes. The promoted stupidity shows its effects, one doesn't even pay attention to all aspects. Simulated viruses generated on computers, and regime changes by help of sharpshooters. Wars are instigated with emotional lies. And from TV you only get brainless advice. It is impossible to believe all the insanity. It seems like the darkest time of humanity. But the change of consciousness is taking place. Both polarities are involved in a daredevil race. Who wins is completely clear in the end. Because many will master their own ascent. And just as one monkey learns from the next, it becomes obvious that the true is not complex. (written by KiBLS) Written: 05.02.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Unpleasant Having contact with people you don't enjoy. Surround yourself with them? For what reason? To serve them as a preferred gossip toy? For yourself, it's like a poisonous treason. An illusion of attachment hampers you. Useless traditions must be finally broken. To let the old glamour resplendent anew. Until the day the truth was spoken. The words will find each other and flow. The mind must first attune itself to the new. That is the way you will ultimately grow. Destiny happens no matter what you do. The old will despise you as it passes away. It is impossible to please everyone. Yet by doing so, you'll show others the way. Rise against injustice in the name of the sun. That which is old will soon disappear. And what is even older will awaken again. Proceed on your way without fear. And your journey will not be in vain. (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.01.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Mulled feelings There is no reason to feel bad. Destiny evolves to make you glad. Trust that call and its direction. It merely opens up a new section. When a chapter is coming to a close, it raises an inner tension for new shows. What happens must happen in this way. Just as a night will be followed by a day. Just be calm and have confidence, thus you will take your own dominance. (written by KiBLS) Written: 22.01.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- I am all that and more I am peaceful and I am order. I am free without any border. I am what is - without a limit. I am conscious in every minute. I am part of you and you of me. When we realize that, we are free. Then all boundaries become blurred. And that which is true can be heard. We will then tread our common path. And behind us we leave all the wrath. Together we are rewriting our history. And thus we uncover the last mystery. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.01.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- The value of...? Not until something has been lost, one recognizes its true cost. When the self-evident is gone, It is the loss - that has won. But something you have never owned, could at no time be abandoned. Therefore, every loss is only illusion. Just as all property is only a delusion. Everything is in constant transition. Recognizing this is a sacred mission. (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.01.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- The great upheaval The caterpillar passes away, and the butterfly will stay. The egg will eventually break, and a young chick will awake. The old will simply disappear. And the new is already near. A true splendor will just arise. The old makes room for a new size. Transition happens without incident. The awakening, however, is imminent. (written by KiBLS) Written: 16.01.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Be special A sighted man among the blind, one who speaks among the deaf. Among all the crazy ones, one is kind. Among the dead, one still has breath. He speaks the truth and no one hears. He lives the true and no one sees. And in such a way there pass the years. He could solve the mosaic with ease. No one wants to know the answers, everyone thinks he's a hypocrite. He'd be just one of those dream dancers. Of wisdom no one wants to benefit. Everyone just wants the quick buck. Everyone thinks only of themselves. The general public, they give a fuck. They seek truth in contentless bookshelves. They are wasting their precious life time, with meaningless content they fill their brains. The majority doesn't recognize a sacred rhyme. And toxic nanotech flows through their veins. Their suffering is completely redefined. Redemption becomes out of reach for the majority. For the true and redeeming they are blind. Therefore, they submit to the most brazen authority. But many still recognize the light in the darkness. They are the ones who create everything anew. They recognize the shadows in all their sharpness. In all adverse circumstances, they stand for the true. (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.11.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- A light in the dark I go to places where I am most needed. I go to places where no one has yet seeded. No matter how gloomy a cave appears. I'll enter deep into it with loud cheers. I will plant seeds of confidence and delight. For I carry within me the greatest might. And even under the most gloomy condition, I'll follow my heart to fulfill my mission. And in the darkest darkness my seeds sprouts. Exactly where before there were only doubts. Because the inner light begins to blaze. To lead me out of this endless maze. I always go on, intuitively in one direction. And thereby running all the inner corrections. An inner change that is taking place. To put an end to my futile chase. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.11.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Go your way! You will discover what was believed hidden. You will cross the line that was forbidden. You will bring about the longed-for change. Even you will find it completely strange. Every wise and knowing one will support you! Everywhere you go you will meet the true. Real warriors will rise up in your name. To finally put an end to that evil game. Your path will lead to where you need to go. When it is needed, your innermost will glow. Continue on your way without hesitation. And unleash in you the greatest sensation. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.12.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Know your reality You are the reason behind the thought. You represent something cold and hot. You are not just a drop in the ocean. You're the totality of water in motion. The paradise is where you are walking. And truth is where your voice is talking. Reality is creating itself around you. Wherever you go, it creates something new. Unimaginable it remains only for a while. Once it is imaginable, it grows a smile. Then you will see through what is real. And what you label as sick will heal. Everything does not have to make sense yet. But reality and you harmonize like a duet. (written by KiBLS) Written: 14.12.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- A clear indication As long as your mind is constantly engaged, your consciousness will remain just caged. Mentally active around the clock without rest, to be present in idleness is your holy quest. Your search could find its end here and now. This is something that only you can allow. Grant your own mind to rest and just to wait. Thus you will pass through the longed-for gate. You have already experienced where the exit is. It is connected to what your objective is. (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.10.