Day of Judgement By enlightenment you'll see suddenly clear. By enlightenment you'll dissolve any fear. The process can take a very long time. But it'll accelerate with a honest rhyme. The times we live in seems to be wild. Rulers act at the level of a little child. Authorities abuse their power at every level. And officials have made a deal with the devil. Everything good was turned into the other side. And this madness was happening worldwide. Nowadays gangsters are adored and celebrated, And lies and corruption are nicely decorated. When you once have heard all the lies, only the truth remains and flies! In times when everything is falling apart. You just have to listen to your heart! Then no one will ever dupe you again. That's how you'll break your old chain. Then you can live after your desire. And that's how you'll expose every liar. The final judgment will then be made. And every promised bill will be paid. (written by KiBLS) Written: 26.07.2020 | Published: 21.09.2020 License information: Title: Day of Judgement, Author: KiBLS, Book: 19, Poem: 23, Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.