Get rid of your fear! Do you want to live with fears forever? And question established things never? Do you want to let your mind be abused? And thus your own potential lie unused? Then start questioning the things! And start sorting out the strings. It's hard work untying these knots! to do so you must re-learn a lot! Unlearn too, the lies you were told, to keep your soul from being sold. Put away your fears and face the truth. And of your sacred mind, make a use! Together we can tear down walls. So in the end every evil mask falls. (written by KiBLS and Izzari) Written: 17.02.2021 | Published: 18.02.2021 License information: Title: Get rid of your fear!, Authors: KiBLS and Izzari, Book: 23, Poem: 07, Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.