Eternal black sun Attention! Please lock all of you up at home! Please lock yourselves in your lying dome. Just do it, even if it sounds scary. From now only go outside if necessary! And please put on your muzzle as a sign! Do not talk to anyone! Yeah, that's fine! Here comes the second wave of my philosophy! It's now pouring over the world - my psychopathy. I've found out that none of you have a clue! Most people just talk crap out of the blue. Old religions have received at least the essence! So one sees the divine still shows its presence! Sacred texts and symbols are falsified and abused! And all those inhuman crimes can hardly be excused! The light of the opened water jug acted as signing. Face the golden age! The black sun is already shining! It shines like never before thanks to cosmic forces! With the pulling power of more than a million horses! It tears apart old lies and heralds the golden age! It releases the holy truth and reason from its cage. (written by KiBLS) Written: 30.07.2020 | Published: 22.09.2020 License information: Title: Eternal black sun, Author: KiBLS, Book: 19, Poem: 24, Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.