Prepare yourself! What's coming up is really badass! And it will affect every class. Prepare and learn while you can! Don't just memorize the evil plan. How to filter water, what can you eat? And how do you feel truly complete? Learn how diseases can be cured. And how your health can be secured. Forget the money, it will be of no use, unless it's the vaccination you choose. Live where you're and where you're going. This is how you grow an inner knowing. Prepare yourself extensively for the coming, for many hear the sacred melodies humming. (written by KiBLS) Written: 21.03.2021 | Published: 22.03.2021 License information: Title: Prepare yourself!, Author: KiBLS, Book: 24, Poem: 26, Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.