Choose inner freedom! Whether you should vote blue or yellow. Whoever fakes a choice isn't a good fellow. No person could ever force me to consent, It is a point of how much I could not bend. If I am forced to choose the option a or b. Then I choose the number one hundred three. First it sounds crazy but it's your own choice. Don't choose but give your inner self a voice. Choose what you yourself set as a possibility, and draw your innermost thereby into visibility. True change has always come from deep within. So show the world the inside and start to win! (written by KiBLS) Written: 11.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 License information: Title: Choose inner freedom!, Author: KiBLS, Book: 26, Poem: 27, Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.