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Go to the next level! Trapped between colorful, weird pictures. Despite many trend-setting scriptures. With the exit right in front of your nose. Only you alone determine where it goes. Once you realize your own responsibility, you will unleash every needed capacity. The little spark ignites into a large flame, and it begins a new level in your game. You are free to determine your own score, for that's how you push open your new door. (written by KiBLS) Written: 27.11.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Everyone is equal? Although every human being is unique, conforming sameness is what many seek. Everyone should submit to the same rules. In fact, all geniuses as well as the fools. But how can a small shoe fit for everyone? If it is too small, it will hurt to run. And how can one develop under paternalism? It's absurd, like illusory freedom in fascism. Everyone is unique with his personal view, that's why everyone needs his individual shoe. Anything that doesn't fit you, you have to quit. So just take off those shoes that don't fit. (written by KiBLS) Written: 24.11.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Master of the elements My body is just connected with everything. It's ancient, sacred knowledge that I bring. I am part of everything in existence. I rise above any illusionary distance. I can not only set the winds in motion. I can create hurricanes on the ocean. I can not only heat simple objects. I can create flames like special effects. I blur the boundaries of the conceivable. Even if the majority finds it unbelievable. The change of times is now in full swing. Just listen to how the inner voice will sing. (written by KiBLS) Written: 23.11.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- A new tale The old story is drawing to a close. It is a new beginning where it goes. That which perishes is built anew. The old fades and it opens a new view. Old things will blossom once again. Fumes are disappearing in the rain. Shackled thoughts were set free. And drops just mingled in the sea. The twisted poles have been corrected. And the whole world was thereby affected. Where one story ended, a new one began. It simply became part in the history of Man. (written by KiBLS) Written: 06.11.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Transitions of eternity Some came to leave, others to stay. Some came to find their own way. Some came to see, some came to do. Some came to bring something new. So many have come and gone already. But only this eternal moment is steady. It appears in a form of eternal transition. And yet stays always in the same position. Our awareness alone can perceive it. Some do not suspect it and some believe it. Many know, and even more are aware. It is wisdom that exudes an unique flair. (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.10.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Money, greed and sorrow One lives comfortably at someone else's expense. Without restraints, one takes even the last cents. That's how one shows one's mendacious success. And denies his subordinates the same monetary access. The whole society is mendacious and fornicating. And for the oppression they expect a good rating. How hypocritical can you get with this delusion? One's own prosperity and success - pure illusion! For enough imagined values and illusionary power, they would even sacrifice their last remaining hour. An unimaginable pitiful downfall is what I can see. Oh, how all this lying and hypocrisy disgusts me. The change will cost bitter tears and despair. What waits on the horizon is a hellish affair. But the vultures have to go through this pain. Because if not, all their suffering was in vain. Just like a little child gets burned by a flame. In retrospect, one becomes aware of the game. (written by KiBLS) Written: 29.10.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Self-responsibility I act always emotionlessly, but never unscrupulously. I control all of my dealings. And all of my inner feelings. For others this seems strange. But that is part of change. Tell me why should I feel bad, if I can decide if I am sad? Why should I feel charity? I prefer to think with clarity! But that does not imply, that I wouldn't help another guy! When I am needed I try to assist. And thereby I act like a recidivist. No one has to tell me what is right or wrong. Because I am independent and also strong. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.12.2020 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Free liquid upgrade Data with the highest validity. Are transmitted by the air humidity. Informations, which have absolute priority, are approved by the highest authority. About any kind of obstructions, Being distributed - new instructions. The basic programming is changed. The entire system becomes re-arranged. All thoughtframes will improve subsequently. Thus the whole life will develope really friendly. (written by KiBLS) Written: 17.04.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Know your uniqueness in totality Some lie so much that the beams bend, and others dance to set to it an end. As if any of the rulers would care. Or recognise his error and play fair. As if pigs beg the butcher for mercy. They think there's a little controversy. Unaware that their end is truly near. They hold up protest placards and cheer. Others are gearing up for the next war. While the toxins ooze out of every pore. One can no longer believe the insanity. It seems that it has infected the hole humanity. Everyone is looking for someone to listen to. Without realizing that no one has a clue. But if someone wants this madness to escape, he must first apply his very own handbrake. For as long as one is still externally controlled, one is also still for sale in exchange for gold. Only those who act on their own responsibility, will stop their own richly decorated servility. These are the incorruptible ones, holy masters! These are the true and saintly forecasters. (written by KiBLS) Written: 03.09.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Down and up, up and down An inescapable path, is paved with wrath. Many fights will rage. It will break the cage. That darkness reigns. But light breaks chains. A sudden hope appears. Its price: bitter tears. Both sides in a delusion. In the face of confusion. The utter peak is reached. When the truth is preached. Silence falls on the drums. Thus redemption comes. From the ashes rises, miracles in all sizes. The new age begins, free from harmful sins. Since we passed the door. Life blossoms once more. (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.09.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023 --------------------------------------------------------- The supreme art True success is not about making millions, or governing and commanding civilians. True success is to be free of needs. Free from mental urges and deeds. The master of his own will and mind. This is how true freedom is defined. The end of all these material yearnings. And the renunciation of all your earnings. Just be satisfied without any wishes. Be able to fish and yet spare the fishes. Those who finish their quest during their lives, will be granted access to the sacred archives. (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.09.2022 | Published: 20.02.2023