Your rise or decay? Are you ready to lose your friends? Because that's the way how it ends. The majority of them will be vaccinated. By propaganda lies they are fascinated. As an unvaccinated you'll be ostracized. You will be persecuted and despised. The true separation begins this way. Gradually, each single mind will decay. They think a single prick and it's done. They think in this way they'd have won. It's impossible to convince them now. To authorities they'd anything allow. The doomed society will cast you out. That is what this is all about. This bondaged society will cast you out. Total control is what this is all about. It's easier to live without a dissenting voice. The majority has already made this choice. So prepare yourself to get out of the race! Untouched nature is the only safe place. And while everything around you falls apart. Be wise and embark on your holy new start. Like a dandelion breaking through concrete. One day you too will break open the street. Just as the new life grows after birth. You'll become a walking gift on earth. Nothing will be able to restrict you then. Because the history repeats itself again. (written by KiBLS) Written: 18.05.2021 | Published: ~2021 License information: Title: Your rise or decay?, Author: KiBLS, Book: 26, Poem: 36, Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.