The Resonance of Resistance The radiation is now increasing sharply. And you can only escape it hardly. The poison is getting more and more. It penetrates into every single pore. Propaganda is getting bolder and bolder. And Big data is creating a big folder. This all works together efficiently. And together they form a large industry. They see big business opportunities. As they devastate our communities. They assume the right to act magisterial, and view us all as their raw material. Slaves that should be cast in a beastly mould, just like products to be bought and sold. But they’re unaware it’s a wasted campaign! Human spirits are impossible to constrain! Our essence will vibrate on a higher sphere, and thus we end the game with the currency of fear. (written by KiBLS and Bart23) Written: 13.09.2020 | Published: 18.09.2020 License information: Title: The Resonance of Resistance, Authors: KiBLS and Bart23, Book: 18, Poem: 31, Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.