Test thoughts PCR Tests with an error rate of 80 percent? Ok, let’s assume 50 it will still misrepresent! So if we just keep daily testing more and more, we’ll have many errors and a totally false score. And now you have to read it again to get it! Sick or not, every second test becomes a false hit! People sway many times between positive and negative, but it’s all backed by “science”, a powerful sedative. And now imagine if we'd force such erroneous tests. So, without sick people we'll have again house arrests! If we keep testing with such faulty tools. We'll continue to be taken for sad little fools. So we can keep playing the virus game forever. But the whole plan is not really clever! Times are dawning where no one knows fear! This change began already right now and here! This virus part of their final rotten game. As all lies fall apart they will look to place blame. Scapegoats will emerge who will soon be dispensed. Try to rob the world’s people of true recompense. But soon, this façade will be stripped clean away! As we’ll use, not them, what’s in our DNA. We'll transmutate every cell into a genetic king! We know that this is the most essential thing. Which screams aloud freedom whatever the cost, then they will know they have finally lost. (written by KiBLS and Bart23) Written: 29.06.2020 | Published: 11.07.2020 License information: Title: Test thoughts, Authors: KiBLS and Bart23, Book: 18, Poem: 21, Source: https://kibls.neocities.org/ License: CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.