On the road of cognition At the expense of many little ones who are crying over there on the ground. Every single drop of bitter tears, I will enjoy while i drink my cool beer. I am so endlessly full of pure fortune, Getting richer all the time - piece by piece! At the expense of the many poor fools, I always drive the newest cars! This life is like a hypocritical paradise! For me so beautiful - and only for other lousy? (written by KiBLS) Written: 20.06.2012 | Published: 2019 License information: Title: On the road of cognition, Author: KiBLS, Book: 02, Poem: 25, Source: https://kibls.neocities.org/ License: CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.