Understanding terminology Ascension is an old term, but what is in its germ? It has nothing to do with a trip! But that's just my personal tip. It's difficult to surpass ridiculousness, to achieve it with any meticulousness. When you leave the mundane, and overcome illusionary pain. When you behold the divine, and discover the inner shrine. When the theater play will end. And you can no longer bend. But how could one explain it? If you can't simply obtain it? There is no real proof or award. When the unknown was explored. (written KiBLS) Written: 14.12.2020 | Published: 19.12.2020 License information: Title: Understanding terminology, Author: KiBLS, Book: 22, Poem: 18, Source: https://kibls.neocities.org/ License: CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.