Up to the top I rise above all the harmful radiation. I am the inventor of this narration! I will turn the tide and every fate. I will pass through the holiest gate. Which illusion wants to prevent this? And who could ever act against this? No poison in the world has enough potency! My thoughts work with the greatest efficiency! Clear the top because I'm coming! You can hear my mind already humming. (written by KiBLS) Written: 01.10.2020 | Published: 22.10.2020 License information: Title: Up to the top, Author: KiBLS, Book: 21, Poem: 12, Source: https://kibls.neocities.org/ License: CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.