The end of the storm In turbulent times, you must keep the peace! No matter how much the storms will increase. Those bitter gusts of inner fear and disruption. Seek to carve out a path of death and destruction. But when ill winds are blowing, stand firm and strong. As this bad tempest will not prevail for very long. You are sheltered by truth, it will offer protection, It'll shine as a light through this darkest deception. Like a lighthouse of hope where tribes will unite, To bring a new dawn from this blackest of night. As one, we will forge a brand new foundation, Then it will begin the true transformation. (written by KiBLS and Bart23) Written: 24.03.2021 | Published: 25.03.2021 License information: Title: The end of the storm, Authors: KiBLS and Bart23, Book: 18, Poem: 38, Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.