Dominion Democracy is fascism of the majority. And it's suppression of the minority. As long as you follow as a servile minion, you're free to propagate your own opinion. But only within justifiable limitations. Without revealing these hidden Relations. Of course, today we do not have democracy. Today we are organizing a real ideocracy. The modern management of people livestock. About such dirty facts you must not talk. You get to choose which party oppresses you. And for the good behavior - who blesses you. Completely delusional, it is called liberty. And all are proud of a fabricated history. From freedom, all systems of rule are far away. All of them oppress the people, whatever you say. Self responsibility - nobody ever knows. Thereby the solution would be so close. (written by KiBLS) Written: 08.09.2021 | Published: 2022 License information: Title: Dominion, Author: KiBLS, Book: 27, Poem: 33, Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.