Material cravings We may acquire useless things. And grovel before fancy kings. We have revolutionized slavery. Over the ages, a true knavery. We all live in our golden cages. As well as we act on many stages. We receive colorful paper slips, and also get some vacation trips. We will maintain this normality, if we won't realize its bestiality. Everyone must become self-aware. Or this world will make us despair. Everyone has to think about it. And no one may any longer submit. Those who wants to be controlled, sell themselves for papers and gold. But the caterpillar merely leaves its cocoon. Likewise, we'll realize our own change soon. Like a rainbow after a rain shower. We suddenly notice our unique hour. The real thing has always been around. And suddenly is free what was before bound. (written by KiBLS) Written: 02.02.2023 | Published: 20.02.2023 License information: Title: Material cravings, Author: KiBLS, Book: 29, Poem: 08, Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Feel free to share this textfile as is. All License conditions are met.