Choose your cycle! Always produce, consume and recycle. That is our modern economic cycle. No one questions the madness. But many feel that sadness. As a producer you see only digits. You miss in between connecting bridges. It can be hard to recognise the humour, as long as I'm forced to be a consumer. What is consumed is ultimately recycled. And everywhere it is as free life titled. We don't know any other way of life. Or anything else for which we strive. Some only realise at the end of their days, that they have not gone their own ways. Even their dreams were not their own. They sold them for becoming a drone. Considering all this, why should you wait? Live your own dreams before it's too late! Times are changing, so do the same! This is how we'll start a new game. (written KiBLS) Written: 04.01.2021 | Published: 22.01.2021 License information: Title: Choose your cycle!, Author: KiBLS, Book: 22, Poem: 32, Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.